what would happen if you connected 6mm twin and earth tho a 2.5mm twin and earth via jb ??
Many thanks
Many thanks
I'm assuming the supply is just for controls and ignition etc and the boiler is gas/coal/oil fired.
I would suggest you make the joint using ferrules and a crimper and heatshrink insulation over the top. This would be considered a maintenance-free joint. I would also extend the cable using a length of 6mm FT+e as well. It's a couple of quid extra but there's less chance that it would result in an overloaded cable at a later date if someone replaces the 6A MCB.
Am i missing something. Dont the regs state that when linking two cables of different csa then it needs to be done via a fused connection. Or are the voices in my head starting again. linking two cables with no protection for the smaller cable is asking for trouble in future.
the 6mm is from the board to the landing are (old shower feed already on a jb) boiler is going in the landing aprox about 10m away (round corners and so on) Need to pick the power up for the boiler spur near impossible to tap off the ring. The cables run under floor boards
Im just asking for advise it’s not me doing it it’s the plumber
What does the 'F' in FT+e stand for? Never come accross that one!
Reply to the thread, titled "6mm t & e connected to 2.5 t & e" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.