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Did Trump do a good Job as President.

  • No

    Votes: 24 49.0%
  • Yes

    Votes: 7 14.3%
  • Yes but he was a bit of a loose cannon (said stupid stuff).

    Votes: 18 36.7%
  • No better or worse than Obama

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
A bold statement in deed, you basically have taken the position that you are right and those that probably differ in opinion are wrong and they are in a fantasy world of some kind.
When it comes to the USA and especially its accusations of child sexual abuse it is a difficult subject matter to prove given the extent and lengths they go to cover it up. I am also bound to consider what I can post here, some of it that would have you question what you think you know is not suitable for this forum and would bring the wrong kind of attention to the forum.

I however can give you plenty of closer to home examples of news suppression that lasted decades.

-The BBC and Jimmy Saville - they knew all along and protected him, the BBC has officially apologised for decades of cover up. (remember the infamous sex pistols interview in 1978 where Lydon exposes the cover up that effectively got him banned and all we saw is news outlet after news outlet attack Lydon for his 'lies') ... 30yrs it took for it to be exposed and now we look at that moment in a very different light.

- Child grooming gangs prevalent throughout the UK in the muslim communities, again we saw systematic cover up from government, police, councils, care services for decades and anyone that mentioned it were some kind of racist and/or conspiracist, whistle blowers who tried were often threatened, lost their jobs etc and still to this day we have a government report that was promised to be released to the public and not held back on because of ethnic sensitivity but said report remains out of public view and the reason why is it is damning and exposes a much larger problem than they even realised.

-Global children's charities helping 3rd world nations swarming with volunteers that for decades were molesting and raping the kids they were supposed to be helping, buried until a few yrs ago even after yrs of accusations.

I and others here are no conspiracy theorists when it comes to a lot of what has been discussed, you will struggle to find it on normal internet searches because they simply do not want you to find it, take it from someone that has seen a lot of the evidence before it was erased from the internet, if you seriously want to take that pill and see the real world you live it it isn't very nice but you cannot go back, it means using search engines and sites that do not share your info and VPN's to mask your IP to some extent although you can safely scratch the surface enough to convince even the largest doubter without the need to go that far.

All you have to do over the US election is answer the simplest of questions or ask it as I have already done so with no reply from anyone.

- If the election was not rigged then the biggest piece of evidence was simply for the democrats to provide access to the Ballots and the counting machines, this would have confirmed from day 1 the legitimacy of the elections and ended this last november, however what has happened and is still happened even under court order to release them is a refusal to access them even to this day - not only do we have republicans asking this question but we have plenty of democrats themselves asking the same question because they believe a fair election is more important that losing to Trump.
All true but to be honest I genuinely now think that ignorance IS bliss.

If you haven't looked for this stuff don't but also accept that you are ignorant.

Best to keep out of these topics, I don't know what good they do.
All true but to be honest I genuinely now think that ignorance IS bliss.

If you haven't looked for this stuff don't but also accept that you are ignorant.

Best to keep out of these topics, I don't know what good they do.
True - many occasions over the yrs I have often thought it is better to actually live in ignorance and just enjoy the basics of life than to know what is really going on although I don't really discuss this outside of the online world, when friends and family have lived in this media and government created bubble for decades it isn't easy to change their whole perception of the real world and is why it is a hard pill to swallow at first.

Most conspiracies out there are stupid and clearly reserved to the realms of crazy people but one has to realise that conspiracy is a convenient tag to help hide an uncomfortable truth especially by those in power and control.
A bold statement in deed, you basically have taken the position that you are right and those that probably differ in opinion are wrong and they are in a fantasy world of some kind.
When it comes to the USA and especially its accusations of child sexual abuse it is a difficult subject matter to prove given the extent and lengths they go to cover it up. I am also bound to consider what I can post here, some of it that would have you question what you think you know is not suitable for this forum and would bring the wrong kind of attention to the forum.

I however can give you plenty of closer to home examples of news suppression that lasted decades.

-The BBC and Jimmy Saville - they knew all along and protected him, the BBC has officially apologised for decades of cover up. (remember the infamous sex pistols interview in 1978 where Lydon exposes the cover up that effectively got him banned and all we saw is news outlet after news outlet attack Lydon for his 'lies') ... 30yrs it took for it to be exposed and now we look at that moment in a very different light.

- Child grooming gangs prevalent throughout the UK in the muslim communities, again we saw systematic cover up from government, police, councils, care services for decades and anyone that mentioned it were some kind of racist and/or conspiracist, whistle blowers who tried were often threatened, lost their jobs etc and still to this day we have a government report that was promised to be released to the public and not held back on because of ethnic sensitivity but said report remains out of public view and the reason why is it is damning and exposes a much larger problem than they even realised.

-Global children's charities helping 3rd world nations swarming with volunteers that for decades were molesting and raping the kids they were supposed to be helping, buried until a few yrs ago even after yrs of accusations.

I and others here are no conspiracy theorists when it comes to a lot of what has been discussed, you will struggle to find it on normal internet searches because they simply do not want you to find it, take it from someone that has seen a lot of the evidence before it was erased from the internet, if you seriously want to take that pill and see the real world you live it it isn't very nice but you cannot go back, it means using search engines and sites that do not share your info and VPN's to mask your IP to some extent although you can safely scratch the surface enough to convince even the largest doubter without the need to go that far.

All you have to do over the US election is answer the simplest of questions or ask it as I have already done so with no reply from anyone.

- If the election was not rigged then the biggest piece of evidence was simply for the democrats to provide access to the Ballots and the counting machines, this would have confirmed from day 1 the legitimacy of the elections and ended this last november, however what has happened and is still happened even under court order to release them is a refusal to access them even to this day - not only do we have republicans asking this question but we have plenty of democrats themselves asking the same question because they believe a fair election is more important than losing to Trump.
What I object to strongly is the right wing insinuation specifically highlighting child grooming gangs to Muslim communities. Yes there have been grooming gangs linked to muslim communities but is this anymore prevalent than any other community? All the perverts I arrested were all dirty old white anglo saxons. I can tell you for a fact that across the board kids in care, due to lack of support and supervision have always been exposed to exploitation... a clear failure of our social service resourcing. Go back a few years and these children were treated as problem offenders due to the disruption they caused in communities due to drugs, theft and disorder. No one actually looked at the causes. What you have seen is a change on policing and social culture in the last few years. These kids would/do not talk or cooperate with police so bringing about prosecutions was extremely difficult. Its only in recent years that changes in legislation have enabled victims more support in giving evidence and also the ability to bring about victim-less prosecutions.
....Most conspiracies out there are stupid and clearly reserved to the realms of crazy people but one has to realise that conspiracy is a convenient tag to help hide an uncomfortable truth especially by those in power and control.

Damo's first law of conspiracy theories;-

"The closer you are to the truth the greater the proportion of what you read is bollux"

Pretty much all conspiracy theories have a kernel of truth then two things happen. One, deliberately misinformation is sewn and two, the internet goes into meltdown about it.
What I object to strongly is the right wing insinuation specifically highlighting child grooming gangs to Muslim communities. Yes there have been grooming gangs linked to muslim communities but is this anymore prevalent than any other community? All the perverts I arrested were all dirty old white anglo saxons. I can tell you for a fact that across the board kids in care, due to lack of support and supervision have always been exposed to exploitation... a clear failure of our social service resourcing. Go back a few years and these children were treated as problem offenders due to the disruption they caused in communities due to drugs, theft and disorder. No one actually looked at the causes. What you have seen is a change on policing and social culture in the last few years. These kids would/do not talk or cooperate with police so bringing about prosecutions was extremely difficult. Its only in recent years that changes in legislation have enabled victims more support in giving evidence and also the ability to bring about victim-less prosecutions.

Its no the noncing, as you point out, there are many more white nonces but these tend to be solo nonces operating from positions of familiarity on an opportunity.

The issue with Asian gangs is that there is a racist element, one that the establishment does not want to recognise let alone tackle. White girls are seen as trash and acceptable targets by far too many in these communities while their own young women are locked up and married off to uncles in some Stan somewhere.

Local councils and law enforcement don't want to look too closely at the Asian night time economy for fear of being labeled racist themselves but there are thousands of horny young Asian men predating on drunk or vulnerable young women.
Damo's first law of conspiracy theories;-

"The closer you are to the truth the greater the proportion of what you read is bollux"

Pretty much all conspiracy theories have a kernel of truth then two things happen. One, deliberately misinformation is sewn and two, the internet goes into meltdown about it.
Too true. I've worked on some very high profile investigations in the past. Often there were headlines based on "leaked info' to the national press. This was however, quite reassuring because it confirmed that there were no leaks as the headlines were, as you say ....bollux ?
Its no the noncing, as you point out, there are many more white nonces but these tend to be solo nonces operating from positions of familiarity on an opportunity.

The issue with Asian gangs is that there is a racist element, one that the establishment does not want to recognise let alone tackle. White girls are seen as trash and acceptable targets by far too many in these communities while their own young women are locked up and married off to uncles in some Stan somewhere.

Local councils and law enforcement don't want to look too closely at the Asian night time economy for fear of being labeled racist themselves but there are thousands of horny young Asian men predating on drunk or vulnerable young women.
Where is the evidence of that?

Police investigate the allegation infront of them and as I've said, a few years back, if the victims weren't cooperating or engaging the investigations were not pushed forward. There may well have been a racist element to those particular gangs and their young white girl targets were probably more accessible. Who's not to say that there isn't a similar level insular abuse within those communities as well.

Are muslim gangs more prevalent than Eastern European, African, Asian, British, Irish gangs that exploit young women. Surely those involved in criminality within communities reflect the communities they are in?

'Local councils and law enforcement don't want to look too closely at the Asian night time economy for fear of being labeled racist themselves but there are thousands of horny young Asian men predating on drunk or vulnerable young women.' ....Divisive right wing bollox ... are you saying young Asian men are more horny than white guys.. although that probably is true for Tommy Robinson supporters! ?
Where is the evidence of that?

Police investigate the allegation infront of them and as I've said, a few years back, if the victims weren't cooperating or engaging the investigations were not pushed forward. There may well have been a racist element to those particular gangs and their young white girl targets were probably more accessible. Who's not to say that there isn't a similar level insular abuse within those communities as well.

Are muslim gangs more prevalent than Eastern European, African, Asian, British, Irish gangs that exploit young women. Surely those involved in criminality within communities reflect the communities they are in?

'Local councils and law enforcement don't want to look too closely at the Asian night time economy for fear of being labeled racist themselves but there are thousands of horny young Asian men predating on drunk or vulnerable young women.' ....Divisive right wing bollox ... are you saying young Asian men are more horny than white guys.. although that probably is true for Tommy Robinson supporters! ?

No, not at all, just we live in a highly sexualised world, temptation is everywhere, and western women have the freedom to engage in sex before marriage and with whom they like, meaning white men have access.

When you have a highly religious and exclusive community that see their females as pure and chaste and not to be touched until married, then married off outside the immediate community, you have a lot of horny males with no access.

As many of these work in the night-time economy then there are opportunities but with women they see as ------.

Its not healthy and not surprising so many cross the line between immoral and illegal, and that the community keeps quiet.
All true but to be honest I genuinely now think that ignorance IS bliss.

If you haven't looked for this stuff don't but also accept that you are ignorant.

Best to keep out of these topics, I don't know what good they do.

I've been exceptionally careful with the wording of some posts.

There are occasions when it's better to be dismissed or ignored, than bear the cost of winning an argument.
What I object to strongly is the right wing insinuation specifically highlighting child grooming gangs to Muslim communities. Yes there have been grooming gangs linked to muslim communities but is this anymore prevalent than any other community? All the perverts I arrested were all dirty old white anglo saxons. I can tell you for a fact that across the board kids in care, due to lack of support and supervision have always been exposed to exploitation... a clear failure of our social service resourcing. Go back a few years and these children were treated as problem offenders due to the disruption they caused in communities due to drugs, theft and disorder. No one actually looked at the causes. What you have seen is a change on policing and social culture in the last few years. These kids would/do not talk or cooperate with police so bringing about prosecutions was extremely difficult. Its only in recent years that changes in legislation have enabled victims more support in giving evidence and also the ability to bring about victim-less prosecutions.

I think we are going way off topic here, what you raise is for its own thread and discussion and when I posted the examples I was not trying to make this about race and grooming gangs, it was to demonstrate how information is suppressed all the time from all sides, I even gave examples of charities into the mix which tends to be committed by white males under the guise of charity care workers..
My post was not to drag up a row over who commits the most offenses but simply to demonstrate the media, the government, police, councils, care services etc are all guilty of suppressing the truth and are themselves thus implicit in the continued problem.
I only brought it up as someone raised the question on suppression and if it really does occur like I suggest in USA politics, the best way to demonstrate it does occur is to example home based situations we are all too familiar with.
I think we are going way off topic here, what you raise is for its own thread and discussion and when I posted the examples I was not trying to make this about race and grooming gangs, it was to demonstrate how information is suppressed all the time from all sides, I even gave examples of charities into the mix which tends to be committed by white males under the guise of charity care workers..
My post was not to drag up a row over who commits the most offenses but simply to demonstrate the media, the government, police, councils, care services etc are all guilty of suppressing the truth and are themselves thus implicit in the continued problem.
I only brought it up as someone raised the question on suppression and if it really does occur like I suggest in USA politics, the best way to demonstrate it does occur is to example home based situations we are all too familiar with.
Agree in some respects that the truth is suppressed but the issue is, that when the truth is suppressed people jump to conclusions, falsify it and then use it to promote their own agendas.
Agree in some respects that the truth is suppressed but the issue is, that when the truth is suppressed people jump to conclusions, falsify it and then use it to promote their own agendas.
Totally agree 100% but the solution here is for those in influence and power to tell the truth in the first place then those that would manipulate such situation are without a position.
Totally agree 100% but the solution here is for those in influence and power to tell the truth in the first place then those that would manipulate such situation are without a position.
Preaching to the converted there. Unfortunately the default position of many politicians when caught out is to lie. Seems to be the only profession left that is not held to account for lying. Plenty of police officers have been locked up for lying to cover up honest mistakes when a mere admission of messing up would have meant only a slap on the wrist. Same goes for life in general. ---- happens!
US government is currently talking about censorship from big tech companies and I caught this topical exchange from a press conference held by Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis.

Trump not guilty .I wonder what the next move will be in the witch hunt ?
Not really, the vote was guilty by 57 to 43 votes, that's guilty, but by an insufficient majority to convict.

Just like with a trade union voting, if 65% of the members vote; and every one of them votes to strike that is clearly confirmation that the majority of the membership agrees to strike. However by law 66% of the members must take part for a vote to carry so even though the majority vote for that strike, legally it would be unlawful.

You couldn't truly report this as "union votes against strike action", it ought to be "union votes for strike action but with insufficient votes to carry"

No political bias either way on this, but to say he was found not guilty isn't really truthful; he was found guilty, but with insufficient margin to convict, so is free to go. (Guilty but not convicted.)

In Scottish law there are three options guilty, not guilty and "not proven"

This latter option is really the case here, the majority found him guilty, but just like a jury where a certain % are required to convict, it isn't proven.
It was not a court of law, it was a public show of biased politics, Trump was never citing that riot and here is his defense team that the media forgot to show you when they gave you a biased view of the whole event.

Watch this and tell me this is not a staged muppet show trying to make Trump out to be the perpetrator, meanwhile the Dem's are faking evidence and deliberately taking tweets and speeches out of context.

This is the very reason this is not done in a court, because they needed to fake evidence.

Not really, the vote was guilty by 57 to 43 votes, that's guilty, but by an insufficient majority to convict.

Just like with a trade union voting, if 65% of the members vote; and every one of them votes to strike that is clearly confirmation that the majority of the membership agrees to strike. However by law 66% of the members must take part for a vote to carry so even though the majority vote for that strike, legally it would be unlawful.

You couldn't truly report this as "union votes against strike action", it ought to be "union votes for strike action but with insufficient votes to carry"

No political bias either way on this, but to say he was found not guilty isn't really truthful; he was found guilty, but with insufficient margin to convict, so is free to go. (Guilty but not convicted.)

In Scottish law there are three options guilty, not guilty and "not proven"

This latter option is really the case here, the majority found him guilty, but just like a jury where a certain % are required to convict, it isn't proven.
For what its worth, these days, the writers of the US constitution was very prescient in that they knew partisanship would overcome truth.

The setting of a two third majority would ensure that only the most heinous of misdemeanours would be brought forward for impeachment as it would require such a counter partisan shift to convict that it would be pointless bringing articles to prosecute trivia.

Unfortunately we live now in a world lacking integrity where media optics are king and utter garage is packaged, promoted and presented as fact.

We should be thankful of these last vestiges of sanity that stop the leftist media from running amok and convicting anyone who falls foul of their fragile sensitivities.
It was not a court of law, it was a public show of biased politics, Trump was never citing that riot and here is his defense team that the media forgot to show you when they gave you a biased view of the whole event.

Watch this and tell me this is not a staged muppet show trying to make Trump out to be the perpetrator, meanwhile the Dem's are faking evidence and deliberately taking tweets and speeches out of context.

This is the very reason this is not done in a court, because they needed to fake evidence.

Darkwood, you are claiming that the media did not show this clip, that is literally a clip from US public media.
I was referring to our media, I have watched the BBC and ITV content and they are very weighted in their coverage IE they will happily show the so called evidence that has now been debunked against trump but when we see Trump defense team destroy that evidence we are not updated on the matter nor does the UK MSM show any of it leaving the public with a biased impression.
Darkwood, you are claiming that the media did not show this clip, that is literally a clip from US public media.
Any comment on the points that clip raises, that is that the Democrat prosecutors doctored tweets and selectively edited speeches to show Trump in a bad light?

Why bother if it is all so clear cut and Trump is literally Hitler?

Why fake things even a little bit?

...and what is not being reported in the media is that the evidence presented to this kangaroo court was faked.

...and even when it was shown by the defense that the evidence was faked 57 senators still voted to impeach.

There is not even a pretense at honour, it is all political games but the stakes are way to high now.
I think the democrats have made a right mess of this, I have little bias either way and think they are all nuts, I do agree with media outlets leaning to the left, I can’t see how anyone can’t see that even in this country, essentially they witch hunt has made trump stronger as the everyday vote carrying American who supports him will see this as a vindication thus removing any doubt that some of them must’ve had.....and if the democrats couldn’t see this outcome before pushing for the impeachment it beggars belief, guilty.....innocent it makes no difference to the outcome in something like this.......great thread though with good arguments from both sides.
These threads with good natured debate are what make this electricians forum what it is........ermmmm?
I think the democrats have made a right mess of this, I have little bias either way and think they are all nuts, I do agree with media outlets leaning to the left, I can’t see how anyone can’t see that even in this country, essentially they witch hunt has made trump stronger as the everyday vote carrying American who supports him will see this as a vindication thus removing any doubt that some of them must’ve had.....and if the democrats couldn’t see this outcome before pushing for the impeachment it beggars belief, guilty.....innocent it makes no difference to the outcome in something like this.......great thread though with good arguments from both sides.
These threads with good natured debate are what make this electricians forum what it is........ermmmm?
All this has done is to highlight that hatred and nastiness that runs through the veins of the left. It was never enough to detect Trump, they had to destroy him.

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