I shall take the challengeI beg to differ.2.5 cable can take a max of 27 amps if clipped direct.23amps in a wall or 21 amps above a plasterboard ceiling with insulation.Putting a 2.5 on anything bigger than a 20amp breaker would be madness.Personally i would put a 16amp breaker feeding it.If you wish to back up your claim then please quote the relevant BS7671 number.

"An unfused spur may be
connected to the origin of the
circuit in the distribution board."
If you think about it, it's exactly the same as spurring of a ring. As Ian has said, it cant be overloaded as the CCC is 27A clipped direct and fault protection is easily met with a 32A MCB. Plus.... It is in the regs as above.
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