Hi all, Im just looking for some guidance with swa cable and the sizes that I should use. We are wiring a consumer unit in the garage/shed from the house cu. My mate is a sparky and he said that if I can do the donkey work so to speak he is happy to come and make all the final connections and test the circuits for complying with the regs. He did state what size swa to use but that was a few weeks back and at present he is on a months holiday abroad so one cant check. The garage/shed is on a 3 mcb + incoming mcb cu. These mcb's are 32a, 16a and 6a. There are 3 circuits, the 1st on the 32a mcb is radial and supplies 4 dbl sockets, the 2nd on the 16a mcb supplies a single socket connected to a tubular heater and finally the remaining 6a mcb supplies the single baton tube light. The run from the grage/shed cu is approx. 10 - 12 meters and is to b e terminated at both ends into metal junction boxes ready for connection to the respective cu. One site sparky I spoke too simply advised the bigger the better, but others have said you may be able to utilise 6mm as it is unlikely for us to use all the sockets at the same time, two sparkys advised at least 10mm and one stated 16mm would be the way to go. However my employer has offered me a roll 24 meters of 6mm 3 core pvc sheathed cable, one opinion is that we can use this in conduit and run two lengths of cable from cu to cu, one supplying the 32a mcb radial circuit and the second to the 16a and 6a circuits. I have approx. 10 days before my mates return to run the cable in anticipation of him making the connections a couple of days after his return.