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Why do I think it's a scam?

Mostly because public consideration of alternative views is simply not allowed. If you don't parrot the accepted lines you're a denier and people will attempt to discredit or silence you. There is compelling evidence that what we are experiencing is largely due to the natural cycles of the planet... I don't deny we've had an impact, to do so would be foolish at best, but I don't believe the situation is as terminal as it's being painted to be.

For the majority of people, it needs to be seen as an imminent major catastrophe. Anything else and they won't accept the changes that are being foisted on us. As @UNG says, this is another means of controlling us. We've just demonstrated how much we're willing to accept if it's for the greater good over the last couple of years and it's scary how readily people simply stopped doing many of the things we take for granted.

There's a whole bunch of stuff that I'm not going to talk about publicly because to be fair a lot of it makes you sound like a crazy when you say it. I'll probably post in The Arms with a few of the things I'm trying to keep track of.

Who gains?

Financiers and people selling products and services that are seen as climate friendly. Certainly not us, the everyday prole on the street... we stand to loose everything.
This 100% . Most accept the "narrative" dished out .
Mostly because public consideration of alternative views is simply not allowed.

An unfortunate situation with many issues in this day and age. There is no middle ground and you're either right or a conspiracy theorist. I'm not sure when it became unacceptable to ask reasonable questions, but in the past it was very much encouraged of people to question that which they did not fully understand.
An unfortunate situation with many issues in this day and age. There is no middle ground and you're either right or a conspiracy theorist. I'm not sure when it became unacceptable to ask reasonable questions, but in the past it was very much encouraged of people to question that which they did not fully understand.
Same as those that claim 99% of GP's have no more of a clue about covid than clever people who spent hours and hours researching it over the last 2 years
An unfortunate situation with many issues in this day and age. There is no middle ground and you're either right or a conspiracy theorist. I'm not sure when it became unacceptable to ask reasonable questions, but in the past it was very much encouraged of people to question that which they did not fully understand.

My feeling is that this change has been a long time coming and it is part of the problem with much of what is wrong with society today. We can no longer engage in reasonable discussion around sensitive topics because as you say, you're either right or you're a racist, xenophobe, sexist, misogynist, conspiracy theorist etc. etc. etc.

I chat a lot with clients and a couple them who have kids have expressed dismay and great concern that their children are no longer open to discussion about certain topics... topics where the kids understanding is significantly skewed towards the narratives presented in the main stream media. When alternative view points are put to them, they are rejected out of hand and the conversation ends. They are, for the most part, totally closed boxes, who's entire outlook on politics and society has been established. They aren't being taught how to think... they are being taught what to think and that is the possibly the biggest issue we face, that and the division that identity politics is causing.
What the green zealots don't mention is that CO2 levels had been declining for millennia... had they continued unabated, they would have reached the magic level at which there wasn't enough to sustain plant life and the planet would have died. If you go back to the most verdant period of earths history, CO2 was at levels around 6000ppm... we're panicking about them being over 400ppm? Evidence shows the planet is greener now than it was 30 years ago and that this is a result of increasing CO2 levels... this is good for us because more CO2 has a huge impact on plant life... it grows bigger, faster and is more resilient to drought events (all of this information is out there in peer reviewed papers, but hey... it's not the official narrative so it doesn't get air time).

Like wise, temperatures.... in geological terms, the industrial revolution is a heart beat for the planet and yes, there is no doubt we have had a minor impact on temperatures, but in the grand scheme of things, the earth is not at it's hottest. It is at the tail end of an ice age so it's stands to reason that the cycle which has been going on for millennia is continuing and it will continue to get warmer (the reasons for this are mainly due to orbital cycles of various astronomical bodies).

Wild fires... the scientific suggests that the area burned annually is actually decreasing if you look at longer term, likewise for serious weather events... the trend is actually downwards. But that's not the impression you get from the scaremongering media.

Sure, we need to cut back on fossil fuels and retain them for things such as plastics, but from an electricity generating perspective, the sensible course of action would have been to build more nuclear... long term it's the cleanest, safest, most energy dense form
of power generation we have... but again, the green zealots have done a number and scared everyone. In it's history, hydroelectric power has killed more people than nuclear and I think deaths resulting from accidents involving renewables is higher as well.

It's all a big scam and if it continues there is a very real chance it will bankrupt the country.
they’ve built an industry around it and won’t stop now….😁

they’ve built an industry around it and won’t stop now….😁

Agreed, there are a lot of grifters in a lot of different lines of work these days... race relations, feminism, the gender thing... what ever would they do if we all just got along... which we could quite easily if instead of focusing on our differences we focused on what we have in common.
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What the green zealots don't mention is that CO2 levels had been declining for millennia... had they continued unabated, they would have reached the magic level at which there wasn't enough to sustain plant life and the planet would have died. If you go back to the most verdant period of earths history, CO2 was at levels around 6000ppm... we're panicking about them being over 400ppm? Evidence shows the planet is greener now than it was 30 years ago and that this is a result of increasing CO2 levels... this is good for us because more CO2 has a huge impact on plant life... it grows bigger, faster and is more resilient to drought events (all of this information is out there in peer reviewed papers, but hey... it's not the official narrative so it doesn't get air time).

Like wise, temperatures.... in geological terms, the industrial revolution is a heart beat for the planet and yes, there is no doubt we have had a minor impact on temperatures, but in the grand scheme of things, the earth is not at it's hottest. It is at the tail end of an ice age so it's stands to reason that the cycle which has been going on for millennia is continuing and it will continue to get warmer (the reasons for this are mainly due to orbital cycles of various astronomical bodies).

Wild fires... the scientific suggests that the area burned annually is actually decreasing if you look at longer term, likewise for serious weather events... the trend is actually downwards. But that's not the impression you get from the scaremongering media.

Sure, we need to cut back on fossil fuels and retain them for things such as plastics, but from an electricity generating perspective, the sensible course of action would have been to build more nuclear... long term it's the cleanest, safest, most energy dense form
of power generation we have... but again, the green zealots have done a number and scared everyone. In it's history, hydroelectric power has killed more people than nuclear and I think deaths resulting from accidents involving renewables is higher as well.

It's all a big scam and if it continues there is a very real chance it will bankrupt the country.
I vote sparkychick for PM
I think SC is spot on, the green agenda is a good thing for me though as im heavily into renewables and ev.
It amazes me that people spend 8-10k on battery storage to save a several hundred a year in electric!
Sold a 10kwh ac coupled system to a guy this week so he can charge using off peak electric rates at 7.5p per kwh and then during day avoid importing from grid. His pay back period assuming prices stay same is nearly 8 years. I was honest and said i dont think its worth the outlay but he says he feels like he has to set an example to his granddaughters and help protect the environment!!! Its like a cult where all reason is lost.
At the end of the day if folks want this kit i am happy to install it and make the money.
Lithium ion batteriy production isnt very green either!
I think SC is spot on, the green agenda is a good thing for me though as im heavily into renewables and ev.
It amazes me that people spend 8-10k on battery storage to save a several hundred a year in electric!
Sold a 10kwh ac coupled system to a guy this week so he can charge using off peak electric rates at 7.5p per kwh and then during day avoid importing from grid. His pay back period assuming prices stay same is nearly 8 years. I was honest and said i dont think its worth the outlay but he says he feels like he has to set an example to his granddaughters and help protect the environment!!! Its like a cult where all reason is lost.
At the end of the day if folks want this kit i am happy to install it and make the money.
Lithium ion batteriy production isnt very green either!

Nothing helps protect the environment like huge increases in the mining of lithium, nickel, cobalt, manganese, tantalum, magnesium, vanadium....
Or mining coal for power stations in China to enable production of Solar panels.

Unfortunately we are going to keep our coal fired power stations longer due to the oil shortage and Germany is opening its coal plants, understandable I suppose.
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[] Scotland Ban Gas Fired Boilers
Why do you think it's a scam @SparkyChick ? I'm not saying you're take on the science is right or wrong - I'm not qualified to do so - but if it's deliberate, long term deceit (I think it was still the 80's when I first heard about it), who gains from it?
My belief is we are heading towards a global resource shortage.

There is no possibility of the global economy supporting India and China living the resource intensive lifestyles enjoyed in the West.

Much of the nonsense we see is about culture change, getting the west to accept living with less so that what little is left goes that little bit further, just wait until your social credit score dictates how long you can have the heating on.

Climate Change is a scam, the only true believers are those in the "climate industry" and those who have no aptitude for critical thinking.

Going Nuclear is a no-brainer as is banning shipping plastic crap halfway round the world just to entertain kids for a day before being 'recycled' by being put back on a boat to China for incineration.
“Our children will enjoy in their homes electrical energy too cheap to meter…Transmutation of the elements, unlimited power, ability to investigate the working of living cells by tracer atoms, the secret of photosynthesis about to be uncovered, these and a host of other results, all in about fifteen short years. It is not too much to expect that our children will know of great periodic famines in the world only as matters of history, will travel effortlessly over the seas and under the and through the air with a minimum of danger and at great speeds, and will experience a life span far longer than ours, as disease yields and man comes to understand what causes him to age.”
Written in the USA in 1954, and I can remember similar on UK TV possibly on Tomorrow's World in the early '60s.
2nd half just about came to pass, but the first bit???
All posters to this section have renewed my faith that not everyone in the UK has gone bonkers. Its always been that when discussing various subjects with customers and many others you meet that it rarely compares to what we are being fed by the media.

In recent years I've found it quite refreshing how often politics comes up... I tend to not broach the subject because it can be so decisive, but overall the majority of people I speak to are broadly aligned with the sentiments express in this thread. The problem is that people are so scared to voice it because overall even if (like many of us) you don't have to worry about your job security because you're your own boss, saying the wrong thing on-line can have serious ramifications.

Many of the games I play for example have updated their user agreements and if you say the wrong thing you could lose your accounts, even if where you say it is nothing to do with them, and unfortunately with each passing year this sort of thing is only getting worse.

The worst part of this is that the bulk of it is driven by an incredibly small number of very vocal people and no one wants to be seen by anyone else as disregarding their issues because that would make you think... if they don't give a dam about them... do they give a dam about me?
The worst part of this is that the bulk of it is driven by an incredibly small number of very vocal people and no one wants to be seen by anyone else as disregarding their issues because that would make you think... if they don't give a dam about them... do they give a dam about me?
You seem to have defined Twitter in three lines!
i considered getting an electric van, scrapping gas and going all electric, fitting solar panels and a wind generator. my bank manager fell off his chair.
i considered getting an electric van, scrapping gas and going all electric, fitting solar panels and a wind generator. my bank manager fell off his chair.
Well looking at the data (assuming global warming is actually caused by burning fossil fuels) with the current technology on batteries, from start to finish, mining the raw materials to disposing of the battery at the end of its life, you will need to do 400,000 + miles in your new electric van on the original battery for it to work out "greener" overall than your diesel van. So I'd stick with the old diesel and keep on burning the chip fat.

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