I've worked for the company for the last four years. Not the easiest of rides in all honesty, but let me tell you some of the issues I've had....
a) Fuel:- Got to pay for it youself and claim back.
What's not said on here though is that they DO give you an up front allowance. I get it in my bank account two weeks later like clockwork. The only time I have an issue is when I send in my paperwork late. Who's fault is that? Their's?
b) Yeah there are issues with turning up on site etc. and there are no clocks/programmers that the plumbers have left behind and it is a bit of a mission to get one. I do believe them though that if they had to pay for an extra one on every job it would mean they aren't in business. Is that their problem or is it the plumber not doing their side of the bargin?
c) When you leave them they don't pay you your full wages. I believe this is true and actually agree with it. The amount of crap I've had to go back and fix because of to**ers who don't do a proper job and then f**k off is ridiculous. Why should they get paid when they aren't doing it properly. The company holds back final pay until every job is inspected and then pays it as the inspections are done. I fully accept this in the current climate.
I've been given my work past April now..... so don't understand the April comments?
All too easy to sit at home and criticise. I wouldn't have been here for four years if they didn't do something right. What I have seen is people who come and go and take an adversarial approach with the company - guess what - they get the same back. Those of us who have been here a while and work with them have a good relationship. Let the to**ers go as far as I am concerned.
If any of us want a job near home, paid loads, for doing 7 or 8 hours a day..... those days are long gone and the sooner everyone realises that the better.
As for them advertising in London..... I've seen the advert. Why criticise when the advert clearly says "you will be travelling away in the North of England"? Eh? Sorry, don't get it.