Oh dear,sounds a proper joke outfit,the job centre bit kind of gave it away,I've never even walked in one when I closed my business,seemed a pointless exercise.Sorry to hear that people lost money,sadly this goes on in all walks of life,particularly right now as jobs get scarce.In my old line of work I had to physically go and collect money from one company,it does help I'm a big lad(mainly flubber!!!!) but after a few choice words they did eventually pay.I've luckily never had to use these type of agents as my works a bit more specialized but it's very upsetting to see people get ripped off.On the note of scams be aware of people trying to put claims in against your company after you've closed it.An employers liability insurance company tried doing it to me (no names) and luckily I caught the lad red handed.What they do is if you close up,and this can be anyone,they try and lodge a claim with companies house saying you owe them x amount of money then if you have gone bust,the government gives them 10% of it back as a minimum.I know someone who's done this scam for years,even setting his own firms up and pocketing the cash.This lad tried it with me but unbeknown to him I simply closed my firm owing no debt so therefore they government were not involved.A debt recovery firm contacted me,typical cockney hardman on the phone to which I was able to produce plenty of info for him and he apologized and went on his way.I then got in touch with the insurance company lad who stupidly gave me his personal mobile number previously posing as a person looking to claim off the liability insurance and I was told he was the man to talk to.he proceeded to tell me all about how I'd left the business go bankrupt owing then thousands in premium(my premium was £600) and that if he ever came into personal contact with me him and his "surrey boys" would sort me out.Really?after a brief 5 seconds of me explaining that that wouldn't happen,that I knew where he worked,what car he drove(he'd previously told me),I had HIS mobile number and full name it was not going to be an issue if I drove up his way now with my mates in the car,to which I put one on the phone and unsurprisingly the "surrey boy" apologized profusely,I think he even had a little cry!!!Silly boy,doubt he tried that scam again.