Im now in my sixth week working for the company and i have completed 45 jobs for them, travelled 3500 miles across the north of England (God's country) Iv'e spent over £1500 on Fuel, van leasing and spares because the parts you order just dont arrive or arrive late. I have currently been paid absolutely nothing at all!!
If you phone the head office you are not able to speak to the payroll deptment as they are busy (Busy not paying wages) and you are asked to e-mail them instead with your queires for which you get no reply. All the jobs I have done have passed the eaga inspection and have been signed off for paymnet as I have been back to most of the jobs now after I have finished them and taken photos of the work and asked the clients to sign to say how long I was there and the work I carried out for them was of a high standard.
I'm currently owed £5000 and since i started making a fuss about not being paid since starting in Feb they have stopped sending me Jobs.
I'm going to take them to the small claims court for money owed, costs and compensation which will be more than what they currently owe me.
I have never in my life worked for a company run from top to bottom by primates and the service to the Warm front customers who are often elderly is shameful.
The man at the top is probably sat at home in his 10 bed mansion and collection of sports cars laughing his little head off.
Anyone want to join me for a bit of joint court action aginst the company. The more the merrier!!
Dont out of desperation for work due to the economy fall into the trap, They know work is hard to come by at the moment and are exploiting people who are just trying to put food on the table for the family.
I could'nt even buy my son the Birthday present he wanted last week as i'd spent all my money doing jobs for this company.
Big stop sign - Why else would they have a permanent advertisment at the job centre. And as for the bloke who has been there for 4 years. They look after a small group of workers who are on salaries and expect the incoming staff to walk within weeks when they realise whats going on. Its not hard to install a spur for a boiler mate so you'd be hard pressed to actually find problems with a first year apprentice doing the job.
CON CON CON CON CON CON CON CON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!