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Apr 1, 2008
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Hi all,

How much can i expect to earn as a self employed spark, with regular work coming in ???
Do you guys make a comfortable living from the trade ?

Have any of you noticed things slowing down of late, with the credit crunch kicking in, and the housing market suffering ??

p.s im not a nosey ******* !!! just want to know i made the correct career choice.
It is generally accepted Mars is getting warmer, to some this seems strangely coincidental with the fact the earth is getting warmer --- To put things in perspective the greenhouse gases I gave above are accurate persentages. (though the reasons are a bit dodgy -;)) (no power stations on Mars, no Chelsea Tractors..
In astronomical distances we are a stones throw away.

It seems odd giving the short distances separating the two planets that we are both experiencing global warming at the same point in time. Especially when considering geological time scales, which are vast. One thing both planets have in common is they both share the same heater, aka the sun. Just maybe the sun's natural cycle is the root cause of global warming.

In the age of the dinosaurs, for example, the world was six degrees hotter than now, with far more greenhouse gases than present. And, many times, it has been colder. Ice ages occur roughly every 100,000 years; the last one finished only about 16,000 years ago. Temperatures then were nearly six degrees lower than those of today. The end of the last 'Little Ice Age' is specially significant, as it implies that the records used by climatologist date from a time when the Earth was relatively cool, thereby exaggerating the implication of today's temperature rise.

Our climate has been constantly changing since Earth began, with periods of global warming and global cooling long before human beings and their activities began.
Anyhow Co2 accounts for a little over 3.5% of all greenhouse gas in the earths atmosphere.
90% of that is natural occuring, deep ocean carbonating, volcanoes etc etc.
That is a fact, so we are left with a tiny persentage of man made Co2 worldwide. No greenie can argue it is a proven fact. So here in the UK we are miniscule, it is not even measurable. Yet you and your 'Chelsea Tractor are to blame for 'global warming' is farcical, yet you will pay a 'green tax'. It is a tax but not green, it is the biggest con ever.
Politicians love green taxes because the majority of their voters are gullible, they the voters will accept 'green tax'
If everyone in the uk stopped driving tomorrow the effect on Co2 in the atmosphere world-wide would not even be measureable.
No greatest cleverest bestest scientist on earth can tell you if it will be cold/rain/warm next Sunday, let alone what it will be like in 40 years.
It is the greatest con of all time, it should be global taxing
have read the above posts with lots of chuckling and quite agree that we're all getting blamed for something that has been happening for millenia. It beggars belief that there are people vain enough to really believe that humans actually have the ability through everyday behaviour to destroy our planet. What we might be doing is hastening the demise of the human race but it's all got to end sometime and if thats not accepted then it really is head in the sand time. Sod it; just enjoy whatever life you're going to have, don't **** people off and smile as much as you can. You might not live to 100 but at least you'll have enjoyed yourself.
It beggars belief that there are people vain enough to really believe that humans actually have the ability through everyday behaviour to destroy our planet.

Is that comment for real Jeremy?

It beggars belief that people are vain enough to really believe that humans DON'T actually have the ability through everyday behaviour to destroy our planet!

I am by no means an expert on these matters but lets start by looking at the oceans shall we?

Overfishing? Pollution? Species being found not native to that area (warming/cooling of currents).

Everything connects to one another. In the sea, if mackerel stocks(for example) become low or even depleted that affects the whole food chain.
Mackerel eaten by tuna eaten by barracuda/sharks etc. Just looking at that quick table, we eat everything on there.

On land:

Construction, landfills, removal of vast areas of rainforest.

Rainforests=trees=production of oxygen.

Remove these, not too hard to see what your doing is it? Not to mention vast numbers of species having to relocate (no, not like the programme on BBC or is it ITV?:D) becuase their natural habitat is being destroyed.
Then what do we do? After taking away our planets natural ability to breathe we then make certain she can't breathe by covering her skin/lungs with concrete!
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Is that comment for real Jeremy?

It beggars belief that people are vain enough to really believe that humans DON'T actually have the ability through everyday behaviour to destroy our planet!

I am by no means an expert on these matters but lets start by looking at the oceans shall we?

Overfishing? Pollution? Species being found not native to that area (warming/cooling of currents).

Everything connects to one another. In the sea, if mackerel stocks(for example) become low or even depleted that affects the whole food chain.
Mackerel eaten by tuna eaten by barracuda/sharks etc. Just looking at that quick table, we eat everything on there.

On land:

Construction, landfills, removal of vast areas of rainforest.

Rainforests=trees=production of oxygen.

Remove these, not too hard to see what your doing is it? Not to mention vast numbers of species having to relocate (no, not like the programme on BBC or is it ITV?:D) becuase their natural habitat is being destroyed.
Then what do we do? After taking away our planets natural ability to breathe we then make certain she can't breathe by covering her skin/lungs with concrete!

Well done bane old chap.i agree with all you say ,in addition i think pumping vast amounts of oil out affects the ballance ,we might spin out of control ,then what,and jeremy ,you nead to catch yourself on mate ,if everyone thought like you then we would allready b e doomed,we will be eventually but we should all do what we can to slow the distruction
my smileys packed up again,****
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I think "destroy our planet" is not the right way to describe what's happening.We just merely change the planet in a cosmetic way.Think how many cells must have been born and then died to evolve all the different forms we know today.Think of all the earthquakes, floods,tornados, volcano erruptions,meteors and iceages that would have totally changed the face of the planet.We are a very miniscule part of the earths history.To suggest that we can "save our planet" by taxing the burning of fossil fuels is outrageous.We'll probably take out 1000s of deferent species before we wipe ourselves through greed and war.But i shouldn't be made to feel guilty for my own existence.
I think "destroy our planet" is not the right way to describe what's happening.We just merely change the planet in a cosmetic way.Think how many cells must have been born and then died to evolve all the different forms we know today.Think of all the earthquakes, floods,tornados, volcano erruptions,meteors and iceages that would have totally changed the face of the planet.We are a very miniscule part of the earths history.To suggest that we can "save our planet" by taxing the burning of fossil fuels is outrageous.We'll probably take out 1000s of deferent species before we wipe ourselves through greed and war.But i shouldn't be made to feel guilty for my own existence.

Now your just talking sh*t :D
I think "destroy our planet" is not the right way to describe what's happening.We just merely change the planet in a cosmetic way.Think how many cells must have been born and then died to evolve all the different forms we know today.Think of all the earthquakes, floods,tornados, volcano erruptions,meteors and iceages that would have totally changed the face of the planet.

erm I think I follow you...

We are a very miniscule part of the earths history.To suggest that we can "save our planet" by taxing the burning of fossil fuels is outrageous.We'll probably take out 1000s of deferent species before we wipe ourselves through greed and war.

Ah right! agree with that. To think that the human race can 'save the world' it is all vanity. The Earth is completely ambivalent as far as our survival or otherwise is concerned, we try to befriend it, ingratiate ourselves and anthropomorphise it by calling it "Mother Earth" but the plain astrophysical reality is that it doesn't give a monkey's ---- if we live or die.

But i shouldn't be made to feel guilty for my own existence.

Into this house you're born,
Into this world you're thrown.
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Ah right! agree with that. To think that the human race can 'save the world' it is all vanity. The Earth is completely ambivalent as far as our survival or otherwise is concerned, we try to befriend it, ingratiate ourselves and anthropomorphise it by calling it "Mother Earth" but the plain astrophysical reality is that it doesn't give a monkey's ---- if we live or die.

i agree were insignifficant in the scheme of things ,but a bit of respect for our suroundings wont go amiss.if as Bane thinks i shold be ,were president of the whole wide world ,the way it is now i think i would nuke it and just start again ,mankind deserves what we get ,but the other animals dont deserve it,the polar bears are in big **** now ,what are we doing ,filming them ,its becoming a great big safari park,oh look theres a polar bear ,it looks a bit hungry and it aint got much ice left ,you dont see many of them around these days ,and so it will go on ,mass cull of every living thing on the planet is the only solution,not enjoying ourselves watching there suffering,so yeah id press the button;)

Red indian saying,

"Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect."
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i agree were insignifficant in the scheme of things ,but a bit of respect for our suroundings wont go amiss.

Always, blimey every time I cut through the woods to the shops I can't stop m'self picking up dumped beer cans, poly bags and crap (not literaly), drives me nuts. They'll carry the thing around for hours when it's full but as soon as it's empty it's suddenly 'too heavy'. Bunch of arse!

if as Bane thinks i shold be ,were president of the whole wide world ,the way it is now i think i would nuke it and just start again,

Tempting but a bit crap as ideas go! :)

mankind deserves what we get
cant argue with that

but the other animals dont deserve it,
or that

Red indian saying,

"Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect."
or that.

Isn't the whole idea of this thread to go as far off topic as possible??:D

Right then, to bring it back O.T.

I've been keeping my attention fixed firmly on both Brown and Darling (aka Bodger & f@ckin' Badger) over the past few days at the cost of a lot of reflex gagging as they attempt to grapple with basic economics and it doesn't appear that salvation is close at hand. In fact it looks as though their only options are....guess what...yep you got it, dip your pockets yet again.
Credit crunch to deliver £16bn squeeze on Chancellor's tax plans - Times Online
The estimates of the toll on tax receipts by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research will aggravate the acute financial headache already facing Alistair Darling.

With a general election expected as soon as next year, the Chancellor is already boxed in. A still deeper slide into the red would leave him with little scope for pre-election giveaways or for extra tax and spending measures to help to stave off a recession.

The institute calculates that the severe economic and financial impact of the credit crunch will mean that the Chancellor has to borrow an extra £8 billion in the present financial year, 2008-09, and another £8 billion extra in 2009-10. The £16 billion total is the equivalent of adding nearly 4p to the basic rate of income tax.

No honestly, bow down in admiration of this pair of retards, they must have balls of f*ckin tungsten to think they can fly this one past the noses of the great unwashed unnoticed. Alistair, darling, it's time to ---- or get off the pot mate. Hey what the hell it's only £16 billion, plenty more where that came from eh?
And he'd be right to think that, it is indeed pin money compared to the total public debt generated by this utter shower of grasping f*cktards.

Let's kick off with the National Debt, ONS estimates it as at Dec 07 as £536.5 billion, or 37.7% of GDP. So still within Brown's 40% rule. Although I hear today that he is "thinking of revising his oxymornic "Fiscal Golden Rules"...again! I mean what's the point of having 'rules' if they change with the wind, the tw@t!

Then add in all the 'off-balance sheet' PFI debt. According to HM Treasury, its discounted present value is now £91bn, but since that ignores this year's new commitments and all payments beyond 2031-32, let's round it up to a conservative £100 bn. (Not sure if this figure incorporates the £20bill NHS 'Data Spine' fiasco) This evening Carter laughed till he sh@t when on p2 of our local rag the ex Paymaster General and friend of the fat f*ckin crook R. Maxwell gobbed off about needing to scrap the extortionate parking charges at the city's ----y spanky new PFI hospital. The cheeky cnut! he (Geoffrey Robinson) was the arsehole responsible for resurrecting PFI when even the tories had dumped it! Jeezus they rely on people having the memory of a goldfish.

Liability for those unfunded public sector pensions around £1,025 bn.

Decommissioning our old nuclear power stations. That's an explicit taxpayer liability of around £70bn. Ah well that's the price of the "The White Heat of Technology" as yer darlin' Harold famously remarked.

Northern Rock's debt, is now formally added to the public sector balance sheet by the ONS at £100bn.

Network Rail's debt at around £21bn, all fully guaranteed by taxpayers but excluded from the government's balance sheet.

And the scores on the doors? = £1,847.5bn.

Or 130% of GDP.

Or £74,000 of public sector debt hanging round the neck of every single household in Britain.

So next time the public sector kick off about pay rises think on those numbers and tell them that's it. There is NO MORE LEFT! But as one commentator observed with an echo of the 'Winter of Discontent', and the unions rapidly falling out of love with Zanu-Labour "if you've got relatives to bury then don't hang about." I actually saw Darling's address to the TUC the other day and judging by the perfunctory handclap at the end of his open bowel of a speech I reckon he's had his chips. Then what?
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Always, blimey every time I cut through the woods to the shops I can't stop m'self picking up dumped beer cans, poly bags and crap, drives me nuts. They'll carry the thing around for hours when it's full but as soon as it's empty it's suddenly 'too heavy'. Bunch of arse!

Tempting but a bit crap as ideas go! :)

cant argue with that

or that

or that.

Right then, to bring it back O.T.

I've been keeping my attention fixed firmly on both Brown and Darling (aka Bodger & f@ckin' Badger) over the past few days at the cost of a lot of reflex gagging as they attempt to grapple with basic economics and it doesn't appear that salvation is close at hand. In fact it looks as though their only options are....guess what...yep you got it, dip your pockets yet again.
Credit crunch to deliver £16bn squeeze on Chancellor's tax plans - Times Online

No honestly, bow down in admiration of this pair of retards, they must have balls of f*ckin tungsten to think they can fly this one past the noses of the great unwashed unnoticed. Alistair, darling, it's time to ---- or get off the pot mate. Hey what the hell it's only £16 billion, plenty more where that came from eh?
And he'd be right to think that, it is indeed pin money compared to the total public debt generated by this utter shower of grasping f*cktards.

Let's kick off with the National Debt, ONS estimates it as at Dec 07 as £536.5 billion, or 37.7% of GDP. So still within Brown's 40% rule. Although I hear today that he is "thinking of revising his oxymornic "Fiscal Golden Rules"...again! I mean what's the point of having 'rules' if they change with the wind, the tw@t!

Then add in all the 'off-balance sheet' PFI debt. According to HM Treasury, its discounted present value is now £91bn, but since that ignores this year's new commitments and all payments beyond 2031-32, let's round it up to a conservative £100 bn. (Not sure if this figure incorporates the £20bill NHS 'Data Spine' fiasco) Carter laughed till he sh@t this evening when on p2 of our local rag the ex Paymaster General and freind of the fat f*ckin crook R. Maxwell gobbed off about needing to scrap the extortionate parking charges at the city's ----y spanky new PFI hospital. The cheeky cnut! he (Geoffrey Robinson was the arsehole responsible for resurrecting PFI when even the tories had dumped it! Jeezus they rely on people having the memory of a goldfish.

Liability for those unfunded public sector pensions around £1,025 bn.

Decommissioning our old nuclear power stations. That's an explicit taxpayer liability of around £70bn. Ah well that's the price of the "The White Heat of Technology" as yer darlin' Harold famously remarked.

Northern Rock's debt, is now formally added to the public sector balance sheet by the ONS at £100bn.

Network Rail's debt at around £21bn, all fully guaranteed by taxpayers but excluded from the government's balance sheet.

And the scores on the doors? = £1,847.5bn.

Or 130% of GDP.

Or £74,000 of public sector debt hanging round the neck of every single household in Britain.

So next time the public sector kick off about pay rises think on those numbers and tell them that's it. There is NO MORE LEFT! But as one commentator observed with an echo of the 'Winter of Discontent', and the unions rapidly falling out of love with Zanu-Labour "if you've got relatives to bury then don't hang about." I actually saw Darling's address to the TUC the other day and judging by the perfunctory handclap at the end of his open bowel of a speech I reckon he's had his chips. Then what?

Then what indeed ,if the labor party had listend to what mick jagger told them in the late 60s we wouldnt have this mess now ,his vision for Britain was ,of course far to radical ,but would it have worked ,of course he got his maths right ,thats why wilson had to trash him ,and tax him at 99%,to keep him out Jagger as chancellor ,John lennon as prime minister,this country would have achived the social change it neaded to go on into this century as Great Britain ,instead its little britain ,what a shame it was an oppotunity sorly missed:mad:
Then what indeed ,if the labor party had listend to what mick jagger told them in the late 60s we wouldnt have this mess now, his vision for Britain was ,of course far to radical
What was that? and how would it have forestalled this?

but would it have worked,of course he got his maths right ,thats why wilson had to trash him, and tax him at 99%, to keep him out
Got a link to that? I am, as Prince Charles, ...all ears

Jagger as chancellor,John lennon as prime minister,
oh ----, would be my initial reaction.

this country would have achived the social change it neaded to go on into this century as Great Britain ,instead its little britain ,what a shame it was an oppotunity sorly missed:mad:
go on....
Got a link to that? I am, as Prince Charles, ...all ears

cant find a direct link off hand ,but the stones had to be out of the country by 5th april 1971 or face having there company funds impounded,hence the album Exile on main street,most Stones books covering that period detail it if your interested

The vision was for a new world order,The great hippy revolution ,as detailed in the lyrics of street fighting man ,which is about the riot after the protest at the american embassy ikn london ,where jagger was involved,and others including glender jackson

Blair ,darling and straw also shared the vision but have changed there policy to suit the thing,
chere blair maybee hasnt sold out but i dont know ,its all in the past now the dream that never became a reality,
have fun

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