View the thread, titled "***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians & Apprentices***" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.



O.S.G.. The use of other methods’ of determining Maximum Demand is Not Precludedwhere Specified by the Installation Designer

FirstlyI make no Apologies for the Way am Writing on any Matters . it can be a first day Apprentice or some one Needing aJog of Memory .
Sowe are all in the Same Boat . “ To Learn “

For the Apprentices . The Day we stop learning is the Day we hang Upour Tool-Bag

CookerDesign Current Calculations

Thefirst thing you have to do is get Your Head around the Calculations !!

(From a Design point of View ) 2392-10

DomesticInstallation Oven(s) & Hob(s) are to be Calculated upon their MAXIMUM LOADING
Startwith a simple Calculation ( An Oven has a rating of 2kW ) 2000

(I = P/V ) Formula … I = 2000 ÷ 230V = 8.70A …. Weare Using the Unit Amps

2392-10/ Domestic Installation Oven(s)

Ovenhas 4 Rings ( 2 x 1kW ) & ( 2 x 1.5kW ) & Grill ( 2kW ) & Oven (3kW )

-Controlled via a CookerSwitch with a Socket outlet .

Asa Designer . we’ll have to Apply Diversity ??

Important )- Diversity allowance to be Applied to the FULL LOAD CURRENT for CookingAppliances .

TheO.S.G. is telling us . Purpose of the Final Circuit fed from theConductors )
O.S.G.Table 1B p/97 – column (3) Cooking Appliances → At the Top of the Page Note : Type ofPremises ( 2392-10 → Household Installations ) Domestic Installation(s)

DomesticInstallation(s) Only O.S.G. - 10A + 30% f.l – Full Load ) of connected Cooking Appliances in the Excess of 10A+ 5A if a socket-outlet is incorporated in the Control Unit . ( C.C.U. ) – 45A + 13A Socket Switched with Neon .

Fromyour point of View ( The First 10A ofthe rated current plus 30% of the reminder ( Plus) 5A if the Control Unit incorporates s Socket.

Calculations)- You bank “ Hold OFF“ the first 10 Amps of the Maximum Load Current )
The10A will be used at the End of the Calculations’

-So your Work out the Total Power Rating & then calculate the Full Load Current

Calculations)- Power = ( 2 x 1 ) + ( 2 x 1.5 ) + ( 2+ 3 ) = 10kW

I= 10000 ÷ 230V = 43.48A … round it up to the first four numbers43.47826087 ( 48 ) 43.48A

UsingDiversity allowance stated ↑↑ ( 43.48A sub 10A = 33.48A )

I= 33.48 x 30 ÷ 100 = 10.04A

Youradding the ( 5A ) for Socket outlet . I = 10A + 10.04 + 5A = 25.04A )- Asa Designer this is your Expected Current Demand .

Remember )- Supply Cables Rated to suit DesignCurrent ( Iz ) :)
Workingmy way around the Regulations :

Switch Wires )- Appendix 7 - p/343
Wherea two-core cable with cores coloured Brown& Blue is used as a Switch wire , bothconductors being Line conductors . the Blue conductor should be marked Brown or ( L ) at its terminations .

Intermediate & Two-way Switch Wires )- p/343
Wherea Three-core cable with cores coloured Brown .Black & Gray is used as a Switch wire , All Three conductors’ being Line conductors . The Black & Gray conductors shouldbe marked Brown or ( L ) at their terminations .

2392-10As Designers Are you aware the BS-7671 is British Standards . ina “ Court of Law “ ( Compliance )
TheO.S.G. is only Guidance’s

Appendix3 – ( Informative ) its tell us ◄
Time/CurrentCharacteristics of Overcurrent Protective Dives & ( RCDs )

Time-DelayedResidual Current Devices ( Type S )
Example: Appendix 3. Table 3A p/243 .

Two– RCDs )- Characteristics of the Two devices
itis required to select Suitable devices to EnsureDiscrimination . ( PS - Discrimination. does not Only come with Fuses ) point to Note.

i)The downstream device . is selected to be a ( General Device - BS-EN 61008-1 ) … This is theFIRST Line of DEFENCE. its rated residual operating current (I∆n ) selected 30mA. – The Operating Time . in accordance with the FIRSTLINE

Example :
Ata its rated residual current of ( 30mA – Device will operate within 0.3s ) ↔ ( 60mA – Devicewill operate within 0.15s ) ↔ ( 150mA – Device will operate within 0.04s )

ii)The Upstream Device )- as Designers’ you haveselected it to be ( Type S BS-EN 61009-1) Device in accordance with the second& third lines of the Table
Therated residual operating current ( I∆n ) is selected to be 500mA. The operating time . in accordancewith the second & third lines for such a device .

Ata residual operating current of )- 500mA– 1A – 2.5A .
Thedevice will NOT operate before )- 0.13s – 0.06s –0.05s .
Butwill OPERATE within )- 0.5s – 0.2s – 0.15s .

Itis now required to Establish whether correct Discrimination between the Downstream general device & the Upstream time-delayed device will be Achieved under EarthFault Conditions. Values of Earth Fault Current in the Socket-outlet circuit are considered .

•30mA )- Should an Earth Leakage Fault of 30mA. develop on the Socket outlet circuit . the Downstreamwill Operate within ( 0.3 seconds ) The Upstreamdevice . being a ( 500mA ) Will not “ SEE “this level of EarthFaultCurrent & WILL NOT OPERATE

•150mA )- The Downstream device operates within( 0.04 seconds ) The Upstreamdevice will “ NOT “ operate ( being a500mA device )

•500mA )- The Downstream device operates within ( 0.04seconds ) The Upstream time-delayeddevicewill “ NOT “operate during the first ( 0.13s ) of the Faultthereby allowing the Downstream device to Disconnect .

Herecomes the How’s & Whys –
Note : The Upstream devicewould operate if the Fault Persisted for ( 0.5 second ) DUE tofailure of the Downstream device

In – is the Rated Current ofthe Device .
( RCD ) I∆n - is the RatedResidual Operating Current .

RememberApprentices . You need a MCB – for Overload .
RCD– is for Additional Protection ( RCD alone will NOTdetect OVERLOAD )

Asyoung Designers – Head for Regulation / Definitions p/29
RCBO – is MCB / RCD )-Overload & or Short circuit .
RCCB - )- Overload & orShort circuit .

► Youmust give Discrimination to allow the 30mAdevice a chance to Operate first ( 100mAtime-delayed / 30mA General Device )
This bring me to another point !!

Regulation514.12.2 . p/94

Wherean Installation incorporates an RCD a “ Notice “ shallbe fixed in a prominent position at or “Near “ the Origin of the Installation . etc.

Thejob I was On . I asked the Lady when was the Last time you Tripped your RCD . (What RCD ?? ) – Lets put it another way . when did you get the CU . 8 Years ago
The RCD Incomer had Seized Up . The MCBs had to take the Fault

Sowe’ll take this as a Learning Cure .
Megger1552 . 3 x Tests + 1 – Ramp Test

Weare Working on ( General Purpose ◄ / They areNon-delayed RCDs )
( ½ ) ↔ ( 50% ) is 0.5 x 30mA .No Trip
( 100% ) is ( x 1 –This must cause the RCD device to Trip ( 300mS )◄◄ Note :BS-EN ◄◄ ( -&-s BS/ Old British Standards must go Out in 200mS )
( 500% ) is ( x 5 if we are using a 30mA Thismust go out within 40mS

Example. The

Regulation411.3.3. . requires that Socket outlets . Not exceeding 20A . That are for useby Ordinary persons intended for General Use .
AreProtected by an RCD rated at ( 30mA ) . With anoperating time NOT exceeding ( 40mS ) at a residual current of ( x 5 I∆n ) I∆n - is theRated Residual Operating Current .

If -&-s asked Q/As you about 100mARCD : in Exam - what would you Test an100mA RCD on ( 0.5 x . x 1 . x 5 ) Whatis x 1 / 100%
As a Tester :
As a Tester :

Insulation Résistance Testing

Removeall Lamps from Fitting where Accessible ?

Greater care must betaken. As during this Test ( 500V D.C. ) This could damage the Equipment .

- If we leftequipment which is left connected ?? ( Any accessories with indicator Lamps areswitched OFF . “ Neon’s

Neon Indicator Lamps. Will recognized as a Load by the Test Instrument & will give a Very LowInsulation Value.

All that is requiredis for the Switch on the accessory to be Turned OFF.
Brackets“ Apprentices

These should be used to carry out calculation within a calculation .

32--------------------- ( 0.8 x 0.65 x0.94 ) = 65.46

Enter in to Calculator )- 32 ÷ ( 0.8 x 0.65 x 0.94 ) =

( 0.8x 0.65 x 0.94 ) = 0.4888 . )- 32 ÷ 0.4888 = 65.46
kW)- True power ( x 1000 )
kVA)- Apparent power ( x 1000 )
kVAr)- Reactive power ( x 1000 )

Load )- The current drawn by ElectricalEquipment connected to an Electrical Circuit .
Prospective Short Circuit Current . – The maximum currentwhich could flow between live conductors . ( PSCC)
Prospective Fault Current - The highest current which could flow in a Circuit due to aFault . ( PFC )

Regulation612.11. Prospective FaultCurrent

(PFC ) → to any of ( PSCC ) or ( PEFC )
The ProspectiveShort Circuit Current & Prospective EarthFault Current shallbe Measured . ETC ( at the Origin ) – Consumer Unit / Tails

(PSCC ) – Line & Neutral
(PEFC ) – Line &Earth
Q)The Instrument to be used for a Polarity test . Before the Supply is connected. ?
A)This test is usually conducted while measuring the value of ( R1+ R2 ) where a Low Reading Ohm Meter is used .
(if conducted as a separate test any from of Continuity Tester is used )

( I must stress O.S.G. is Guidance only )

Guidanceon Initial Testing of Installations .
ii) Checking that the TestInstrument is made in accordance with the appropriate safety standards such as( BS-EN 61243-3for Two pole voltage detectors & ( BS-EN 61010 or BS-EN 61557 for Instruments .
iv) Observing the safetymeasures & procedures set out in HSE Guidance NoteGS-38 for all Instruments . Leads . Probes & Accessories . ETC .

O.S.G.with the Supply Connected
vi)Check “ Polarity “ of supply . using anApproved Voltage Indicator .

Q)An instrument that may be used for a “ Live “ Polarity Test – after the Supplyis connected .
A)A voltage indicator meeting the requirements of ( GS-38) HSE … This will come up a lot on “ Exams “( GS-38Leads )

Specification)- BS-EN 61243-3 : 1999 –Live working . Voltage detectors . Two-pole low voltage type .
Specification)- BS-EN 61010-1 : 2010 -Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement . Control . & Laboratory use ( General Requirements)

IfInstallation(s) are to be Tested to show that they complywith BS-7671 – The following instruments will be Necessary

Testing)- 612.1.
The test of Regulations 612.2. to 612.13.ETC.

Measuringinstruments & monitoring equipment & methods shall be chosen inaccordance with the relevant parts of ( BS-EN 61557 ) if other measuring equipmentis used . it shall provide NO LESS degree of performance & SAFETY .

- Lowrésistance ohmmeters . ( BS-EN 61557- 4 )
- Insulationrésistance ohmmeters . ( BS-EN 61557- 2 )
- Earthfault loop impedance testers ( BS-EN 61557- 3 )
- Earthelectrode résistance testers ( BS-EN 61557- 5 )
- RCDtesters ( BS-EN 61557- 6)
Insulation Résistance ( IR )

2392-10. Dead Test - Line& Neutral to be Linked out for this Test( Megger 1552 - Two lead(s) Lead one L&N )– Lead two Earth
Instrumentto be Used. ? … ( Insulation ResistanceTester ) for Exam purposes -&-s ►► PS NOT MEGGER

ElectricalInspection & Testing .

ContinuityTesting . ( Closed Circuit )
Examplelittle ( r[SUP]1[/SUP] ) end to endLine conductor ( Closed Circuit ) Youwill get a reading Ωs ?? ( r[SUP]1[/SUP]) to ( r[SUP]1[/SUP])
AnInspection & Test which is carried out on a NewInstallation to prove Compliance is called an InitialVerification .

( EIC ) The Electrical Installation Certificatemust be accompanied be a Schedule of Test results & Schedule of Inspection
Withoutthese two documents’ . The Electrical Installation Certificateis not Valid .

Regulation. Chapter 63 p/163 .
632.1. Initial Verification

Followingthe Initial Verification required by Chapter 61. anThe ElectricalInstallation Certificate. together with a Schedule of Inspections & Schedule of Test results .shall be given to the person ordering the work .

Thiscalculation is for BS-EN MCBs

MCBtype B . Time must be achieved when a currentof between ( 3 & 5) times its rating passes through it
MCBtype C . Time must be achieved when a currentof between ( 5 & 10) times its rating passes through it
MCBtype D . Time must be achieved when a currentof between ( 10 & 20) times its rating passes through it (disconnection of the device Ia )

Producetable(s) for Zs values . a specificvalue of current is required & the worst case is Used. ( B – 5 . C – 10 . D - 20 )

Whenthese values are used it is simply a case of ApplyingOhms Law – to the supply voltage 230V
&( Ia ) to obtain a ( Zs ) value

Thiscalculation will satisfy regulation 411.4.5. ( Zs x Ia ≤ Uo )

MCB– B : The ( Zs ) for a 20A type B ?? Calculated .
5 x 20= 100 ( 230 ÷ 100 = 2.3Ω )

MCB– C : The ( Zs ) for a 20A type C ?? Calculated .
10 x 20 = 200 … ( 230 ÷ 200 = 1.15Ω )

MCB– D : The ( Zs ) for a 20A type D ?? Calculated .
20 x 20 = 400 … ( 230 ÷ 400 = 0.57Ω )

Working my way around the 17[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition.

Reduced– voltage transformer ( Centre Trapped ) ◄◄

(Zs ) values for Circuit Breakers ( Table 41.6 – p/54 )
( Calculatedin the same way as the Circuit Breakers ( Table 41.3 – p/49 )

The only difference is the Voltage ( 55V or 63.5V ) Table 41.6 : We arenot Calculating 230V ◄◄

32Atype B – MCB . ( 32 x 5 = 160 )
(55 ÷ 160 = 0.34Ω )

Maximum Earth Fault Loop Impedance ( Zs ) for 5 sec Etc
&Uo of ( 55V ) Single Phase .
&( 63.5V ) Three Phase
MCB– BS-EN 60898 & BS-EN 61009-1 protective devices . Usually have two short circuit capacitiesmarked on them .

(Icn ) Which is the rated Short Circuit Capacity – is the Maximum Current whichthe device could interrupt without causing ant damage to other Equipmentsurrounding it .
( Ics) Which is the ( In-service Rated Short Circuit Capacity ) is the Maximum Fault Current which the device could interrupt safetywhilst remaining safe to Use .

Itis better to select a device with an ( Ics )which is higher than the ( PFC ) as the devicewill still be fine for continued use .
( Markedon the MCB - Icn ?? 6000 or 10.000 )

BS-EN 61009-1 / RCBOs

Insulation Résistance : ( 3 Test ) Regulations . [ Testing IR at theMain Switch ]

Dead Test .
Safety Isolation Procedures’ . are required hereprier to Testing

This can be carried out at the “ Main Switch “ of the Consumer Unit being Tested . You mustmake sure that the Main Switch is on the ONposition with all the Circuit Breakersfor all the Circuits to be tested . in doing this you must ensure that “ Lamps . Dimmer Switches . & Appliancesare removed Prior to Testing .

The Test is carried out between the Line & Neutral - using the Insulation Résistance Tester [ Megger ] Using the 500MΩ Volts scale
500V is applied – Your reading should be Greaterthan 999MΩ is Obtained .
The Test is carried out between the Line & Earth -using the [ Megger 1552 ]
500V is applied – Your reading should be Greaterthan 999MΩ is Obtained .
The Test is carried out between the Neutral & Earth -using the [ Megger 1552 ]
500V is applied – Your reading should be Greaterthan 999MΩ is Obtained .

Reason(s) :
This proofs that the Line& Neutral are not touching :
This proofs that the Neutralto Earth are not touching :
This proofs that the Line&Earth arenot touching : Throughout the Circuits’ .
Polarity ( 4 ) : This Test is the Forth Test . “ DeadTesting “ “ Wiring Regulations “

Safety Isolation Procedures’ . are required hereprier to Testing
This Test is to ensure that all Switches Fuses& Circuit breaker are in the line conductorOnly & Socket-outlets are wired correctly . 612.6
In this case am only Testing the Lighting Circuitonly . ↔ Polaritywould have been Tested through the Continuity Ring Final Circuit Test .
Very similar to Continuityof CPC. Although a read is not required . So the ( R1 plusR2 – Need Not be Recorded )

Consumer Unit – Inside . Having removed the Line Conductor from the circuit to be Tested . it isplaced into the Earth bar ( Met )
The Test Instrument to be used is then brought toeach point in the Lighting Circuit to ensure that Polarity is correct . while areading is not required this can be put on the Buzzer or Bell set mode . ↔ The Test is carried out between the Switch live & Earthat the Ceiling Roseor Batten Holder → with the Switch on the OFF position “ No Buzz “

Switch - the Switch ON it Indicates a Buzzing“ The polarityis correct . if this was carried out using a Low-résistance Ohmmeter thesame Test would show the meter reading from greater from scale ( 999MΩ ) down the a lowrésistance 0.15Ω in the same in the case of ( R1 plus R2 ) forContinuity of CPC
“ Useful Junk “
( 999MΩ ) megohms is a Near-perfect résistancereading for a Wire/Cable

The Megohmmeter . or Megger 1552 – multi function tester . is a measuring device thatTests high Electrical Résistance .
Typically these measurements aremade on Electrical Wires & Motor Winding to test the Insulation value ofthe wires . The prefix “ Meg ” describes a numerical value of 1.000.000. in thecase of an Ohmmeter that value is also described in Ohms .

An Electrical/ Electric terminal positive polarity 612.6


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