View the thread, titled "***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians & Apprentices***" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.



O.S.G.. The use of other methods’ of determining Maximum Demand is Not Precludedwhere Specified by the Installation Designer

FirstlyI make no Apologies for the Way am Writing on any Matters . it can be a first day Apprentice or some one Needing aJog of Memory .
Sowe are all in the Same Boat . “ To Learn “

For the Apprentices . The Day we stop learning is the Day we hang Upour Tool-Bag

CookerDesign Current Calculations

Thefirst thing you have to do is get Your Head around the Calculations !!

(From a Design point of View ) 2392-10

DomesticInstallation Oven(s) & Hob(s) are to be Calculated upon their MAXIMUM LOADING
Startwith a simple Calculation ( An Oven has a rating of 2kW ) 2000

(I = P/V ) Formula … I = 2000 ÷ 230V = 8.70A …. Weare Using the Unit Amps

2392-10/ Domestic Installation Oven(s)

Ovenhas 4 Rings ( 2 x 1kW ) & ( 2 x 1.5kW ) & Grill ( 2kW ) & Oven (3kW )

-Controlled via a CookerSwitch with a Socket outlet .

Asa Designer . we’ll have to Apply Diversity ??

Important )- Diversity allowance to be Applied to the FULL LOAD CURRENT for CookingAppliances .

TheO.S.G. is telling us . Purpose of the Final Circuit fed from theConductors )
O.S.G.Table 1B p/97 – column (3) Cooking Appliances → At the Top of the Page Note : Type ofPremises ( 2392-10 → Household Installations ) Domestic Installation(s)

DomesticInstallation(s) Only O.S.G. - 10A + 30% f.l – Full Load ) of connected Cooking Appliances in the Excess of 10A+ 5A if a socket-outlet is incorporated in the Control Unit . ( C.C.U. ) – 45A + 13A Socket Switched with Neon .

Fromyour point of View ( The First 10A ofthe rated current plus 30% of the reminder ( Plus) 5A if the Control Unit incorporates s Socket.

Calculations)- You bank “ Hold OFF“ the first 10 Amps of the Maximum Load Current )
The10A will be used at the End of the Calculations’

-So your Work out the Total Power Rating & then calculate the Full Load Current

Calculations)- Power = ( 2 x 1 ) + ( 2 x 1.5 ) + ( 2+ 3 ) = 10kW

I= 10000 ÷ 230V = 43.48A … round it up to the first four numbers43.47826087 ( 48 ) 43.48A

UsingDiversity allowance stated ↑↑ ( 43.48A sub 10A = 33.48A )

I= 33.48 x 30 ÷ 100 = 10.04A

Youradding the ( 5A ) for Socket outlet . I = 10A + 10.04 + 5A = 25.04A )- Asa Designer this is your Expected Current Demand .

Remember )- Supply Cables Rated to suit DesignCurrent ( Iz ) :)
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Part1 ) “ This is some thing I knocked up Amber . “ Wording comes in different Meaning on Exams . But they all work aroundthe same principle(s)

Firstly)- What is ( Zs) in Definition . Earth Fault LoopImpedance . ( Ω ) 41.3 – Maximum Earth Fault Loop Impedance .


Q)- A Prospective Earth Fault Current Test.
needsto be carried out on a Domestic Installation .Which has a Type “ B “ circuit breaker fitted .

State ( Which instrument(s) can be used . The testvoltage & current supplied by the Meter.
Whatequipment is likely to be fitted to the circuit .
State( the precautions needed to be takenprior to the test .
Describethe Test .

i)State ( Which instrument(s) can be used. The test voltage & current supplied by the Meter.

AProspective Earth Fault Current Test .
( PFC Tester ) – or Loop ImpedanceTester : with function ?
Thevoltage range the meter will work on it from ( 50Vto 500V ) which is taken form the Supply it is Plugged into .

Workon is from ( 50 V ) to ( 500V ) Which istaken from the supply plugged into .
Itmeasures the current between Line & Neutral across an Internal Impedance inside theTester . ( PFC ) = I = V/R = 230 / 0.5 =460A )
Yourmeter . will return a Value . 0A up to 50kA . ( 2392-10 – Youwill not use this Method in Initial Verification )

Asthe regulations say . ! Values can also be ascertained by (Calculation or Measurement ) “ Meaning “ Determined by other ways . 612.11

Thisis a Live Test . You may be measuring Live Energised Conductors ( Whenusing Clip-on Leads ) when -&-s are looking for . ?? Safety at all Times .

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Part2 ) Firstly : as Tester. 2391-10 & 2392-10. :39:

Secondly : Competent Person .

Competent Person . As this notthe first Live Test . ( PFC ) you WILL HAVE Informed persons . “ Meaning “

TheWhy’s . ►Warning Signs – Informing persons whocould be AFFECTED by “ LiveTesting “ ◄◄ This is what -&-s like to Hear .

What other Precautions Required. ?? Are you not the Person conducting the TEST. ◄◄ Yeah

1)Check the condition of the “ Test Instrument “& “ Probes / Leads

2)Check Test Leads & Probes conform to ( GN-38) ↔ full Title / HSE .

3)What –&-s . harp on about ?? Working with Live Terminals / Careful not to TOUCH any LIVE PARTS ( 17[SUP]th[/SUP]Edition 2008 )

MCB32A – BS-EN 60898

So. for the sake of the Regulations .

Youshould check your reading against the Time Current Graphs for relevant devicesto get an Actual Disconnection Time . 2391-10 ( 460A ) ?? 0.1 s / 5s

2392-10- You should check your Disconnection Time Table 41.1 ( TN-0.4 or TT-0.2 )

Example. ( PFC ) = I = V/R = 230 / 0.5 = 460A )

( 230V ÷ Ze / 0.28Ω= 821A )

( Ia ) /Operation of protective device within the time stated – Zs = Uo/Ia . 6A ÷ Current / 30A = 0.2s

TwoTests . Here . 612.11. ( PFC )

Prospective Short Circuit Current . …. Line & Neutral

Prospective Earth Fault Current . ….. Lineto Earth

Measurethe ( PFC ) at the Originof the Supply .

Etc. Check that the test instrument . Leads. Probes & Crocodile Clips . -&-s GN-38

►►►Check the Polarity Indictor ( if Any ) on the instrument for correct connection

Usingthe ( PFC ) Loop Tester set the selector switch to ( PFC ) & the range switch tothe highest setting ( test for PFC Value)

Youcan ( Reduce the Range switch to a Lower Setting ) to obtain a more AccurateValue .

Withthe . Megger 1552 / you have two settings . (PFC → No-Trip ) ( PFC → Loop– Hi )

Ifthe voltage measured at the time of test is 230V & the measured value ofFault Loop Impedance between Line & Neutral at the Originis ( 0.05Ω )

Maximumprospective Short – circuit = 230V / 0.05 = 4600A ( or 4.6 kA )

If( Ze ) is known & the Looptester does not have the facility to measure EarthFault Current .

Itcan also be Calculated by using the formula . ( Ipf ) = Uo / Ze .

p/35– Regulation . ( Ipf ) Prospective Fault Current .

p/36– Regulation . ( Uo ) Nominal Line to Earth voltage .

p/36– Regulation . (Ze ) External Earth Fault LoopImpedance .

3-Phase Installations the ( PFC ) recorded is Twice ( 2 x ) the Maximum SinglePhase Value Measured .

InsulationRésistance . in your own words . Example. :6:

Example- Table 61 (- SELV = 50V/ A.C . to 250V /D.C.. ( V ) to ( MΩ ) ≥ 0.5 . (Mains to D.C. Current ) Remember . MinimumInsulation Résistance “ Wording “ . ≥ 0.5 - MΩ .

RingFinal Circuit . Basics. :6:

Statethe effect on Conductor Résistance when Cables are Connected in Parallel .

Current in a Parallel Circuit.

Ohmslaw states that the Current is ( Inversely Proportionalto the Circuit Résistance ) Thisfact is True in Both ( Series ) & ( Parallel ) Circuits .

Thereis a Single Path for current in a ( Series )circuit .
Theamount of current is determined by the Total résistance of the circuit &the applied voltage . In a ( Parallel ) sourcecurrent divides among the Available Paths .
Apprentices. :39:

Revision– Factors affecting Résistance .

Therelationship between the length of a conductor & its résistance is said tobe ( - Directly Proportional. / to its Length ( L )

Therelationship between the Cross-sectional Area of a conductor & its résistanceis said to be ??? Proportional.

• Thicknessof a Conductor . “ Cable “ Wire “

The Cross – sectional area of a conductor ( Affectsthe Résistance ) Thicker Wire provides ( Low Résistance) because they have more space for Electrons tomove .
Fevercollisions occur .

(Smaller )- Wire of the same substance ( Provides HigherRésistance ) because they Offer Less Space for to move around in .

If you still get them in-&-s . How to remember . ( Proton is Positive ◄►You can remember that because they both start withthe Letter ( P )◄◄◄ Two / Ps

Proton = Positive . ( Two. P ) -&-s :6:
Neutrons= Neutral
Electrons= Negative .
Extra Low Voltage . p/31

AnyVoltage in a Domestic Installation UPTO ( 50V ) Thinkabout - SELVor PELV


ElectricalProduct may also be Indentified as a ( PELV ) - ProtectiveExtra – Low – Voltage . ( Low-Voltage but connectedto Earth ) watch this -&-s . :6:
SELV . Separated Extra – Low –Voltage. ( Low-Voltage but with Output Isolatedfrom the Input ) watchthis -&-s . :6:

Apprentices)- some Testing matter to think about . Numbers . Yeah . :willy_nilly:

( R1 + R2 ) Testing – method( 1 )
( R2 ) Test - method ( 2 )

Testmethod ( 1 ) Continuity .
Testmethod ( 2 ) Continuity .

Zs = Ze + ( R1+ R2 ) Formula – Calculating – Earth – Loop – Impedance.

Two/ Point HERE . 2391-10 . Do NotUse The Wording(s).

Multi – Function – Tester . ( MFT ) Ambers doing Handstands on this Matter . Give -&-s what they want to HEAR . Professionalism. Not a D.I.Y. er :89:

Thisgoes for you as well 2392-10 . Combined Instrument that can perform all the requiredTests ( Not a “ PartP or 17[SUP]th[/SUP] EditionTester) ◄◄◄

►►Right Chaps . We keep this for On Site Only . “ Megger “ SlangTerm for an Insulation Résistance Tester .
UsefulJunk .

Termedan “ Extraneous-Conductive-Part
Water Pipe “ Not part of an Electrical System /Equipment . Froma Tester point of View .

P/27. Regulations / OverloadCurrent . An Overcurrent occurring in a circuit which is “ ElectricalSound “
Example– To much plugged into a KitchenRing ?? Washing machine / Tumble Dryer . Kettle . Toaster . T.V. :89:

2392-10 . PS. I can only give Guidance . Remember . as a Designer . The Kitchen Ring Final Circuit is always 100% / Maximum Demand . Yeah . Table1B . Colum 9 .
Point to Note : ( kW ) ◄◄◄◄ ► Real / Power . Yeah :89:

Watchyour Wording here . Yeah ( LV) Regulation(s) . p/31 .

Low / Voltage :

AnyVoltage in a Domestic Installation . ABOVE - ( 50V ) → Band 11Circuits .

AnyWiring that carries ( Main Voltage ) → Band 11

Certification& Reporting . 2392-10 . :6:

Minor Electrical InstallationWork Certificate . -&-s (- This is the documentthat must be Issued if an Existing Circuit is Worked On .
ThePart P ( BR ) BuildingRegulations :smilewinkgrin:

Ineffect you have to .

Design ) The installation . soit is safe as it can be . ( P1 ) ElectricalSafety ( BR)
Install : The wiring &accessories to the standard of BS-7671 .
Inspect & Test : Your new work for compliance with BS-7671 .
Certificate : The work you havecompleted in compliance with BS-7671 .

Apprentices(- Ohm- Law . is the cornerstone ofelectrical calculations .

Referringto the Triangle ( Four Values ) V . I .R . & Z . – ( R or Z)

Symbol– ( V ) : Meaning – Electrical “ Pressure “ : Unit / Volt : Unit Abbreviation ( V ) :
Symbol– ( I ) : Meaning – Electrical “ Current “ : Unit / Amp : Unit Abbreviation ( A ) :
Symbol– ( R ) : Meaning – Electrical “ Résistance “ : Unit / Ohm : Unit Abbreviation ( ):

Symbol– ( Z ) : Meaning – Electrical “ Impedance “ : Unit / Ohm : Unit Abbreviation ( ):

Ifwe Compare an Electrical Circuit to a Garden Hosepipe .

•When you turn on the Water to the hose – The system will stabilise to a steadyflow .
•The pressure is constant & a set current is flowing .
•The flow is governed by the ( Bore ) résistanceor impedance of the pipes “ And “ the pressurepushing the water along .

Apprentices(- if you crimp the pipe . The waterwill slow down . This is because the résistance orimpedance of the pipes ( has just increased ) :- Therefore .
Toget the same current flowing again you have “ TwoChoices

-Turn up the pressure to increase the FLOW
-Decrease the résistance / impedance by removing the “ Obstruction“ of the pipe .

Canyou work this as . More or Less the same with Electrical Circuit (s)

As I can not download Picture YET . am Working on it ?? Electrical -Drawing ◄

Wewill use ( R ) as you know it is the Symbol forelectrical résistance or loading . ( Scenario- Table Lamp at your bedside )

[V = 10V . I = 5A . R = Ω ] -→ > 5A -→ R = ?Ω ← 10V →. R = V/I – R = 10V ÷ 5A = 2Ω
[V = 100V . Z = 1000Ω . I = A ] -→ > I = ?A -→ 1000 = ← 100V → . I =V/Z – I = 100 ÷ 1000 = 0.1A
[I = 100A . R = 1.0Ω . V = ?V ] -→ > 100A -→ 0.1Ω ← V =?V → . V = I x R - V = 100 x 0.1 = 10V

Part( 1 )

Keepit Short for Understanding . :smilewinkgrin:

Firstly (- Themost important thing to remember . inany -&-s . ( ADS ) Automatic Disconnection of Supply . 17[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition 2008 . / Red Book – 415.1.1.
Thisis a primary method of protection from Electrical Shock .
-&-s point of View (- Insulation . Barriers . Earthing. MCBs. These four will stand you fast on (ADS ) RCDs . “ Testing “

Asyou are heading towards 2392-10 .

Earthing . Does a RCD need . “ Earthing “ . Important -&-s . What is the reason for EarthLoop Impedance . ?? Before we test any RCDs . ????? HINT / CPC
wouldan Earth Fault Loop Impedance test . ( Zs ) becomplete without an Earth / Polarity . ( Everything has aknock on effect ) for Testing .Yeah

Barriers . 2392-10 point ofview – 416.2.2. Top of ConsumerUnit ( CU ) IPXXD or IP4X . ( Shallbe possible ONLY by the USEof a key or TOOLScrewdriver+
Barriers . 2392-10 point ofview – 416.2.4. Side & Bottom of Consumer Unit ( CU ) or IPXXB or IP2X . ( Shallbe possible ONLY by the USEof a key or TOOLScrewdriver+

2392-10. IP Rating : Arating given an “ Enclosure “ to describe its “ Résistance “ to ( Solids &Water Intrusion ) it is expressed in Numbers . IPX4 ??

Insulation . Insulation Resistance . ( IR ) They are not Crossed / Polarity . ? ( ifit is not . Initial Verification / Age / Wear& Tear on Cable(s)
Insulation . Where they are no breaks in the Cable(s)Dead-Short . ( Fit for its Extended Use )
Insulation . Can we use the Term ? Fault / Finding . Insulation Resistance .

MCBs . To ensure correctprotection form “ Overloads “ it is Importantthat the “ Protective Device - MCB “ operatingcurrent ( I[SUP]2[/SUP][SUP][/SUP]) is not bigger than ( 1.45 / times ) the current capacity of the Cable ( Iz ) The rating of the MCB - ( In ) MUST not beGreater THAN the CABLE carryingcapacity ( Iz )

Asfrom -&-s point of View - OperatingCurrent of the protective device is always larger THANits RATED VALUE .

2392-10point of view – 514.1.2. Installation of Cables . I canStress this Enough ◄► Identification & Notices . Thiswill bring out the Professional side ofyou . “ Tester “

( T ) As Far as is reasonably practicable . wiring hallbe so arranged or marked that it can be Indentified for – Inspection / Testing/ Repair or Alteration of the Installation .
(Can we say here . “ Maun Bonding Conductor has to be Identifiable “) If One has to Test it . would it safe Time / Money . ???
Part( 2 )

AsDesigner in the Making :smilewinkgrin:

Regulation(- Chapter 521.3. p/97 ) Types of WiringSystem .
TheRegulations are giving you Examples . Yeah .

Table4A2 – gives Examples of installation methods of cables includingreference methods for obtaining Current-Carrying-Capacity whereit is considered that the same current-carrying-capacities can safely be Used .

TheRegulations always gives an Option 99.9% itis Not Implied that such Methods must be Employed or that Other Methods are Prohibited. Etc . Learning Curve

WhereExams are concerned . ( Earthing &Bonding are Two DifferentMeanings ) 2391-10 / 2392-10

Apprentices(- The regulations require the Earth to be HALF the SIZE of the Main CircuitConductor .

The- Whys . The Main Earthing Conductor . 543.1.3. States that where it is Desired Not toCalculate the minimum size of a Protective Conductor.
(Using the Adiabatic Equation ) Table 54.7 . p/130 . Should be Used -

2392-10- As you know The size of Mater Tails in Domestic Installation(s) is 25.0mm[SUP]2[/SUP] - Read this Carefully
Table54.7 . Half the LineConductor size would be ( 12.5mm )

Froma Designers point of View – Manufactures do not produce this SIZE . So the next size UPwould be ( 16.0mm[SUP]2[/SUP] )

2392-10– Table 54.8 . p/134 . Minimum cross-sectional-area of the Main ProtectiveBonding Conductor .

Note : Local Distributors Networkconditions may Require a Larger Conductor . ( DNO )

Apprentices(- Continuity Testing – Test performedon a circuit to make sure the Earth Reachesthe End of it . Yeah .
Circuit-Protective-Conductor . ( CPC ) -&-s
Earthing-Conductor Regulation . p/32 .. This cable is the Last Path out of the Domestic Installation . for Fault / Current . itconnects the system Earth to the Main-Earthing-Terminal . ( MET ).
Main-Protective-Bonding-Conductor .Earth cable that is run to the Main/Incomer of any service to a DomesticInstallation . Usually – Gas . Water .

Fault Protection . ( ADS ) Regulations . 411 .
Thisis a System of putting in place a Protection against ElectricShock . in the Event of a Fault Situation. ( This takes us down many Paths . Yeah. for this matter ADS )


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