Be prepared for endless paperwork..... but definately well worth it, no boss there to answer to, book holidays off etc
Been on my own 6 months now after subbin for years and rates getting worst and worst. Having to travel further and further.
Bit up and down, but now booked until end of Oct which is good. Was doing 3-4 day weeks for first couple of months but ideal in the summer! And still almost breaking even on my previous 40 hour week wages.
Have managed to get 2 really good contracts with a kitchen firm and conservatory firm after a lot of 'hassling' people and having to really sell myself... and lots of other bits and pieces from a monthly ad in local A5 glossy mag.
Best form of advertising by far is to get a load (think I got 5000 to start) of A6 postcards professionally designed / printed / distributed.... £200'ish.... picked up a £5k extension the other week from a this.... just a card landing on someone's doormat.
All the best... Sy