View the thread, titled "Self employed earnings/Credit crunch slowdown ?" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.

Hi all,

How much can i expect to earn as a self employed spark, with regular work coming in ???
Do you guys make a comfortable living from the trade ?

Have any of you noticed things slowing down of late, with the credit crunch kicking in, and the housing market suffering ??

p.s im not a nosey ******* !!! just want to know i made the correct career choice.
*Slaps forehead*

"For Fuc*S sake! Not again!"

Sorry Bane but I can't resist this.....

Got a link to that? I am, as Prince Charles, ...all ears

cant find a direct link off hand ,but the stones had to be out of the country by 5th april 1971 or face having there company funds impounded,hence the album Exile on main street,most Stones books covering that period detail it if your interested ...
well in between bouts of rolling on the floor trying to control my urinary tract I would be interested in Mr Jagger's rapier like political insight because there's precious little evidence of it online. Apart from the odd display of sixth form naivety I find very little of substance. One thing that did jump out was that this supposed anarchist, scion of the left immediately entered into a close arrangement with Prince Rupert zu Loewenstien, a London based merchant banker and lineal descendant of the Rothschild dynasty who told him to shift all the Stones tax affairs to Dutch jurisdiction. In 2005 the Stones paid 1.6% tax on UK earnings of £81.3mill. That's how much he values this country.
" off of my (silver) cloud..."

The vision was for a new world order,...
Well if that's what you want the Rothschilds are a great place to start, fer f's sake, are you serious? Are we using the term synonymously? When you say "New World Order" do you actually know what you are inviting in? Jagger is now hard core establishment, if you wish to use that terminology and ALWAYS has been.

The great hippy revolution ,as detailed in the lyrics of street fighting man ,which is about the riot after the protest at the american embassy ikn london ,
Quite ironic then that the Altamont concert killing is commonly held to be the point at which the "60s Hippy Dream" slammed into the buffers of reality.

where jagger was involved,
big deal, so were thousands of others 'involved' does that make them candidates for high office? no of course not.

and others including glender jackson
well I suppose credit where it's due she did actually vote against the imposition of totalitarianism by voting against the ID Card Bill but as for her politics, you must be are joking?

Blair ,darling and straw also shared the vision but have changed there policy to suit the thing,
Oh they shared a f*cking vision all right, one of these apiece.
Blairs' B&Q party: Tony and Cherie hold house-warming at new £5.75m home - but there's no sign of Gordon | Mail Online
Christ almighty how old are you if you don't mind me asking?

And this is the best you can offer up?????
chere blair maybee hasnt sold out but i dont know ,its all in the past now the dream that never became a reality,
have fun
CHERIE fugly BLAIR???? Sorry RR but I've just had to go out for a cigarette to calm down. This would be the avaricious whinging hateful, racketeering bitch------ of a 'human rights' lawyer who has parasitised our country to the tune of millions upon millions of pounds defending spurious and long discredited egalitarian dogma on the back of laws enacted by her effeminate husband's crypto socialist 'government' most of whom were card carrying campus communists in the 70's. Are you not seeing the connection here? How the hell else do you think they afforded that ----ry pile in the article above??

This would also be the same contemptible, 3dick gobbed, ----- who auctioned off an autographed copy of the Hutton Report into the 'suicide' of Dr. David Kelly for a local Welsh Labour Party branch fundraiser for £400????????? That's how much she valued Dr. Kelly's dignity and 'rights', 400 poxy pounds. This man's death is still not satisfactorily explained.
Iain Dale's Diary: Cherie Scrapes the Barrell by Signing Hutton Report for Auction
Apart from the staggering display of chutzpah combined with Caligulan bad taste, let's not forget that it was HER F*CKING HUSBAND who threw this man on his say so to the press wolves in the first place. Listen Rummy, far from offering this woman the premiership of what's left of our (dis)United Kingdom I would take huge pleasure in ramming a tightly rolled up copy of the Hutton Report
(all 337 pages of it, each one hand signed by yer man Carter) down her gaping maw till it jammed in the esophagus, whistling tunelessly I'd then reach for a 4lb lump and start hammering it down until bloodied frothing vomit began to gurgle up through the middle along with fragments of teeth and the remnants of self respect that must have been sticking in the back of her throat. What happens beyond that point would be up to the pack of starved foxhounds straining at the leash for their first dinner in a fortnight.

I think that's dealt with any more talk of Cherie Blooooaaaarrrrrgh gag retch! oh, oh no Huh Huuugh! HUUUUAAAALLLP choke ack, wipes dribble from mouth.:mad: Sorry folks but when I hear that name I just don't know which end to point at the bowl.:(
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firstly im sorry folks that this thread has gone off topic,maybee cirruss could move it to chit chat;) ,but after the state poor old carter has got into i think he deserves a reply:eek: ,trouble is hes so off the mark about so much i have to think how best to deal with it :mad:
Cart pall you will get an answer ,not tonite im a bit ****ed ,but you will get it all explained,crystal clear :),i hope we can have a sensable debate:cool:
all the best in a whole wide and wonderfull happy and peacefull world
*Ding* *Ding*

"End of Round One"

I love this thread. Seriously, I do. You put your point across well Carter though sometimes, certain comments do make you sound.....Psychotic?

"I would take huge pleasure in ramming a tightly rolled up copy of the Hutton Report
(all 337 pages of it, each one hand signed by yer man Carter) down her gaping maw till it jammed in the esophagus, whistling tunelessly I'd then reach for a 4lb lump and start hammering it down until bloodied frothing vomit began to gurgle up through the middle along with fragments of teeth and the remnants of self respect that must have been sticking in the back of her throat. What happens beyond that point would be up to the pack of starved foxhounds straining at the leash for their first dinner in a fortnight."

Wouldn't you agree?
*Ding* *Ding*

"End of Round One"

I love this thread. Seriously, I do. You put your point across well Carter

Because I research and have a long memory.

though sometimes, certain comments do make you sound.....Psychotic?

Psychotic or not it's a harmless release and as long as we have freedom of speech in this country I will not be going to gaol for sedition. I'm pleased that some can get a little relief from my wild imaginings.

[quoe]"I would take huge pleasure in ramming a tightly rolled up copy of the Hutton Report
(all 337 pages of it, each one hand signed by yer man Carter) down her gaping maw till it jammed in the esophagus, whistling tunelessly I'd then reach for a 4lb lump and start hammering it down until bloodied frothing vomit began to gurgle up through the middle along with fragments of teeth and the remnants of self respect that must have been sticking in the back of her throat. What happens beyond that point would be up to the pack of starved foxhounds straining at the leash for their first dinner in a fortnight."

I still reckon that it's a sensible policy "going forward" to address the problem of Cherie Blair now that the pair of them are very unlikely to be called to account and hauled before a court to answer their treasonable acts.

Wouldn't you agree?

Maybe a little! Would the 3 pounder be a little more humane? I've got a selection.
Good evening Mr Carter how are you? hope youve managed to chill out a little bit ,its been a nice day,
leaving aside your perverted fantisy of what you would like to do to Cherie.and glossing over the unfortunate incident at Altamont Speedway ,as it was just used as an excuse,by the the american goverment,(who according to some supplied the bad acid in the first place) and it was not only the Stones but other bands also appearing that the goverment was worried about ,The social revolution happening in the us,had to be stopped and they did that by various means ,some conspiricy theorists,even include various murders amongst the methods used. They failed to stop it of course ,just delayed it by a few years.
Hillary Clinton may have achived the change , but theve managed to scupper her as well ,this time ,but times have changed since the late 60s which is the period to witch i was refering when i stated Mick Jagger would have made a good chancellor with John Lennon as the prime minister,
Mick graduated from the London school of economics ,with the correct qualifications to do the job ,The LSE ,had a history of radical politics ,and the director at the time Jagger and Cherrie were there was a guy named Beverage,who created the NHS apart from other things,now the political standpoint the LSE had was a type of politics known as the third way,which as im sure you know is the middle ground between socialism and conservitism,Bill Clinton and Tony Blair both tried to adopt the strategy,but the world political set up has changed since the sixties and it could be argued that it wont work now ,total revolution might but thats maybee a few years away yet,
Come the revolution this time they wont know what were doing and we will win ,a redistribution of wealth worldwide is required and the sooner it is achived the world will be a better place to live on,join the winning side Mr Carter that way all that stuff you write could be put to better use
Heres the lyrics to the afore mentioned song which just the same as the sex pistols Anarchy for the uk was just a threat not a direct challenge to the Establishment

Evrywhere I hear the sound of marching, charging feet, boy
cause summers here and the time is right for fighting in the street, boy
But what can a poor boy do
Except to sing for a rock n roll band
cause in sleepy london town
Theres just no place for a street fighting man

Hey! think the time is right for a palace revolution
But where I live the game to play is compromise solution
Well, then what can a poor boy do
Except to sing for a rock n roll band
cause in sleepy london town
Theres no place for a street fighting man

Hey! said my name is called disturbance
Ill shout and scream, Ill kill the king, Ill rail at all his servants
Well, what can a poor boy do
Except to sing for a rock n roll band
cause in sleepy london town
Theres no place for a street fighting man

And dont forget his biographical masterpiece

Please allow me to introduce myself
Im a man of wealth and taste
Ive been around for a long, long year
Stole many a mans soul and faith
And I was round when jesus christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But whats puzzling you
Is the nature of my game
I stuck around st. petersburg
When I saw it was a time for a change
Killed the czar and his ministers
Anastasia screamed in vain
I rode a tank
Held a generals rank
When the blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
Ah, whats puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah
I watched with glee
While your kings and queens
Fought for ten decades
For the gods they made
I shouted out,
Who killed the kennedys?
When after all
It was you and me
Let me please introduce myself
Im a man of wealth and taste
And I laid traps for troubadours
Who get killed before they reached bombay
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But whats puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But whats confusing you
Is just the nature of my game
Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me lucifer
cause Im in need of some restraint
So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or Ill lay your soul to waste, um yeah
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, um yeah
But whats puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, um mean it, get down
Woo, who
Oh yeah, get on down
Oh yeah
Oh yeah!
Tell me baby, whats my name
Tell me honey, can ya guess my name
Tell me baby, whats my name
I tell you one time, youre to blame
Ooo, who
Ooo, who
Ooo, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Oh, yeah
Whats me name
Tell me, baby, whats my name
Tell me, sweetie, whats my name
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Oh, yeah

Buy for now MR C.
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firstly im sorry folks that this thread has gone off topic,maybee cirruss could move it to chit chat;)
This could get involved and that might be an appropriate final resting place but the following discourse is most definitely going to be relevant to the thread.

Good evening Mr Carter how are you? hope youve managed to chill out a little bit ,its been a nice day,

I wish! mate I've seen about 30 mins of daylght all day as I've spent the last 10 hours dicking about in a double lagged loft with the sweat
dripping off m' chin, stinging my eyes tryin to sort the abortion left by the 30yrs of accumulated DY. The whole roof void was rammed full of stored crap. Half of my 'kin day was spent shifting all this bolx about tying to access stomped and generally w@nkered cabling. God I hate domestics.
you're gonna have to bear with me chap I need a shower and a feet up as I'm totally 'tatered!
This could get involved and that might be an appropriate final resting place but the following discourse is most definitely going to be relevant to the thread.

I wish! mate I've seen about 30 mins of daylght all day as I've spent the last 10 hours dicking about in a double lagged loft with the sweat
dripping off m' chin, stinging my eyes tryin to sort the abortion left by the 30yrs of accumulated DY. The whole roof void was rammed full of stored crap. Half of my 'kin day was spent shifting all this bolx about tying to access stomped and generally w@nkered cabling. God I hate domestics.
you're gonna have to bear with me chap I need a shower and a feet up as I'm totally 'tatered!

No bother mate ,just relax ,chill a little ,lofts are horrible places i try not to go anyware near them myself
chat to you when your relaxed
Well I said it might get a bit involved so strap yourselves in peeps.

The fundamental difference between left and right is one of personal responsibility

Those of a rightist mind believe the world is a better ordered and scaled place when the people (particularly in the embodiment of the ‘family unit’) take responsibility for their own actions. Informed self interest is what economics and human interaction is in fact all about, that’s what drives us and every other species and always has done. Before you say it, no it doesn’t obviate philanthropy and social responsibility, (btw your referenced Socialist (group) think tank the L.S.E. was initiated on the back of private philanthropy) it leaves it up to the individual. If they make the ‘wrong’ decision (personal, social or financial) then personal and national harm may be the result. That is their judgement for them to make for good or ill, they will thrive or suffer on the strength of their judgements and are content with that condition of things.

The left take the opposing view, that life is far too complicated for those that actually live it and that human affairs must be surrendered to the ‘experts’ and the great and good and administered centrally on the model of a ‘benign dictatorship’ masquerading under the name of ‘society’ or the ‘greater good’. They see the vagaries of market forces as akin to a law of the jungle, they see people’s differing talents and abilities to deal with the jungle as monstrous “inequalities”.

From this springs their erroneous conclusion that there can be no such thing as personal failure it is always a societal failure for which read “someone else’s fault”. From this flawed and fundamentally totalitarian dogma flows the systemic need to redress the ‘inequalities’ they see as the cause of all the “unfairness”. But seeing as it is difficult if not impossible to drag the least capable up to the level of the most capable, (though this hasn’t stopped them trying to defy Darwin through imposition of affirmative action, political correction, +ve discrimination and ridiculous concepts like “deferred success”) their only option to reduce the ‘gap’ is to disprivilege and reduce the highest to the level of the lowest. This is a darn sight easier to achieve (through taxation and crippling legislation) than the former so this is the tactic they deploy.

So in brief summary, the socialist vision means I have to submit to a regime of statist interfering b@stards who have licence to demand money from me with menaces ( if I don’t pay them I go to gaol) for the express purpose of impoverishing and disprivileging me for the direct benefit of someone else. Following that logic to it’s conclusion; any incentive to better oneself by the application of one’s talent and genetic advantages is immediately clamped to earth by the realisation that any benefit I may gain thereby will be appropriated to the state and diverted to its social engineering programmes. The net result of this is a fatalistic dis-incentivised personal and national mental stasis. The proof of this? Every nation without exception that has implemented socialism/communism has become the poorer for it and the state has had to usurp ever more executive power to itself in order to prop up the egalitarian façade. Freedom is made subservient to security as they adopt the policy of total control Not one of these regimes have managed to elevate its people above the standard of living enjoyed by non comm./socialist societies. Socialism is a headlong race to the bottom with no winners. (just deferred success eh?)

As for the “Third Way” this has been variously described by pundits and theorists but basically boils down to the following. The Third Way, as I have always understood it, is simply a label for the renewal of social democracy. Centre-left parties across the world have revised their doctrines in the light of social and economic changes: the disappearance of socialist utopias, globalisation, the development of a service economy and ageing populations. In the face of these, the First Way - classical social democracy, based on Keynesianism and traditional statism - has become largely obsolete. The Second Way - Thatcherism or free-market fundamentalism - proved a disastrously mis-managed alternative. The aim of Third Way thinking - revisionist social democracy (a fancy name for cherry-picking) - is to create policies for the centre left that respond to these changes. It encompasses the idea that it’s not capitalism that creates wealth but competition (Thatcher’s carry-over without which Zanu Labour would have been unelectable anyway) allied to a strong welfare state.
Well let’s get this straight right now, the welfare/state creates NOTHING, certainly NOT wealth, it steals with menaces from those who actually generate the wealth/value. It then distributes it (very inefficiently) to those more ‘deserving’ of it and along the way provides what are deemed to be ‘essential’ services, again very inefficiently as I have outlined in a previous post. Go buy this The TaxPayers' Alliance - Burning our Money: The Bumper Book of Government Waste 2008 if you don’t believe me then come and argue that state control of service procurement and provision is cost effective.

So the third way relies on competition but a skewed version of it in which those of us who thrive on the competitive field (or at least accept it as preferable to dictatorship benign or otherwise) are hobbled by taxation and invasive legislation. Part P is just a very minor manifestation of the greater project of imposing ever more criminalizing, centrist legislation. This cannot be denied as you will be aware that this administration has created one imprisonable offence for every day it has been ‘in control’. Nice one!

As for its distributive credentials well they’re obviously bo!!ocks aren’t they, why is the poverty gap acknowledged as having widened and still widening???? They are proficient at distributing OUR MONEY into the pockets of the chosen elite, witness the £5.5mill Les Blairs stumped up for their modest pied-a-terre. You seriously think we should be happy with that and cry for more of the same????
They also distribute it on a biblical scale amongst an army of civil service/pub sector administrators, investigators, ‘elf ‘n safety elephants, wonks, consultants, outreach workers, think tanks, hangers on, over-promoted chancers, obstructive jobsworths, career busybodies and snoopers. None of whom actually contribute a thing to the nation but all are comfortably pensioned and very difficult to sack. At the height of the British Empire the Foreign & Commonwealth Office employed a grand total of 180 civil servants, what is it now/ 30,000? It is estimated that the administration of and compliance with the Inland Revenue system occupies the time of 400,000 essentially mono-skilled individuals.

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The tax take (accounting for inflation!) under Blair/Brown has risen 50% in ten years to an averaged £20,700 per household.

Stamp Duty receipts up 314%, admittedly this was based on highly speculative house valuation but nevertheless that money now sits in the treasury’s coffers to do with as it sees fit.

There are a hundred similar examples I could quote but you get the idea. The rate of state theft and embezzlement has incessantly ramped up.
As for those public services, most would agree (unless they haven’t opened a paper for 10yrs) that ‘public service provision’ has got demonstrably worse in return for hugely increased input of yet more of OUR money. This government and all previous ones have progressively encouraged the withdrawal of swathes of previously state provided services, (local hospitals, post offices, savings and banking branches etc) assuming that the private sector would fill. Well they didn’t unless it’s the franchised cash machine that robs the poorest of £1:50 every time they use it. Is that anything other than a stealth tax? Whole estates are now rendered dependant on the state and that suits the socialists just dandy. They know that it assures a continuing voter base who in their blinding ignorance believe the hype that Labour is the natural home of the disprivileged and the poor. I’m not being condescending here, I’m not being snobbish, it’s a fact people are so politically ignorant of life around them that they take one look and think “that’s somebody else’s problem”.

Government does things incredibly f*cking badly therefore it should be given the absolute bare minimum to do beyond defence of the national security, law and property rights. It should definitely NOT be involved in social engineering and the persecution of its electorate!
But what’s happened? We’ve handed over control of our lives to the state out of sheer laziness, “the state will provide” or “that’s someone else’s problem” or “someone should DO SOMETHING about that!.”
So it’s back to the TV and the adventures of Jade Goody, the ‘panem et circenses’ or bread and circuses to keep the crowd sated and distracted. Their work is done and we slide ever down history’s soil pipe as nothing more than also rans, just another chapter in the Book of Lost Nations. Pardon me if I don’t join in.

From what I can see Jagger didn’t even graduate from LSE, Mick Jagger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia however; he attended for just a short time. I have read that he was asked to leave after riding a motorcycle through the library, but that sounds like horsesh!t to me. It’s a bit of a circular justification Rum, the LSE was a Fabian sink of left wing crap sometimes to the point of parody so why should Jagger’s fleeting attendance at this institution count as any credential for someone of my standpoint?
Bill Clinton and Tony Blair both tried to adopt the strategy,but the world political set up has changed since the sixties and it could be argued that it wont work now ,total revolution might but thats maybee a few years away yet,
There won’t be a revolution, it will be a rolling whinging collapse based upon demographic replacement. They have altered the law to make all opposition to this project illegal. The One World/New World Order fanatics have pretty much wrapped things up tight. The data gathering infrastructure (ironically paid for by its end victims) is only a few parliamentary terms away and once fully live it will be a tool of suppression that Pol Pot would have had wet dreams over. Tell me it will not be used for suppression and a facilitator of restrictive law and I’ll have to say you are naïve to the point of wilful stupidity. All government will appropriate ever more power to itself at every opportunity unless they are constantly kept in check. "The price of freedom is eternal vigilence" or maybe even vigilantism if required. To this end we have a body of constitutional law to which all governments of whatever stripe must give fealty. It’s there to prevent the dictator, theocrat or despot from ever arising again in this country. That’s why it has been systematically dismantled by EVERY post war government but particularly the people’s champion the ‘labour’ party that have ripped it to shreds in our faces. For this I believe they should be brought to account and administered a dose of rope therapy. I doubt that you would approve of a death penalty but why not eh? after all, that is precisely what has been lined up for my nation, a not so slow democide by diktat. F*ck them all right in the ear for their duplicity.
Come the revolution this time they wont know what were doing and we will win
The left will be lucky if they know their arse from their utterly discredited elbow “come the revolution”. When the sh!t hits the fan I’d keep your affiliations quiet as it may be your heads that the crowd are baying for.
a redistribution of wealth worldwide is required and the sooner it is achived the world will be a better place to live on,
For the last time I am not giving you MY F*CKING MONEY to **** up the wall on furnishing some egalitarian fantasy island. Stop asking me for my money I’m f*cking sick of it.

join the winning side Mr Carter that way all that stuff you write could be put to better use
A headlong race to the bottom? I think I’ll pass thanks all the same. I’d be interested to hear how this Utopia is to be brought about and on the strength of what previous evidence of success do you base your wildly misplaced confidence that the sheep will finally see the error of their ways. If you could name just ONE socialist/communist country I or any freedom loving person would find preferable.
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Ahh, but the government will create posts. The minister responsible for mistakes of the former minister responsible for bull****. When that fails, 'we will learn from our mistakes' we are the listening party'... I am the minister responsible for the former minister. From this day no one will be allowed to install batteries in a torch unless they have a physics degree (we will fastrack the skill shortage, price in the region of £500, for a 2-day course)
Ok Ok - let's keep the thread on topic please or it may well end up locked:rolleyes:

firstly im sorry folks that this thread has gone off topic,maybee cirruss could move it to chit chat;)

I thought similarly as below:

This could get involved and that might be an appropriate final resting place but the following discourse is most definitely going to be relevant to the thread.

With all due respect C. the topics discussed are fundamental to any prospect of a recovery and what will happen in the event that the 'promised' recovery doesn't materialise. It's wide ranging because that's the nature of the subject and "what's troubling me, is the nature of their game" woo woo........woo wooo!

What's Dazza1976 think? is it relevant/helpful?
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I thought similarly as below:

With all due respect C. the topics discussed are fundamental to any prospect of a recovery and what will happen in the event that the 'promised' recovery doesn't materialise. It's wide ranging because that's the nature of the subject and "what's troubling me, is the nature of their game" woo woo........woo wooo!

What's Dazza1976 think? is it relevant/helpful?

Yeah your quite right "the nature of there game " troubles me also ,i also think your right in saying there wont be a revolution ,at least not in the way there once may have been ,There might well be a some social unrest but its unlikely to bring about the change required and probably wont be for the best,There will be a big change in the way people think ,and that will be for the better:)
The third way is a good idea but has its failings so anarchy is the only alternative ,why should i stay quiet about being an anarchist or rather eco activist ?,ive only just started
my politics are not linked to any political party and every desision we make as a collective,with no hierachy, is decided by a consensual voting system ,true democracy at work ,also revolutions dont have to be violent ,as we proved earlier this year ,the only violence was caused by the police who failed miserably to understand the situation and acted in a totally stupid and embarassing way,one nill to us ,well actually its more than one nill and the total is set to rise ,were winning in the courts as well and by the time of Copenhagen we will have a network so in place so widespread ,no goverment will dare to try and stop us ,lets just call it "the other way" unless someones allready done that,common sense will prevail in the end and hopefully we can change the world and make it a better place to live on.
the Goverment will raise your taxes and all that ,but dont worry about it ,its all relative ,the price of survival is not going to be dictated by money ,what about our kids and the old folks ,i hear you cry ,well if they join us then they need not worry,its all worked out;)
Well for now I'm gonna kick back, open another can of 'Bilderberg' and strum an electric 12 string for an hour. :) then have another think about collectivism and what it means but in the meantime out of curiosity...
every desision we make as a collective...were winning in the courts as well and by the time of Copenhagen we will have a network so in place....
How is "we"? and...
as we proved earlier this year ,the only violence was caused by the police who failed miserably to understand the situation and acted in a totally stupid and embarassing way,one nill to us
Sorry Rum, not getting the reference, which incident was this??:confused:

...what about our kids and the old folks ,i hear you cry ,well if they join us then they need not worry,its all worked out

Yeah I keep hearing this boundless optimism but where's the detail of our salvation at your hands?? How's it gonna happen?

Reply to the thread, titled "Self employed earnings/Credit crunch slowdown ?" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.

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