View the thread, titled "***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians & Apprentices***" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.



O.S.G.. The use of other methods’ of determining Maximum Demand is Not Precludedwhere Specified by the Installation Designer

FirstlyI make no Apologies for the Way am Writing on any Matters . it can be a first day Apprentice or some one Needing aJog of Memory .
Sowe are all in the Same Boat . “ To Learn “

For the Apprentices . The Day we stop learning is the Day we hang Upour Tool-Bag

CookerDesign Current Calculations

Thefirst thing you have to do is get Your Head around the Calculations !!

(From a Design point of View ) 2392-10

DomesticInstallation Oven(s) & Hob(s) are to be Calculated upon their MAXIMUM LOADING
Startwith a simple Calculation ( An Oven has a rating of 2kW ) 2000

(I = P/V ) Formula … I = 2000 ÷ 230V = 8.70A …. Weare Using the Unit Amps

2392-10/ Domestic Installation Oven(s)

Ovenhas 4 Rings ( 2 x 1kW ) & ( 2 x 1.5kW ) & Grill ( 2kW ) & Oven (3kW )

-Controlled via a CookerSwitch with a Socket outlet .

Asa Designer . we’ll have to Apply Diversity ??

Important )- Diversity allowance to be Applied to the FULL LOAD CURRENT for CookingAppliances .

TheO.S.G. is telling us . Purpose of the Final Circuit fed from theConductors )
O.S.G.Table 1B p/97 – column (3) Cooking Appliances → At the Top of the Page Note : Type ofPremises ( 2392-10 → Household Installations ) Domestic Installation(s)

DomesticInstallation(s) Only O.S.G. - 10A + 30% f.l – Full Load ) of connected Cooking Appliances in the Excess of 10A+ 5A if a socket-outlet is incorporated in the Control Unit . ( C.C.U. ) – 45A + 13A Socket Switched with Neon .

Fromyour point of View ( The First 10A ofthe rated current plus 30% of the reminder ( Plus) 5A if the Control Unit incorporates s Socket.

Calculations)- You bank “ Hold OFF“ the first 10 Amps of the Maximum Load Current )
The10A will be used at the End of the Calculations’

-So your Work out the Total Power Rating & then calculate the Full Load Current

Calculations)- Power = ( 2 x 1 ) + ( 2 x 1.5 ) + ( 2+ 3 ) = 10kW

I= 10000 ÷ 230V = 43.48A … round it up to the first four numbers43.47826087 ( 48 ) 43.48A

UsingDiversity allowance stated ↑↑ ( 43.48A sub 10A = 33.48A )

I= 33.48 x 30 ÷ 100 = 10.04A

Youradding the ( 5A ) for Socket outlet . I = 10A + 10.04 + 5A = 25.04A )- Asa Designer this is your Expected Current Demand .

Remember )- Supply Cables Rated to suit DesignCurrent ( Iz ) :)

2392-10: Handy in yourExams . ( TT System ) ◄◄◄ :19:

Measuringusing Earth Electrode Test Instrument )

ThreeMeasurements are taken : 79Ω + 85Ω + 80Ω

Addedal Together ( 244Ω ) …………… 244Ω ÷ 3 = 81.33Ω

Why( 3 ) 3 / Rods . Yeah :chillpill:

2391-10: Ring Final Circuit . :26:

• Statethe relationship between Conductor length & Conductor Résistance .

Résistance. in Ohms , of a Conductor or Cable Increases with Length .

• InsulationRésistance . :yesnod:

Variationin Cable Length .

Asa Cable increases in length . unlike the conductor résistance which increaseswith length . Insulation Résistance decreases with length .

Theformula for calculating ( New Value ) of Insulation Résistance is as follows .

InsulationRésistance = Original length x InitialInsulation Résistance . / New Length


ACable of length ( 50m ) has an Insulation Résistancevalue of ( 200MΩ ) .
Ifits length is increased to ( 100m ) . Calculate its Insulation Résistance

InsulationRésistance = Original length x InitialInsulation Résistance . / New Length

=50 x 200 ---- 100

=10.000 ----- 100

= 100MΩ

Somethingto think about . Yeah . :yesnod:

Insulation Résistance

Statethe precautions to be . taken before testing Insulation Résistance in Terms of.

i)Isolation of circuit(s) & equipment .
ii)Voltage sensitive equipment .
iii) Electronic components .

a)Isolate of circuit(s) & Equipment .

1)Select a ( GS-38 ) ApprovedTest Lamp or Voltage Indicator .
2)Check ( Test /Lamp / Voltage ) indicatoris functioning correctly by testing on a ( Known Supplyor Proving Unit )
3)Determine whether Isolation is for ( Whole Installation or ( Specific Circuit(s) .
4)Locate means of Isolation ensuring there is no ( Standby Supply Arrangement )
5)Switch ( OFF & Lock OFF Isolation device(s)e.g. Fuses Switch . Isolator . MCB .
6)Verify . ( Using Test Lamp / Voltage Indicator. Circuit(s) are Dead between Line(s) Neutral & Earth.
7)Erect ( Warning Notice(s). in appropriate position(s) . 2392-10 . atConsumer Unit .
8)Re-check ( Test Lamps / VoltageIndicator ) is still functioning correctly .
9)Retain Key(s) . for Locking OFF Devices /

b) Before carrying out InsulationRésistance Testing it must beestablished that there is ( No Voltage Sensitive Equipment Connected ) thatmay be damaged or Malfunction because of the test voltage applied .

Maybe Computers . Programmable Logic Controllers ( PLCs ) Programmers . etc. .

TheEquipment would either have to be disconnected during test . ( Testing / 612.3.3 ) ……….. PLUS – Note . Wherethe circuit includes Electronic Devices .

OrInsulation Test with Line(s) & Neutral connected together & Test between theses& the Protective Conductor .

c)Before carrying out Insulation Résistance Testing it must also be established that there is ( No Electronic Components ) that may be damaged ormalfunction because of the Test Voltage Applied .

Example - Dimmer Switch . This would have to beRemoved during test & the switch wires connected together .

- Describe Methods of Testing Insulation Résistance :

Beforecarrying out Insulation Résistance Testing ensure that . ??

1)All lamps . capacitors & loads are disconnected .
2)Voltage sensitive electronic equipment such ad Dimmer Switches . Touch Switches. Delay Timers . Power Controllers . Fluorescent lamps starter . Emergency Lighting . RCDs are disconnected .
3)There is No Electrical Connections between Line(s) . Neutral &Earth .

Useful Junk . ( If )

2392-10 :
RCD . the contacts will Automatically be Opened . Thereby providingagainst Electric Shock . The Term . “ RESIDUAL “ in Residual Current Device implies that ( There) is a residual current flowing in the ( Circuit )Over & above that required to provide ( Power to aLoad ) :yesnod:

2391-10 : ( This maybe helpful in Exams ) WORDING . Yeah :6:

612.2.1. Continuity ofProtective Conductors :

Protective Conductors .

Describethe need for . & Methods of . verifying the ( Continuity) of Protective Conductors & the “ Interpretation of results. ◄◄ :willy_nilly:


TheContinuity of the ProtectiveConductor is very important since it ( Forms Part) of the Earth Fault Loop Path .
Inthe event of a Fault to Earth the Faultcurrent flows through the Protective Conductors& the Earth Fault Loop Path as a whole .
Ifthe impedance of the Path was too high the Fault current may not be largeenough to operate the Protective Device thusresulting in ( Exposed Metalwork becoming Live )due to the circulating Fault current .

2392-10: :6:


InsulationRésistance . ( IR) Table 61 . :willy_nilly:

SELV & PELV (- upto ( 50V ) or ( 120V d.c. )

SELV ( Howdo I know / p/31 – Regulations . ) Extra – Low .

Describe the Test to Verify Separation between ( SELV ) circuits & other circuits ( -&-s )

SeparatedExtra Low Voltage ( SELV ) circuits operated at voltages up ( 50V ) or ( 120V d.c. ) This voltage can be obtainedin a number of ways such as a ( Double / Wound Transformer ) having a supply primary coil connected tothe 230V a.c. . Supply & an outputsecondary coil at the required Extra Low Voltage .
Thetwo coils are not & should not be connected in a ANY way 7 a test must be carried out to prove this .

Byusing an Insulation Resistance Tester . set to ( 250Vd.c. ) test voltage on the ( MΩ ) rangecarry out the following test procedure . With the transformer disconnected fromthe supply connected one test lead to the Primary coil & the Other testlead to the secondary coil .

Pressthe test button & note the reading in ( MΩ ) .

Tocomply with BS-7671:2008 . This reading should be no less than ( 0.5MΩ )

Inspection & Testing . :coolgleamA:

Whatis the definition of Inspection .
Inspectionis a general term that can have a wide variety of meaning . Will usually bemore specific / VisualInspection or Non-destructive Testing .

GN-3p/63 . ( PIR )
Theformal Inspections should be carried out in accordance with Chapter 62 ofBS-7671 . This requires an Inspection comprising careful scrutiny of the Installation. carried out without Dismantling or Partial Dismantling as required .together with theAppropriate Tests of Chapter 61 .

EarthFault Loop Impedance .
TheImpedance of the Earth Fault Loop . Line - to - Earth Loop . Starting& Ending at the point of Earth Fault .

RingFinal Circuit . Final Circuit arranged in the form of a Ring & connectedto a Single Point of Supply .

ResidualCurrent Device . ( RCD )

( Residual / Dual . meaning two . Line& NeutralTwo liveconductors .

ItUses the Idea that the Current in the Line &Neutral must be Exactly the Same . Yeah ( Balanced )

TheRCD does is compare the Current in the Line& Neural . If they’re not Identicalit Trips Out .


Regulationsinitially call for Visual Inspection . but someItems such as Correct Connection of Conductors .
Canbe done during the actual Testing . :coolgleamA:

612.7. EarthElectrode Résistance . ( Ra ) - 200Ω

612.7. : Electrode underTest is being used in conjunction with an ( RCD)

A Loop Impedance Tester ( Zs )

TTSystem(s) . The value of the Earth Electrode Résistance ( Ra ) in Ohms. Multiplied bythe Operating Current in Amperes of the Protective Device . ( I∆n ) should NOTexceed ( 50V ) ( Ra ) = 200Ω . Then the maximum RCD operating Current should NOTexceed ( 250mA ) :coolgleamA:

Apreferred sequence of Tests is recommended . Where Relevant . 2392-10 :willy_nilly:

TN-S / TN-C-S .

612.2.1. Continuity of protective conductors .
612.2.2. Continuity of Ring Final conductors .
612.3.Insulation Résistance . ( IR )
612.6. Polarity .

612.7. Earth Fault LoopImpedance .
612.10. Additional Protection .
612.11. Protective Fault Current . ( PFC )
612.13. Functional Testing .
Last edited by a moderator:

Lets make the Books work for Us . O.S.G. p/166 . Table 9A .

612.2.1. Continuity of ProtectiveConductors .

AllProtective Conductors . including Main Protective Bonding Conductors &Supplementary Protective Bonding Conductors . ( Where Required )

ConductorSize ( mm[SUP]2[/SUP] ) 2.5 : Résistance ( mΩ/m ) 7.41 .
ConductorSize ( mm[SUP]2[/SUP] ) 4.0 : Résistance ( mΩ/m ) 4.61 .
ConductorSize ( mm[SUP]2[/SUP] ) 6.0 : Résistance ( mΩ/m ) 3.08 .

ConductorSize ( mm[SUP]2[/SUP] ) 10.0 : Résistance ( mΩ/m ) 1.83 .
ConductorSize ( mm[SUP]2[/SUP] ) 16.0 : Résistance ( mΩ/m ) 1.15 .

I WorkingLong Hours . Sunday is the Only DayOff .

I do Apologize if I make any Small Mistakes . Thank youfor Understanding . :willy_nilly:
ASimple Résistance test between the Ends of the Line . Neutral or Circuit Protective conductors willonly Indicate that a Circuit Exits .

Whetherthere are Interconnections or Not .

Same value whatever diameter is measured .

(L1 / N2 ) ↔ ( N1 / L2) Circuit formed by Cross- connection .

InitialVerification :
Aftercross connection of Line & CPC you’d check between Line & CPC at every Socket & Spurs would becomeApparent . ( Spur ) will give a Higher Reading .Ω

Apprentices: ( Firstly – You Reading confirms thatthere is No Open Circuit on the Ring Final Circuit) Yeah .

RingFinal Circuit . ( Dead Test )

Instrument: Set on Ohm’s .

Under(- Schedule ofTest Results .
CircuitLoop Impedance Ω
RingFinal Circuit / Only measured – ( End to End )

Line/ Line - Little ( r1 ) = 0.43Ω . Measured – ( Endto End ) Bigger Copper / Lower Résistance .
Neutral/ Neutral - Little ( r/n ) = 0.42Ω . Measured – ( Endto End ) Bigger Copper / Lower Résistance .

CPC/ CPC - Little ( r2 ) = 0.73Ω . Measured – ( End to End ) SmallerCSA / High Résistance

Topquark. I can’t Editany Post . on my Section(s) Thankyou . :coolgleamA:

OhmicValues (- 70m Ring Final Circuit . –wired in 2.5mm[SUP]2[/SUP] / 1.5mm[SUP]2[/SUP] Twin . T&E ) :willy_nilly:

Readings at Each Socket . Examples Only.

Measurements. L1 / L2 . 0.26Ω - ( 0.015Ω )
Measurements. N1 / N2 . 0.26Ω - ( 0.015Ω )

Measurements. CPC -1 / CPC - 2 . 0.32Ω & 0.34Ω . - ( 0.02Ω )

ForSpurs . each metre in length will add the flowing résistance to the above values.

Polarityis towards the end of the recommended test sequence . 612.6 :svengo:

Polarityon the Ring Final Circuit conductors is Achievedsimply by conducting the Ring Circuit Test .

Asfor Radial socket outlets . (- Continuity of the CPC will have already been Proved by linking Line& CPC & Measuring between the same terminalsat each socket .
OnlyLine / CPC reversalsneed to be Checked .

612.2.Continuity of Conductors . We are conducting this Test at the same time as thatfor Continuity of CPCs . ( In Theory ) :bulb2:

Wedo this for Ring Final Circuit . CPCs End – End
Wedo this for Radial . Line / CPC

( In Theory ) Radial Circuit . Line / CPC . we are using Wander Lead Return .

Linkingtogether Line & Neutralat the Origin & Testing between the same Terminals at “ Each SocketLine / CPC reversalwill result in NO Reading at the Socket inQuestion .

Lighting Polarity (- Link at Consumer Unit ) Line & CPC – Pendent Set . ( Polarity / proved by Operating Switch ) Switch wire / CPC . Switchis Opened & to confirm then Closed Polarity


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