i hate it when people say thatpoles ect are better workers than us brits. In my opinion and experience that just isnt true. Dont get me wrong ive worked along side some brilliant polish sparks, and fantastic polish scaffolders. Put it this way, if you are motivated enough to leave your own country and work away for months at a time, then you are going top work hard, because you are likely to be a motivaed and determined person. Polabnd have their own fair share of people who dont want to workl ect, but the majority of them are sat in poland, not over here. im sure the foreigners like our tradesmen for the same reason as above.
Times are hard at the mo for everybody with rising fuel, food ect, and wages not rising to keep up. Wages lowering all the time, and not enough jobs to go round. all we can keep doing, is working hard, not living outside our means, and keeping our chins up. It aint gona get any easier any time soon.