The future of Part P in question? | on ElectriciansForums

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Oct 9, 2010
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Interesting, looks like a full BR review, whether it brings change...
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Interesting, looks like a full BR review, whether it brings change...
Whatever they do, it'll just be another money spinner for the big boys. Do you think that they will ACTUALLY ask anyone at the coal face for a simple idea or two?
Still long overdue, and may it die the nasty death that it deserves. ANY work that involves testing and the issuing of certification, maybe with the exception of a PIR - then I'm sorry but it should be mandatory that you are 2391. Anyone agree? Disagree? Think I should be confined to some sort of establishment?
I see your point but really, ALL work involves testing and certification.

I want to see decent fines for householders that use non-notifying electricians and a good campaign to publicise it!
I see your point but really, ALL work involves testing and certification.

I want to see decent fines for householders that use non-notifying electricians and a good campaign to publicise it!

Yer, you are right because all work is supposed to come with a cert, be it minor works, installation cert or a pir. I think that a good way to get it though people's thick heads would be via higher insurance premiums for uncertified works.
Its all very well having these schemes and pressing for better qualifications, etc, but when are those in charge ACTUALLY going to do something about the unregistered cowboys?
The Marx brothers, Laurel + Hardy and Part p ,3 of the most comical acts in history

My veiw differs a little with Kens
I believe all domestic installation should be open to any Tom Dick or Harry who thinks they can install (just as well,because installation monitoring is un enforceable)

The assurance of standards could be via the Pir

Make it mandatory for house sales
Make it thorough and make the issuing of a report exclusive to someone with the 2391 and PI insurance
Make that report compulsory to be logged with the government and get rid of all the schemes

No more visual con tricks
No more hoodwinked customers
No more Qs oversigning,just truthfull competent assessments that have teeth
If they are negative then, reduced charges or penalties at the point of sale,increased insurance etc
The Marx brothers, Laurel + Hardy and Part p ,3 of the most comical acts in history

My veiw differs a little with Kens
I believe all domestic installation should be open to any Tom Dick or Harry who thinks they can install (just as well,because installation monitoring is un enforceable)

The assurance of standards could be via the Pir

Make it mandatory for house sales
Make it thorough and make the issuing of a report exclusive to someone with the 2391 and PI insurance
Make that report compulsory to be logged with the government and get rid of all the schemes

No more visual con tricks
No more hoodwinked customers
No more Qs oversigning,just truthfull competent assessments that have teeth
If they are negative then, reduced charges or penalties at the point of sale,increased insurance etc

Sounds a like a good idea.
I would love to see a level playing field between all the schemes, with fair advertising for all.

The mafia have ruled the roost for too long and need bringing down a peg or two.
If you were to go the route of "qualified" rather than Competent to validate someone's ability you would still have to have a system in place to check their current competency, or you will have part time or retired or semi retired sparks doing work and they may not be up to speed even if they have their 17th.
Blog -

Interesting, looks like a full BR review, whether it brings change...

This has been the feeling for a while now - the fabled 2013 review.

I'm disappointed they're not taking the very considerable (and informed) advice offered to the committee(s) regarding Part B - regarding mandatory fitting of sprinklers in new builds. Further I find is disillusioning that they are still clinging to the option that it is possible to have such an idiotic thing as a "safe refuge" in the middle of a building burning hotter than hell.

Statistically, there is NO safe place in a building on fire. And to assume that disabled persons will have "at least some chance" in such a refuge, is, in my humble if outspoken, opinion tantamount to discrimination of the very worst sort. In a typical domestic setting a suitable sprinkler system could be fitted for a gross cost of no more than a few hundred during the build - WHY, oh WHY is it not mandatory?

They have missed more than a trick there, and once more in the absence of any recent fire related disaster NOTHING IS DONE to enshrine fire protection in LAW. Shame I can't call them arseholes in this forum!

Part P.

Well, at least they've got the clue we're not happy, huh?

However, I would not expect breaths to be held for any reasonable changes. The only change likely to take place to the requirements for compliance with Part P will be those that cost nothing to implement, or which do not put any further overhead on Building Control.

One change that is likely, I would have thought, is that no new build will be saleable without a full EIC, issued by a recognised Part P Sparks. Yeah, I know that's the idea now, but..........

Part of the problem here is that BC aren't electricians, and they're being asked in some sense to police specialist trades, for which they have no experience. This is essentially the same reasoning that Gas work went out initially to Corgi then to Gas Safe.

There isn't law available now to mandate any scheme provider to police the work by inspection either.

It is a mess without answer, really - because short of policing every bit of electrical work ever completed, the only way it can be policed is by putting the onus on the home owner/user. Even assuming a thorough audit of every electrician in the country each year, you'd still need to have awareness that "a person" was doing electrical work first.

Alternatively, do we police manufacturers? Well, we could - in terms of registering whom every part made was sold to, just the same way TVs are sold these days - would simply create a black market for products, and open up the whole product safety issue again.

Fining home owners is all very well too, but how do you catch them any better than we do, or can, now?

No easy answers.....
The Marx brothers, Laurel + Hardy and Part p ,3 of the most comical acts in history

My veiw differs a little with Kens
I believe all domestic installation should be open to any Tom Dick or Harry who thinks they can install (just as well,because installation monitoring is un enforceable)

The assurance of standards could be via the Pir

Make it mandatory for house sales
Make it thorough and make the issuing of a report exclusive to someone with the 2391 and PI insurance
Make that report compulsory to be logged with the government and get rid of all the schemes

No more visual con tricks
No more hoodwinked customers
No more Qs oversigning,just truthfull competent assessments that have teeth
If they are negative then, reduced charges or penalties at the point of sale,increased insurance etc


man, you talk some sense.
My emphasis should really have been on publicity to educate the public, surely there aren't many that haven't heard of CORGI or Gas Safe now?

It's taken years but people seem to understand that if gas is involved then a member of the above must be selected.

Maybe we could have such a system, almost licensing, that's what I'd like to see.
ANY work that involves testing and the issuing of certification, maybe with the exception of a PIR - then I'm sorry but it should be mandatory that you are 2391. Anyone agree? Disagree? Think I should be confined to some sort of establishment?[/QUOTE]

It was always my understanding that electrical work carried out to bs7671 included testing and inspection, whats all this 2391 all the time these days??????? 2391 used to be a more in depth knowledge of testing and inspecting but these days people seem to think you shouldnt even know what a a test probe is without having prior done some sort of college course- more expense(sighs)
My emphasis should really have been on publicity to educate the public, surely there aren't many that haven't heard of CORGI or Gas Safe now?

It's taken years but people seem to understand that if gas is involved then a member of the above must be selected.

Maybe we could have such a system, almost licensing, that's what I'd like to see.

It's likely to be the only way we will ever get any sort of compliance. Sadly, because of decisions taken previously, it will also take years, and millions to set up, assuming legislation to do so ever gets passed.

The problem is, unlike gas, we've gone so far down a route in a different direction from this, that getting back there will also be a logistical nightmare.

How, effectively, do you enable such a system without penalising perfectly competent electricians who, for no other reason than cost, have not either taken some of their exams, or signed up to one of the various recognition or approvals schemes, yet remain more than competent to carry out work?

Who will bear the cost of the licencing scheme? Are we proposing some sort of mandatory JIB here? It's the closest mechanism to licencing we have.

Now, I know that if every decent sparks in the UK put their paws in their pockets, we could probably find a few quid each toward something that had a decent purpose, and worked for us.....but, why should we? It already costs us all thousands just to be an electrician each year.

All that said, I suspect, sooner or later, that licencing will be the way.
If they want you to be a member of a scam why do they make you jump through hoops and have to go through LABC first, who when asked tell you incorrect information with regards who is supposed to inspect and test it
and the biggest scam is for them to say it costs £190 to send a ex joiner or similar out to inspect electrical work
and they may have to send another electrician to inspect and test your work even though you are qualified especially all the guys who have more than enough experience and qualifications

the only time a person should have to notify building control is if they are DIY or have no qualifications
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Unless the issue is addressed at the grass root level I can't see any scheme along the lines of PP working.

We've all seen it, New consumer unit installed two or three weeks ago, No bonding, no cert and no PP. Customer not aware and not interested either! On further inspection no CPC loop on kitchen ring, no cpc in lighting circuit and 7.5Kw shower wired in 2.5 from pullcord to shower unit. 6mm at C/U. OK lighting circuit could be left but all the rest should of been addressed. So who's the sparky who do it? Someone out of the free ads who could get there the next day!

In my opinion its got to go by the way side as it doesn't work for those who do give a damn! Those who don't..well they don't give a stuff anyway and never will.
If they want you to be a member of a scam why do they make you jump through hoops and have to go through LABC first, who when asked tell you incorrect information with regards who is supposed to inspect nad test it
ad the biggest scam is for them to say it costs £190 to send a ex joiner or similar out to inspect electrical work
and they may have to send another electricia to inspect and test your work even though you are qualified especially all the guys who have more than enough experience and qualifications

the only time a person should have to notify building control is if they are DIY or have no qualifications

Or in my case £176 to inspect the plans for moving a socket in the kitchen :mad:. No one minds paying a small administrative charge but present LABC charges just encourage people to break the rules and say "well i got an electrician to do it - i thought he was going to notify it - no sorry i can't remember his name"
It was always my understanding that electrical work carried out to bs7671 included testing and inspection, whats all this 2391 all the time these days??????? 2391 used to be a more in depth knowledge of testing and inspecting but these days people seem to think you shouldnt even know what a a test probe is without having prior done some sort of college course- more expense(sighs)

but at least with a course you prove your competence once, in the exam - rather than being taxed £400+ every year by your scheme provider. You pass your driving test once ... not every year!
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Disgraceful charges, but without a final sign off on the property where's the options ?
A full PIR on sale ?


House Insurance demanding a 10 yearly PIR from qualified person to continue insuring. Bearing that in mind the householder would dam well make sure that work was done by qualified/experienced people not just some chap from the pub. Your car insurance is invalid without an MOT, most people MOT their vehicles. It is unlikely that the sort of people who choose to live outside the law would own there own houses - the onus would then be on the landlord.
I doubt that too many people who own there own houses would risk their biggest asset by not insuring it.
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House Insurance demanding a 10 yearly PIR from qualified person to continue insuring. Bearing that in mind the householder would dam well make sure that work was done by qualified/experienced people not just some chap from the pub. Your car insurance is invalid without an MOT, most people MOT their vehicles. It is unlikely that the sort of people who choose to live outside the law would own there own houses - the onus would then be on the landlord.
I doubt that too many people who own there own houses would risk there biggest asset by not insuring it.

No, they probably wouldn't, but your idealism is showing here..........

Realistically, if some geezer in the pub says he can supply the relevant paperwork for you to pass to your insurer for £50 or it's going to cost you £350 to get a full PIR, what are you going to do if you're fairly sure the £50 will get you by?

That was always the problem with MOT's too, until they started barcoding/databasing them - yet, there are still ways around that.

Anyone with half decent photoshop skills, and a clue about what figures are meant to be in the boxes will make a mint.

All these ideas make a fundamental mistake - in assuming that the homeowner actually give a damn WHO qualifies us, or WHAT bits of paper we pass on after the job. Most of them just want the shiny new light, or extra socket, and someone to bitch when it doesn't work right.

THAT, I am afraid, is a major part of what we need to overcome, as much as the scheme providers and legislators.
Dude a great idea one I share but however we are ***** on that score
An MOT or a PIR is a day of issue, it means SFA the next day, you kerb the car MOT invalid..You break an accessory PIR invalid you get my drift, I suggest all properties are brought up to 17th on sale nice earner for for the the new occupants

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