View the thread, titled "***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians & Apprentices***" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.



O.S.G.. The use of other methods’ of determining Maximum Demand is Not Precludedwhere Specified by the Installation Designer

FirstlyI make no Apologies for the Way am Writing on any Matters . it can be a first day Apprentice or some one Needing aJog of Memory .
Sowe are all in the Same Boat . “ To Learn “

For the Apprentices . The Day we stop learning is the Day we hang Upour Tool-Bag

CookerDesign Current Calculations

Thefirst thing you have to do is get Your Head around the Calculations !!

(From a Design point of View ) 2392-10

DomesticInstallation Oven(s) & Hob(s) are to be Calculated upon their MAXIMUM LOADING
Startwith a simple Calculation ( An Oven has a rating of 2kW ) 2000

(I = P/V ) Formula … I = 2000 ÷ 230V = 8.70A …. Weare Using the Unit Amps

2392-10/ Domestic Installation Oven(s)

Ovenhas 4 Rings ( 2 x 1kW ) & ( 2 x 1.5kW ) & Grill ( 2kW ) & Oven (3kW )

-Controlled via a CookerSwitch with a Socket outlet .

Asa Designer . we’ll have to Apply Diversity ??

Important )- Diversity allowance to be Applied to the FULL LOAD CURRENT for CookingAppliances .

TheO.S.G. is telling us . Purpose of the Final Circuit fed from theConductors )
O.S.G.Table 1B p/97 – column (3) Cooking Appliances → At the Top of the Page Note : Type ofPremises ( 2392-10 → Household Installations ) Domestic Installation(s)

DomesticInstallation(s) Only O.S.G. - 10A + 30% f.l – Full Load ) of connected Cooking Appliances in the Excess of 10A+ 5A if a socket-outlet is incorporated in the Control Unit . ( C.C.U. ) – 45A + 13A Socket Switched with Neon .

Fromyour point of View ( The First 10A ofthe rated current plus 30% of the reminder ( Plus) 5A if the Control Unit incorporates s Socket.

Calculations)- You bank “ Hold OFF“ the first 10 Amps of the Maximum Load Current )
The10A will be used at the End of the Calculations’

-So your Work out the Total Power Rating & then calculate the Full Load Current

Calculations)- Power = ( 2 x 1 ) + ( 2 x 1.5 ) + ( 2+ 3 ) = 10kW

I= 10000 ÷ 230V = 43.48A … round it up to the first four numbers43.47826087 ( 48 ) 43.48A

UsingDiversity allowance stated ↑↑ ( 43.48A sub 10A = 33.48A )

I= 33.48 x 30 ÷ 100 = 10.04A

Youradding the ( 5A ) for Socket outlet . I = 10A + 10.04 + 5A = 25.04A )- Asa Designer this is your Expected Current Demand .

Remember )- Supply Cables Rated to suit DesignCurrent ( Iz ) :)
Re: ***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians’ & Apprentices***

If you Know → Need to know. Yeah

Volts÷ Ohm’s → Need to know =Amps
Volts÷ Amps → Need toknow = Ohm’s
Voltsx Amps → Need toknow = Watts
Watts÷ Amps → Need toknow = Volts
Watts÷ Volts → Need toknow = Amps
Ampsx Ohm’s → Need toknow = Volts

Resistanceof the Length of Cable ….. Ohm’s x Current Drawn….. Amps = Volt Drop … Vd

FlexibleCables ?

Ifwe are “ Overloading “ a Cable : Keep inmind that the cable . Has a running current . by using more it will get Hot& eventually Melt the PVC coating . ( Plain English – Use the Right Size )
TheRegulations . my be a pain in the But !!There for a reason some kind person sitting at a desk has done the Work for us

Definitions/ p24 – Flexible Cord . A flexible cable in which the Cross-sectional area ofEach Conductor does Not Exceed 4.0mm[SUP]2[/SUP] ( PS. You will get this on CoP -&- ) 2011

BritishStandard BS-7671 : is set of Electrical Standards published by the IET in the UK .
TheStandards are NOT a LEGAL REQUIREMENT but a set of Standards which will ensurea Safe & Proper Electrical Installation

Aswe Say in the Trade ?? Some Contracts Specify that the Electrical Equipment ofthe “ Installation “ will CONFORM to BS-7671 & so at this Point they become( LEGALLY BINDING on the INSTALLER )

Fora Designer point of View .

Definition)- MechanicalProtection

522.6.5.(v) A cable installed under a floor or above a ceiling shall be run in such a positionthat it is NOT liable to be Damaged by contact with the floor or ceiling ortheir fixings .
PlainEnglish ) Be mechanically protectedagainst Damage . Prevent penetration of the Cable by Nails & Screws . & Like ( Keep Cables Out of Harms Way )

2392-10. We will use this on Part P . also

iii)&& (v) require Conduit & Trunking to be Earthed

• Whatis Mechanical Protection !!

Example : FP-200 is Fire Résistance? say 30 mins

Pyro: Mechanical Protection & Fire Résistance (2/1 )
i)Protection of cables against Mechanical Protection
ii)Protection of cables against Damage by Fire …( Long history of performing extremelywell in Fire(s) - Beyond the duration necessary to ensure theObjectives !!

MostDesigners specify either MICS → ( Pyro ) orProprietary Fire-resisting Cable(s)
Asa young Designer . ?? What would you Use .

?Mechanical Protection – running the cables on Cable Tray .

CableTypes ??
Twomost Important thing about Cable(s)

i)Insulation Properties’ are One of the Most Important things to consider whenselecting a Cable for a Circuit .
(if the Insulation is not rated for the Environment the circuit is installed intit can have a number of Detrimental Effects on its operation & Safety )

ii)Mechanical Protection . for cables is probably as Equally as Important as itsInsulation if the circuit with limited Mechanical Strength .
( Installedin an Environment where there is a risk of it coming into contact with Heavy Objects. as for our point of view ? )

522.6.5.(v) A cable installed under a floor or above a ceiling shall be run in such a positionthat it is NOT liable to be Damaged by contact with the floor or ceiling ortheir fixings .
PlainEnglish ) Be mechanically protectedagainst Damage . Prevent penetration of the Cable by Nails& Screws . & Like ( Keep Cables Out of Harms Way )
Re: ***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians’ & Apprentices***

SeparatedExtra Low Voltage ( SELV )
Isthe most common method of providing protection . ElectricalSeparation ( Which means NO Electricalconnection between the SELV circuit &higher voltage systems )

* BS-7671 . 2392-10 some questions -&- “ Initial Verification “
Asa Tester .

* Regulation 610.1 - Theseare Hand & Glove with Q/As -&-s
Everyinstallation shall during Erection & on Completion before being put into Service. be Inspected & Tested to Verify . So far is reasonably practicable . Thatthe regulations have been met .

( Precautions’shall be taken to avoid Danger to persons . Livestock & to avoid damage toproperty & Installed Equipment during Inspection & Testing )

Certification& Reporting –

* 632.4 . Defects or omissions revealedduring Inspection & Testing of the Installation Work covered by theCertificate shall be made good before the Certificate is issued .

YoungApprentices !! InsulationRésistance Testing . ( IR)


TheCOIL that is that is the LAMP FILAMENT is Effectively creating a Short Circuit between the Line& Neutral conductors

Let’slook at it in an other way - The bulb is only Designed to operate with 230V ( by applying 500V? would we do Damage )
Re: ***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians’ & Apprentices***

All cable(s) have Electrical Résistance. So !

Therewill be Heat loss ( Energy loss ) when they Carry Current . This loss appearsas Heat & the Temperatureof the cable rises.
i)The rate of Heat loss is a function of the difference in Temperature between the Conductor & thesurroundings .
ii)“ Making it “ As the conductor Temperature rises – so does its rate of Heat Loss

Backon to Cable(s) .
Cablesare designed to be able to withstand a certain amount of Heat
Copperis a very good Electrical Conductor ( 300mm[SUP]2[/SUP])
Thismeans that the Résistance of a length of Copper Cable is relatively low .

Aluminiumcable would have Nearly Twice the Résistance of Copper Cables with the sameDimensions . ( 500mm[SUP]2[/SUP])
That’sthe reason why we stop using them / partly Cost

- Therésistance of the cable )- A higher résistancecable will get hotter at a given Current .
-The Insulation on the cable )- This will tend to keep it warm like a quilt .
- TheEnvironment of the cable )- were it is situated .

DesignCurrent ( Ib )

i)The first stage of the Design Current is to determine how much current will flowin the Circuit .
ii)This Current is known as the Design Current & is the FULL LOAD CURRENT of the CIRCUIT.
iii)Depending on Load ????

Singlephase . 230V resistive .
I= P/V . at this stage you areCalculating the Design Current )- I = 2000 ÷ 230V = 8.70A

Three-phaseInductive Load . power consumption of 30.000Watts – 30kW
Powerfactor – 0.95

atthis stage you are Calculating the Design Current )- I = P --- √3 x V cos Ø

I= 30000 --- √3 x 400 x 0.95 = 45.58A

[ √3x 400 x 0.95 ] = 658.1793069
30000 ÷ 658.1793069 = 45.58028441
Roundoff . = 45.58A

UsefulJunk . Ambient Temperature( Ci )
RememberCables must give off Heat … ( Surroundings’ ofthe cable . the more difficult it is for the cable to get rid of Heat )

Tables 4B1 & 4B2 – 17[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition . Note 30°C– 4B1 … Note 20°C – 4B2. & The O.S.G.

Wording C.C.C. - We will see itas sometimes as ?? Tabulated C.C.C. / Iz– de-rated C.C.C. ( Current Carrying Capacity )
Re: ***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians’ & Apprentices***

Correct polarity is achieved by the correct termination of conductors’ to the terminals of all Equipment .

Is either Correct or Incorrect– There nothing in between .
Re: ***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians’ & Apprentices***

Example. “ it still forms part of Designing

Cable Calculations ( The Whys & How’s ) it’s a Start

- Workout the design current ( Ib ) … I = P/V
-Select the Protective Device size ( Ib ≤ In )
- if we need to . Obtain all correction factors . Ca .Cc . Cg . Ci .
-Calculate ( Iz ) … Iz = In ----- Ca x Ci x Cg x Cc
-Select Conductor sizes . With ( Iz ) use the tables Appendix 4 & choose . ( Iz ≤ It )
-Calculate Volt-drop . Use design current ( mV/A/m ) value from cable table .The circuit length then ÷ 1000 [ Volt-drop Ib x ( mV / A / m ) x L --- 1000
-Calculate ( R1 + R2 ) Using table ( 9A / 9B & 9C ) find the mΩ/m value ÷1000 then apply multipliers . ▼
(R1 + R2 ) = 9A --- 1000 x 9B x 9C = Ω
- Calculate( Zs ) ……. ( Zs = Ze + R1 + R2 ) = Ω
-Verify ( Zs ) values with BS-7671 – using the tables in section 41 ensure calculatedvalues is less than the Tabulated values . ETC
- Calculatethe Fault Current .. Using nominal voltage & ( Zs ) . I = Uo/Zs = A . PS – Usefuljunk Regulations p/35 . Symbols (If ) fault current ( A ) 442.2.1
-Establish the disconnection time . Usingthe fault current . device type & time / current graphs in Appendix 3 obtainthe Expected Disconnection Time .
- Calculateminimum size of CPC . Using the Adiabatic formula . Input all values ( Including k factor ) & work out minimum size ofCPC . Then compare with our chosen CPC size .


Re: ***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians’ & Apprentices***

559.6.1.5. Fixing of the Luminaries.

Thevast majority of light fittings are installed above head height . so clearly itis Important that the fittings are secure BS-7671 requires that the fixing for somethingas Light as a Pendent Set has to be capable ofsupporting a Mass of 5kg .

Re: ***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians’ & Apprentices***

SorryI have to break this into two parts .

Firstlyyou should be aware there are 3 Methods / Consumer Units available . [ I will try & open the Examples for you]

Knowledgeis the greatest arsenal we have .

Thereare Single Load – RCD .
Split Load RCD & RCBO

Just a Point to Note here . The RCD is not just a Manually OperatedInsolating Switch – Sensitive Safety Device which cuts OFFin fraction of a second if it Senses an Earth Fault.
Question ? it is NotPractical to fit One RCD to protect the Whole House . !! Why Tripping .
Ido want to open a mine field here . “ Division of Installation “
314.Every Installation shall be divided into Circuits . as necessary to ? (i) Avoidhazards & minimize inconvenience in the event of a Fault . “ So “ One RCDat the Main incoming does not meet this criteria . ( iv)

Example)- 8 – Way 30mA DPRCD … ( 1 x RCD) IP2X .
BS-EN 60439-3……(British Standards )The country hasStandards for & reasonNOT made in China
100 Amp .
Example)- 6A ( SP) type B / MCB …. 40A ( SP ) type B / MCB → This could be used for a Shower& Power Circuit
( SP ) meaning -Single – Pole ( Line Only )
( DP ) meaning -Double – Pole ( Line& Neutral Only ) with ( L & NEarth must be Added )

Asa Young Designer this must seem daunting . Don’t Worry
gointo the Forum& Ask Questions . We wereApprentices at one Time . Yeah .

Meaning!! BS-EN 60439-3
Regulation530.3.4. ( Consumer’s Controlgear ) Learning Curve .
Foran Installation with a 230V Single phase supplyrated up to 100A that is under the control of Ordinary Persons . Switchgear & Controlgearassemblies shall either comply with BS-EN 60439-3& Regulation 432.1. or be a Consumer Unit incorporating components &Protective devices specified by the Manufacturer complying with BS-EN 60439-3 . including the conditional Short-circuit testdescribed in Annex ZA of BS-EN 60439-3 .

Asa young Designer . if we look in O.S.G. p/17 – 2.2.5
AConsumer Unit ( to BS-EN 60439-3- Annex ZA ) is for use on Single-phase Installation’s up to ( 100A ) itincludes . 530.3.4
•A Double pole isolator .
Fuses. circuit breakers or RCBOs for protection against Overload & Faultcurrents . &
•RCDs for Additional Protection against Electric Shock . ( Anything that moves . RCD it & Earth it )RCD / RCBO – remember that an RCBO is RCD/MCB .

Designer/ Electrician :
Whenspecifying Enclosures & their Accessories . it is Important to bear in mindExisting Standards to which the Products are Manufactured&/or Tested .
TheStandards are Written to Ensure CONFORMITY .Integration with other Products & Safety ofPersons & Equipment.

Thisto keep in Mind -
ShortCircuit ↔ ( Fault Current )
EarthFault .
Wewill go there an other day { PS am not asking you to take this in all in One .am opening your eyes to things as a Young Designer }

IP4X . Rating’s on Consumer Units . “ Meaning “
RedCover - The Only Requirement of the Regulations ( BS-7671:2008) – 416.2.2. forthe Initiated ↔ ( is the TOP SURFACE of theEnclose ) IP4X/ IPXXD
(with Apertures Intended to exclude Particles of Greater than ( 1mm diameter ) To stop Dirt falling into the Enclosure

IP2X . Rating’s on Consumer Units . “ Meaning “
TheBottom & Sides ofthe Enclosures Only need to be IPXXB or IP2X ( The Testis made with a Metallic British Standard finger Test – 12.5mm diameter .
“Plain English “ FullPenetration into the Enclosure is NOT Allowed . Let ask you this ??

[Both Joints of the finger may be Bent through 90° degrees with respect to theAxis of the Finger but in ONE & the SAME direction ]
AmUsing the Wording - Finger is PushedWithout UNDUEFORCE . So there you have it . in One
Young Apprentices this is Only Guidance
Re: ***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians’ & Apprentices***

MCBs/ RCBOs are sitting on the bottom off Buzz Bar “ Copper Bar “ Feeds Mainspower to MCBs / RCBOs
MCBs/ RCBOs are Clipped onto a DIN rail

Justa point to Note :
Wecan get – MCBs Colour coded dolly’s allow quick Visual Identification of Ratings .now – BS-EN 60898

Whatis a Split Load .
100A Main Isolator → outgoingways ?? MCB / RCBOs ( 4) Non-RCD side
RCD30mA – 80A → MCBs ( 4 ) RCD side - ( Additional Protection ) 30mA RCD Basic Protection / Touching Live Parts . ARCD is a Fixed Equipment
RCD30mA – 80A → MCBs ( 4 ) RCD side

TestingRCD buttons – Do Not Hold the button more than 2 seconds [ You are crating aFault in the RCD for Testing Purposes]

RCDs- 0° & 180° deg ( ½ - 1x – 5x )times ( This sign is for Alternating Current A.C. ) Marked on the RCD - 230V . SinglePhase

Donot Overlook – as a Tester that ( When all the Tests are Complete the Testbutton to Ensure this Functions Correctly )

Pointto Note . The 17[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition tells usto test the Button on an RCD “ But Not “Before or After Testing RCD .

Megger1552 )- an RCD Tester is an ElectronicDevice which draws current from the Supply for it’s Operation .
Thiscurrent is usually of the Order of a few mA s which is taken from Line & Neutral of the Supply under Test(s) Single-phase

For-&-s Purposes Exams’ ?? TestingResidual Current Devices ( RCD )

-&-s– i) BS-200mS ……………….. Older
-&-s– ii) BS-EN 300mS

RCDto Achieve Automatic Disconnection in the case of a Fault . ( If )

Requires. “ in most cases “ that a Protective Device ( MCB ) shall Interrupt the Supply to a Line Conductor of a Circuit or Equipment in the eventof a Fault of Negligible Impedance between / Line Conductor& part or a Protective Conductor for the Circuit or Equipment within theAppropriate Required Disconnection Time .

“Plain English “
2392-10- TN- 0.4 seconds 41.1 – 411.3.2.2. tells us The maximum Disconnection – 41.1. shallb e applied to final circuits NOT EXCEEDING 32A [Domestic Installation(s) ]
Re: ***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians’ & Apprentices***

Working my way Around the 17[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition :

555)- Transformers .

Thereare Only three Regulation(s) . 555.1.1. to 555.1.3. relating to Transformers asItems of Equipment .
Throughtheir Installation . subject to the generality of BS-7671:2008

Thefirst > Autotransformers & Step-up-Transformers
Autotransformers& requires where such transformer is employed & is connected to acircuit with a Neutral conductor that conductormust be connected to the common terminal of the Winding

Regulation555.1.2. Precludes .
Theconnection of Step-up Autotransformers to an ( IT ) system . in all cases wherea Step-up Transformer is used - Regulation555.1.3.calls for a Linked Switch to disconnectall Live Conductor(s) Line & NeutralSimultaneously fromthe Supply ( DP )
Working my way around the 17[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition .

Principal Requirements for Devices for General Emergency Switching

( Requirement )- Where practical . non-automatic device
( Requirement )- Switching of all the live conductors( Except the Neutral where excused by Regulation 537.1.2. ) is required if there is a Risk of Electric Shock
( Requirement )- Capableof Switching Load Current .
( Requirement )- In the case of Motor(s) . Must be capable of switching stalled-rotor current .
( Requirement )- To be Single-ActionDevice .
( Requirement )- Identified as to purpose ( Appropriately Labelled )
( Requirement )- Device to act as directly as Possible onCircuit concerned
( Requirement )- Suitably Located
( Requirement )- If device is used to operatecontactor controlling the circuit . Switching is requiredto de-energize coil . or another technique of suitable reliability mustbe used
( Requirement )- If Push Button. must be the Latching OFF TYPE
( Requirement )- Plug &Socket-outletNOTACCEPTABLE
( Requirement )- Operating Knob . Lever or Button . PERFERABLY Colour RED .

I have shorted some stuff in wording .
LearningCurve Here .

Emergency Switching )- devices must “ Regulation 537.4.2.1. “ must be capable of Interrupting the Supply ON LOAD
Plain English – The Full Load Current )

Emergency Switching )- requirements apply to ALL EQUIPMENT where a HAZARD may be EXPECTED in NORMAL USE.
Plain English – Located in a ReadilyAccessible Position & Operator is not put in DANGR - that could be you one day
Difference in Wording

Regulation 537.4.1.3. – Demands that an Emergency Switch Arrangement is such that onesingle action will Interrupt the appropriate supply .
Regulation 537.4.1.3. – Means for Emergency Switching shall act as directly as possible onthe appropriate supply conductors .
Regulation(s)Table 53.2 ( Restriction on Use as Isolator ) Note 3 bottom of page – read

Fused ConnectionUnit : ( FCU ) Yes / Note 3
Whatthe Regs are saying – Suitable for OFF LOAD operation Only You will be . Isolationof current using equipment . ( Fuse in Pocket ????? )

2392-10)- keep in mind you may have a TT System Except where Neutral requiresIsolation .
PS – I have been known to use lock off Spurs Unit / padlock

IsolationRequirements relating to System Types

TN-C ( Number of Phases – Single – Phase ↔ ( Isolation required for ) Line Only
TN-C ( Number ofPhases – Three – Phase ↔ ( Isolationrequired for ) Three Line(s) Only

TN-C–S ( Number of Phases – Single – Phase ↔ ( Isolation required for ) Line Only
TN-C–S ( Number of Phases – Three – Phase ↔ ( Isolation required for ) Three Line(s) Only

TN-S ( Number of Phases – Single – Phase ↔ ( Isolation required for ) Line Only
TN-S ( Number of Phases – Three – Phase ↔ ( Isolation required for ) Three Line(s) Only

TT( Number of Phases – Single – Phase ↔ (Isolation required for ) Line & Neutral
TT( Number of Phases – Three – Phase ↔ (Isolation required for ) Three Line(s) & Neutral

IT( Number of Phases – Single – Phase ↔ (Isolation required for ) Line& Neutral
IT( Number of Phases – Three – Phase ↔ (Isolation required for ) Three Line(s) & Neutral

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