View the thread, titled "***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians & Apprentices***" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.



O.S.G.. The use of other methods’ of determining Maximum Demand is Not Precludedwhere Specified by the Installation Designer

FirstlyI make no Apologies for the Way am Writing on any Matters . it can be a first day Apprentice or some one Needing aJog of Memory .
Sowe are all in the Same Boat . “ To Learn “

For the Apprentices . The Day we stop learning is the Day we hang Upour Tool-Bag

CookerDesign Current Calculations

Thefirst thing you have to do is get Your Head around the Calculations !!

(From a Design point of View ) 2392-10

DomesticInstallation Oven(s) & Hob(s) are to be Calculated upon their MAXIMUM LOADING
Startwith a simple Calculation ( An Oven has a rating of 2kW ) 2000

(I = P/V ) Formula … I = 2000 ÷ 230V = 8.70A …. Weare Using the Unit Amps

2392-10/ Domestic Installation Oven(s)

Ovenhas 4 Rings ( 2 x 1kW ) & ( 2 x 1.5kW ) & Grill ( 2kW ) & Oven (3kW )

-Controlled via a CookerSwitch with a Socket outlet .

Asa Designer . we’ll have to Apply Diversity ??

Important )- Diversity allowance to be Applied to the FULL LOAD CURRENT for CookingAppliances .

TheO.S.G. is telling us . Purpose of the Final Circuit fed from theConductors )
O.S.G.Table 1B p/97 – column (3) Cooking Appliances → At the Top of the Page Note : Type ofPremises ( 2392-10 → Household Installations ) Domestic Installation(s)

DomesticInstallation(s) Only O.S.G. - 10A + 30% f.l – Full Load ) of connected Cooking Appliances in the Excess of 10A+ 5A if a socket-outlet is incorporated in the Control Unit . ( C.C.U. ) – 45A + 13A Socket Switched with Neon .

Fromyour point of View ( The First 10A ofthe rated current plus 30% of the reminder ( Plus) 5A if the Control Unit incorporates s Socket.

Calculations)- You bank “ Hold OFF“ the first 10 Amps of the Maximum Load Current )
The10A will be used at the End of the Calculations’

-So your Work out the Total Power Rating & then calculate the Full Load Current

Calculations)- Power = ( 2 x 1 ) + ( 2 x 1.5 ) + ( 2+ 3 ) = 10kW

I= 10000 ÷ 230V = 43.48A … round it up to the first four numbers43.47826087 ( 48 ) 43.48A

UsingDiversity allowance stated ↑↑ ( 43.48A sub 10A = 33.48A )

I= 33.48 x 30 ÷ 100 = 10.04A

Youradding the ( 5A ) for Socket outlet . I = 10A + 10.04 + 5A = 25.04A )- Asa Designer this is your Expected Current Demand .

Remember )- Supply Cables Rated to suit DesignCurrent ( Iz ) :)
Apprentices :

RCDs / are NOT designed to break the ( High ShortCircuit Currents ) Which may Occur in Domestic Wiring Installations &must be Used with an Over-Current Protection Device “ Such as MCB “

RCD reacts to currentleaking from Line to Earth & an MCB reacts to Excessive Current . :icon14:

RCCBs . Residual Current Circuit Breakers /Which provide Earth Fault Protection only .
RCBOs . Residual Current Circuit Breakers / WithOverloadProtection : Which provides Earth Fault . Overload & Short-Circuit Protection

Apprentices : What is an RCBO - RCD / MCB .
RCD – Side Earth Fault . reactsto current leaking from Line to Earth / Faults

RCBOs . if welook at an ( RCBO ) B / Curve 30mA
RCBOs . if welook at an ( RCBO ) C / Curve 30mA

RCBOs .Respond to both ( A.C. ) & Pulsating ( D.C..) Residual Currents &are Manufactured to Comply with BS-EN 61009-1

Manufactured(- The Single Module ( RCBO ) is an Electronic Unit designed specificallyfor fitting into ( Plastic & Metal ) & Distribution Boards to give ( Earth Leakage Protection ) to an IndividualCircuit .


UsefulJunk . RCBO. :speechless:

Thethin white wire ( Earth Cable ) is purely there as a ( Back Up ) incase of a Loss of Neutral .

The Good News . Unfortunatelyits Not Possible to ( Disable ) or ( By-pass ) the RCD functionon a RCBO .
2392-10 Practical Assignment ( -&-s Exam : To be Used only for MinorElectrical Work which ( Does Not ) include the (Provision of a New Circuit ) :53:

Completionof Minor Electrical Installation Works Certificate .

The Minor Works Certificate is intended to be Used for Additions & Alterations toan installation that Do Not extend to the provision of a New Circuit .
ThisCertificate may also be Used for the Replacement of Equipment suchas Accessories or Luminaries.

2392-10 p/336 .
Appropriate Inspection & Testing . should always be carried out ( Irrespective ) of the extent of the Work Undertaken .

Part / 1 : Description of Minor Works .
( 1 / 2 ) The Minor Works be so described that the workthat is the subject of the Certification can be ReadilyIndentified .
1) Description of the Minor Works .
2)Location / Address .

4)Regulation ( 120.3& 120.4 ) Nodepartures are to be ( Expected Except in most UnusualCircumstances ) Regulation 633.1.
Part4 (- I/We Certify that the said works donot impair the safety of the existing installation . Etc .

Part / 2 : InstallationDetails .

2) The method of FaultProtection must be clearly indentified .
SystemEarthing Arrangement. TN-C-S . TN-S . TT .
Automatic Disconnection of thesupply using ( Fuse . Circuit/Breaker . RCD .

4)if the Existing Installation ( LACKS ) either aneffective means of Earthing or Adequate Main Protective Bonding Conductor . this must beclearly stated . Regulation . 633.2.
EarthingConductor : Distribution / MET – 16.0mm[SUP]2 [/SUP] ???
RecordedDepartures from ( BS-7671:2008 ) May constitute( Non-compliance) with the Electricity Safety . Quality & Continuity Regulations 2002 ( asamended ) or the Electricity at Work Regulation 1989 .

2392-10 as a Tester .
It is Important that the client is Advised Immediately in Writing .

Commentson ( Existing Installation ) including adequacyof Earthing & Bondingarrangements . Regulation 131.8 .

Part / 3 : Essential Tests )

Therelevant provisions of ( Part 6 ) Inspection & Testing of BS-7671:2008 / Red cover .

Mustbe Applied in Fullto all Minor Works .
Here’s you Example . Where aSocket outlet is added to an Existing circuit it is Necessary to . ??

i)Establish that the Earthing Contact of the Socket outlet is connected to the ( Main Earthing Terminal )
ii)Measure the ( Insulation Résistance ) ofthe circuit that has been added to . & establish that it complies with ( Table 61 of BS-7671:2008)
iii)Measure the ( Earth Fault Loop Impedance ) toestablish that the Maximum permitted Disconnection Time is NOTExceeded .
iv) Here’s you Example . )- Check that the Polarity of the Socket outlet is Correct .
v)if the Work is Protected by an ( RCD ) verifythe Effectiveness of the ( RCD )

Part / 4 : Declaration .

1/ 3 ) : The Certificate shall be madeout & signed by a ( Competent Person ) I respectof the Design . Construction . Inspection & Testing of the Work .
1/ 3 ) : The ( CompetentPerson ) will have a sound knowledge & experience relevant to thenature of the Work undertaken & to the Technical standards set down in ( BS-7671:2008) be fully ( Versed in the Inspection & TestingProcedure ) contained in the Regulations &Employ adequate ( Testing Equipment )

2)When making out & signing a form on behalf of a Company or other Businessentity . State for whom they are Acting. :34:
DirectMeasurement of ( Zs ) can only be made on a LiveInstallation . ( Live Test ) :speechless:

Neitherthe ( Connection ) with Earthnor Main Bondingconductors are ( Disconnected ) The reading given by the ( Loop Impedance Tester ) will be Less than ( Ze) + ( R1 + R2 ) because of ) Parallel Earth Return Pathsprovided by any Bonded Extraneous-conductive-parts.
TheExternal Impedance ( Ze ) be measured using (Earth Loop Impedance Tester ) :svengo:

TheMain Switch is opened & made secured to disconnect the Installation fromthe source of supply .
The( Main Earthing Conductor ) is disconnectedfrom the ( Main EarthingTerminal ) & the measurement made between( Line ) & ( Earth) of the supply .

Pointto Note : ( Ze ) is Measured using an Earth FaultLoop Impedance Tester at the ( Origin of the Installation )

Pointto Note : GN-3 : ( 3) p/50
542.4.2.(- The impedance measurement is madebetween the Line of the Supply& the means of Earthing with the ( Main Switch Opened ) OR
Withall ( Circuits Isolated )

From-&-s point of View .
Careshould be Taken to Avoid any Shock Hazards’ to the Testing Personnel & otherspersons on both whilst establishing contact .

Note : -&-s (- Parallel Paths . Yeah . 610.1. :nono:
Note : -&-s (- Themeans of Earthing must be DISCONNECTED from theINSTALLATION Earthed Equipotential Bondingfor :nono:
Note : -&-s (- Ensurethat the EARTHING CONNECTIONS has been REPLACED before RECLOSINGthe MAIN SWITCH . ◄◄ :nono:

2392-10 Practical Assignment ( The Regulation are Reinforcing this Matter ) Not Energised Yet ) Dead / Testing . :hurray:

2392-10: Notes on Schedule of Test Results . p/341 . Learning Curve . :46:

1)Type of Supply isascertained from the distributor or by ( Inspection)
2)( Ze ) at origin .
Whenthe maximum value declared by the Distributor is( Used ) the effectiveness of the Earth must be Confirmed ( Bya Test )
Ifmeasured the MainBonding will need to be ( Disconnected )for the Duration of the Test. ◄► ( ONLY )

3)Prospective FaultCurrent ( PFC )The value ( Recorded ) is the Greater of Either the ( Short-Circuit Current ) OR
TheEarth Fault Current ( The Highest on the Schedule of Test Results ) -&-s . 2392-10 . Exam :driving:

4)Short-circuit capacity of the device is noted .

( T ) The following Tests . Where relevant . shallbe carried out in the following sequence .

612.2.1. Continuityof Protective Conductors . including Main& Supplementary Bonding . ( When Required ) Etc
-&-s. Every Protective Conductor – should be Tested to verify that it is ( Continuous& Correctly Connected )

6)Continuity :
Where( Test Method 1 ) ◄► is Used enter the MeasurementRésistance of the Line Conductor plus the ( Circuit Protective Conductor ) - ( R1 + R2 ) look. GN-3
Duringthe Continuity Testing ( Test Method 1 ) ◄ The following ► ( Polarity Checksare to be Carried OUT )
( Polarity / i) Every fuse & single-pole control &protective device is connected in the Line conductorONLY . ► ( 612.6. )
( Polarity / ii) Centre-contact bayonet & Edison screw lampholders have outer contact connected tothe ( Neutral Conductor ) ► ( 612.6. )
( Polarity / iii) Wiring is correctly connected toSocket Outlet & similar accessories . [ Compliance is to be Indicated by a ( Tick )column / 11

( R2 ) is recorded in Column 7 . ( I put this in for Apprentices / ( PIR ) Wander Leads . Methods . 612.2.1.

Where( Test Method 2) is used . The maximum values of ( R2 ) isrecorded in column 7 . ( Get yourself acopy of GN-3 ) it Helps a Lot .

8)Continuity of the Ring Final Circuit Conductors . 612.2.2.
A testshall be made to ( ►Verify ) the Continuity of ( EACH) conductor including the ( Protective Conductor) of every Ring Final Circuit .

9) 10 ) Insulation Résistance .( IR )
Allvoltage ( Sensitive Devices ) to be Disconnected ◄◄612.3.3. plus – Note
Ortest between ( Line & Neutral ) connected together & Earth . TheInsulation Résistance between ( Live Conductors ◄►) Column 9 / Line / Earth – 10
WordingRectified ( Sorry) ◄◄◄ :rolleyes2:

2392-10 Practical Assignment ( The Regulation are Reinforcing this Matter ) Not Energised Yet ) Dead / Testing . :juggle:

( T ) The following Tests . Where relevant . shallbe carried out in the following sequence .

612.2.1. Continuityof Protective Conductors . including Main& Supplementary Bonding . ( When Required ) Etc
-&-s. Every Protective Conductor – should be Tested to verify that it is ( Continuous& Correctly Connected )

6)Continuity :
Where( Test Method 1 ) ◄► is Used enter the MeasurementRésistance of the Line Conductor plus the ( Circuit Protective Conductor ) - ( R1 + R2 ) look. GN-3
Duringthe Continuity Testing ( Test Method 1 ) ◄ The following ► ( Polarity Checksare to be Carried OUT )
( Polarity / i) Every fuse & single-pole control &protective device is connected in the Line conductorONLY . ► ( 612.6. )
( Polarity / ii) Centre-contact bayonet & Edison screw lampholders have outer contact connected tothe ( Neutral Conductor ) ► ( 612.6. )
( Polarity / iii) Wiring is correctly connected toSocket Outlet & similar accessories . [ Compliance is to be Indicated by a ( Tick )column / 11

( R2 ) is recorded in Column 7 . ( I put this in for Apprentices / ( PIR ) Wander Leads . Methods . 612.2.1.

Where( Test Method 2) is used . The maximum values of ( R2 ) isrecorded in column 7 . ( Get yourself acopy of GN-3 ) it Helps a Lot .

8)Continuity of the Ring Final Circuit Conductors . 612.2.2.
A testshall be made to ( ►Verify ) the Continuity of ( EACH) conductor including the ( Protective Conductor) of every Ring Final Circuit .

9) 10 ) Insulation Résistance .( IR )
Allvoltage ( Sensitive Devices ) to be Disconnected ◄◄612.3.3. plus – Note
Ortest between ( Line & Neutral ) connected together & Earth . TheInsulation Résistance between ( Live Conductors ◄►) Column 9 / Line / Earth – 10
Polarity: Red Cover .2008 .

A SatisfactoryPolarity Test . may be indicated by a Tick incolumn 11 . – p341.

( PIR ) / 2391-10(- Only in a Schedule of Test Results associatedwith a ( Periodic InspectionReport ) is it acceptable to record IncorrectPolarity .

2392-10. When your doing a New Installation / Initial Verification . you have Checked Anything. New Design . Yeah . :13:

Polarity: Red

FunctionalTesting . ?? :13:

TheOperation of RCDs . & RCBOs shall be tested by Simulatinga Fault Condition .

i)Independent of any Test Facility in the device .Record operating time . column 13. RCDtime . x1 / mS
ii)Effectiveness of the Test Button must beConfirmed . GN-3

FunctionalTesting ?? . 14 . Other . x5


14. All switchgear & Controlgerar Assemblies . Drivers . Control & Interlocks .
Mustbe operated to ensure that they are Properly Mounted . Adjusted . &Installed .

Satisfactoryoperation is Indicated by a TICK . column 14

Ihave NOT got . ( First Amendedment ) Green / am working off . Red Edition

2392-10. -&-s are looking for .??? Example . BS-7671: 2008 .333 / 337

ElectricalInstallation Certificate : ( EIC )

ThisReport is only Valid if a Schedule of Inspection(s) & a Scheduleof Test Result(s) . 2 x :leaving:

PeriodicInspection Report : ( PIR ) - To be appended to the Report .

(PIR ) Firstly )- Reporting on the Condition of an Existing Electrical Installation . -&-s :13:

ThisReport is only Valid if a Schedule of Inspection(s) & a Scheduleof Test Result(s) . are appended .

PS.Am not working to NICEIC. Test Sheets

WanderLead ( R2 )

Megger- 1552 . Megger / Wander Lead 50m ( 1.17Ω ) Not Nulledyet . :leaving:

Megger- 1552 . “ Auto – Null “ . 0.00Ω

Apprentices. it is Important to Null out any Lead before you startany work .

TestMethod 1 . Will yield : ( R1 + R2 ) GN-3. p/34
TestMethod 2 . Will yield : ( R2 ) GN-3 .p/35

TestMethod ( 1 & 2) are alternative ways of Testing the Continuity of ProtectiveConductor

Scheduleof Test Results ( R2 )
Scheduleof Test Results ( R1 + R2 )

Two methods may be adopted forthis Test but t is Important to Note : that when Testing the Continuity of ( CPCs ) with respect to ( SupplementaryProtective Bondingconductors . WhereRequired ◄◄ ) & MainProtective Bonding Conductors that in order to avoidParallel Paths .

Parallel Paths / it isnecessary to disconnect one end of the conductor in each Case to Obtain anAccurate value .

Parallel Paths ( Parallel - Circuit(s) has more than One Resistor ( Used as a Figure ofSpeech ) . ( Anything that UsesElectricity to do Work ) Learning Curve.
getsits name from having MultipleParallel Paths . to move along .

TheWhy’s / MultipleParallel Paths - This is done so that Lights don’t stopWorking . Yeah

• Fromthis Equation is that the more Circuits you add to a ( ParallelCircuit ) – The more thing you Use : Division of Installation / 314 . Dividedinto Circuits . Etc
TheLower the Total Résistance becomes . Rememberthat as the Total Résistance decreases . The Total Current increases . So ; themore things you Use . the more Current has to flow through the Cables in the PlasteredWalls .

TheInverse of the Total Résistance of the Circuit . ( Effective Résistance ) isequal to the sum of the Inverses of the Individual Résistance .

1/Rt = 1/R[SUP]1[/SUP] + 1/R[SUP]2 [/SUP]+ R[SUP]3[/SUP]+ …. ( This one come around on 2392-10 Exam )

UsefulJunk .
OhmsLaw . may be used in a ( Parallel Circuit ) aslong as you remember that you can use the formula with EitherPartial values or with Total Values . don’t mixparts

V – Total = I total : R total .
V –Part = I part : R part .

- Thepotential drops of each circuit equals the potential rise of the source .

V[SUP]T[/SUP]= V[SUP]1[/SUP]= V[SUP]2 [/SUP]= V[SUP]3[/SUP]= …..

- The total current is Equal to the sum of thecurrent in the circuits .

I[SUP]T[/SUP]= I[SUP]1[/SUP]+ I[SUP]2[/SUP]+ I[SUP]3[/SUP]+ …..
Informationfor Inspector . 2391-10 .

RequirementInformation . Regulation . 610.2 . :38:

BS-7671:2008. requires that the followinginformation shall be made available to the person or persons carrying out theInspection & Testing .


2392-10: Handy in yourExams . :19:

RingFinal Circuit(s)

Statethe effect on Conductor Résistance when cablesare Connected .

Whencables are connected in Parallel the overall Résistancewill be Less than the Résistance of the conductor of the lowest value .

Theformula for Calculating Résistance of Conductor(s) in Parallelis ??

1/R[SUP]T [/SUP] =1/R[SUP]1[/SUP] + 1/R[SUP]2 [/SUP] + 1/R[SUP]3[/SUP][SUP] [/SUP]+ …..

Where( RT ) is the overall Résistance .

R[SUP]1 [/SUP], R[SUP]2[/SUP][SUP] [/SUP], R[SUP]3[/SUP][SUP] [/SUP], Etc. are the Individual Résistancevalue of each conductor for as many conductors that are Connected in Parallel


Threeconductors of Résistance ( 1Ω , 2Ω ,& 4Ω ) are connected in Parallel . Calculating the total overall Résistance .

1/R[SUP]T [/SUP] = 1/R[SUP]1[/SUP] + 1/R[SUP]2 [/SUP] + 1/R[SUP]3 [/SUP][SUP] [/SUP]

1/R[SUP]T[/SUP][SUP] [/SUP] = 1/1 + 1/2 + 1/4 .

1/R[SUP]T [/SUP] = 1 + 0.5 + 0.25

1/R[SUP]T [/SUP] = 1.75Ω ( 1 ÷ 1.75Ω = 0.57Ω )

1/R[SUP]T[/SUP][SUP] [/SUP] = 0.57Ω


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