View the thread, titled "***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians & Apprentices***" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.



O.S.G.. The use of other methods’ of determining Maximum Demand is Not Precludedwhere Specified by the Installation Designer

FirstlyI make no Apologies for the Way am Writing on any Matters . it can be a first day Apprentice or some one Needing aJog of Memory .
Sowe are all in the Same Boat . “ To Learn “

For the Apprentices . The Day we stop learning is the Day we hang Upour Tool-Bag

CookerDesign Current Calculations

Thefirst thing you have to do is get Your Head around the Calculations !!

(From a Design point of View ) 2392-10

DomesticInstallation Oven(s) & Hob(s) are to be Calculated upon their MAXIMUM LOADING
Startwith a simple Calculation ( An Oven has a rating of 2kW ) 2000

(I = P/V ) Formula … I = 2000 ÷ 230V = 8.70A …. Weare Using the Unit Amps

2392-10/ Domestic Installation Oven(s)

Ovenhas 4 Rings ( 2 x 1kW ) & ( 2 x 1.5kW ) & Grill ( 2kW ) & Oven (3kW )

-Controlled via a CookerSwitch with a Socket outlet .

Asa Designer . we’ll have to Apply Diversity ??

Important )- Diversity allowance to be Applied to the FULL LOAD CURRENT for CookingAppliances .

TheO.S.G. is telling us . Purpose of the Final Circuit fed from theConductors )
O.S.G.Table 1B p/97 – column (3) Cooking Appliances → At the Top of the Page Note : Type ofPremises ( 2392-10 → Household Installations ) Domestic Installation(s)

DomesticInstallation(s) Only O.S.G. - 10A + 30% f.l – Full Load ) of connected Cooking Appliances in the Excess of 10A+ 5A if a socket-outlet is incorporated in the Control Unit . ( C.C.U. ) – 45A + 13A Socket Switched with Neon .

Fromyour point of View ( The First 10A ofthe rated current plus 30% of the reminder ( Plus) 5A if the Control Unit incorporates s Socket.

Calculations)- You bank “ Hold OFF“ the first 10 Amps of the Maximum Load Current )
The10A will be used at the End of the Calculations’

-So your Work out the Total Power Rating & then calculate the Full Load Current

Calculations)- Power = ( 2 x 1 ) + ( 2 x 1.5 ) + ( 2+ 3 ) = 10kW

I= 10000 ÷ 230V = 43.48A … round it up to the first four numbers43.47826087 ( 48 ) 43.48A

UsingDiversity allowance stated ↑↑ ( 43.48A sub 10A = 33.48A )

I= 33.48 x 30 ÷ 100 = 10.04A

Youradding the ( 5A ) for Socket outlet . I = 10A + 10.04 + 5A = 25.04A )- Asa Designer this is your Expected Current Demand .

Remember )- Supply Cables Rated to suit DesignCurrent ( Iz ) :)
T&E– cable PVC clipped to a ( Joist )above a ( Plasterboard) ceiling completely surroundedby ( Insulation exceeding 100mm ) … C.C.C. …

1.0mm[SUP]2[/SUP] = 10.5A . - 2415 Watts . ( Calculations’ - 10.5 x 230V = 2415 Watt )
1.5mm[SUP]2 [/SUP] = 13A . ( Calculations’- 13 x 230V = 2990Watt )
2.5mm[SUP]2 [/SUP] = 17A . ( Calculations’ - 17 x 230V = 3910Watt )

Table4D5 . BS-7671:2008 – No 1 2011 . Installation ref . method 101# .

Evenif you take the lower … C.C.C. … of (8A ) for 1.0mm[SUP]2 [/SUP] T&E cablecompletely surround by insulation for over ( 500mm ) its Still gives you up to ( 1840 Watts )

Cable’sshould be routed so as they are NOT covered by or touching insulation wheneverpossible also length of run & potential Volt – dropto be considered . ( Vd )

523.9. p/128 . Cable’s in thermal Insulation . ( Table 52.2. – p/129 )
Quote. Wherenecessary . The nature of the load ( e.g. cyclic ) & diversity shall be takeninto account . …….. ◄◄ ( Good Reading ) surround by insulation

Just a Reminder . 2392-10 .
6A– MCB . ( 6 x 230 = 1380W … design load max )

Method - C* … clippeddirect
1.0mm[SUP]2[/SUP] = ifjust clippedto a wall . ( Surround by Air) . will take up to ( 16A )
1.5mm[SUP]2[/SUP] = ifjust clippedto a wall . ( Surround by Air) . will take up to ( 20A )
2.5mm[SUP]2[/SUP] = ifjust clippedto a wall . ( Surround by Air) . will take up to ( 27A )

Zs – ( Max ) ◄◄ Maximum permitted Earth-faultLoop Impedance .
Table. 41.2.
Table. 41.3.
Table. 41.4.
Table. 41.5. – for Non-delayed RCDs .

Thebuilding construction in which an installation is to be carried out MAY affect the Design & Safeoperation of the Installation . Thiseffect is called ???
( An external Influence) App -5
Recall. 2392-10 .

612.8.1. – p/193
Requires the ( Effectiveness of AutomaticDisconnection of the Supply by RCD ) to be ( Verified) using test equipment meeting the requirements of BS-EN-61557-6 .

ElectricalSafety / in Low-voltage distributionsystem(s) up to 1000V a.c. & 1500V d.c.Equipment or Monitoring of ( Protective Measures . Residual Current Devices –RCD . in TT . TN-. & IT.

Reason !! . This is to confirmthat the ( Relevant requirements of Chapter 41 – (Protection against Electric Shock )

BS-EN-61557-6. has requirements for the following ( Tests ) to be Applied to RCDs

Non- tripping ( 50%) test - -&-s 2392-10 . All is relevant toyour Exam .
Tripping ( 100% ) test . …( 1x ) .. ► Thecommon Q ) -&-s asks you . totest an RCD at ( 1x ) what is the tripping current USED . ( 100% ) … 1x is 100% ◄◄

5 x IΔn – ( 500%) test … ( 5x )
▲▲Test procedure . with aleakage current flowing equivalent to ( 500% )of ( 5 xtimes ) the rated residual operatingcurrent ( IΔn ) of the RCD . operation should OCCUR within ( 40mS )

2392-10 (- Summary . as an Inspector .
RCDsshould be “ Tested“ at
i) - 50%.
ii) - 100% .
iii) - 500% .of their rated residual operating current ( IΔn ) Automatic Disconnection of Supply. ( ADS ) in case of a Fault . ?? ( Additional Protection )

wherean RCD is used . to achieve the disconnection time required by Table 41.1 . itis necessary to confirm that the maximum earth fault loop impedance ( Zs ) stated for a particular sensitivity of theRCD in Table 41.5.. are NOT exceeded in the circuit to which theyprovide protection .
Asan Inspector . 2392-10 .
RCD With a leakage current equal to ( 50% ) IΔn . applied ( ShouldNot Operate ) -&-s

612.13.1. requires the ( Effectiveness ) of the ( Integral Test Facility of an RCD ) 2392-10 - As an Inspector. Your job is . Tobe Verified . -&-s

You are checking ?? . it withthe Manufactures Instructions .
A warranty clam WILL NOT be successful if youhave NOT followed the Manufactures Instructions
Requires Designers / Installers to takeaccount of all relevant BritishStandards & Manufactures’ Instructions .
It is a Requirement of BS-7671:2011 . that allElectrical Equipment is installed in accordance with the Manufactures’Instructions . & Documentations .

415.1.1. – States .
Thatwhere an ( RCD having an IΔn of 30mA ) OR LESS . ( is installed to Provide – Additional Protection ) operating time should NOT exceed ( 40mS / Residual current of 5 x IΔn

Reason !! . With theNon-tripping test .
the purpose of this test is to confirm that an ( RCD ) of anytype or trip rating is NOT overly sensitive & is ameasure intended to enable ( Unsuitable RCDsto be indentified & removed for service . this is what -&-s arelooking for .

TestProcedure . “ Wording◄◄ ( BS-EN ) ONLY

►► i) Different RCDs/ General purpose ( RCD to BS-EN -61008 . & RCBO to BS-EN-61009 . ( 100% ) IΔn – operation should OCCUR within( 300mS ) ◄◄◄
►►ii) “ S “ typeRCD . to BS-EN- 61008 . Time Delay . ◄► ( 100% ) IΔn – operationshould OCCUR within ( 130mS ↔ 500mS )

TestProcedure . “ Wording◄◄ ( BS- ) ONLY
►► i) Different RCDs/ General purpose ( RCD to BS-4293 . ◄► ( 100% ) IΔn – operationshould OCCUR within ( 200mS )
►►ii) “ S “ typeRCD . to BS-4293 . Time Delay . ◄► with aleakage currentflowing equivalent to ( 100% ) of the ratedresidual operating current IΔn – of the RCD . operation should OCCUR withina time range from ( 50% ) of the rated timedelay plus ( 200mS ) to ( 100%) of the rated time delay plus ( 200mS )

Appendix 3 – p/295. RCD . Table 3A .Time / current performed criteria for RCDs to . BS-EN-61008-1 &BS-EN-61009-1( BS-EN . ONLY )
Eachcircuit may have MORE than ONE reason for ( Additional Protection by 30mA / RCD)
(Equipment or Socket outlet & Secondly because of a cable installation “Method “ )

Reminder► Additional Protection is provided as ( AdditionalProtection / Only ) it does not Obviate the need for CircuitProtection by ( MCB)

p/54. Regulation :411.3.3. Socket outlets with a ratedcurrent NOT exceeding 20A . that are for general use by ordinary persons (exemption may be permitted )
p/199. Regulation :701.411.3.3. Additional Protection shallbe provided for all circuit of a location by use of one or more 30mA – RCD.
Note(- See / Regulation 314.1 – (iv ) &531.2.4. concerning the avoidance of unwanted tripping .

p/124./p/125 . Regulation : 522.6.101. & 522.6.102. & 522.6.103. cables concealed in a wallor partition at less than 50mm depth & without earthed mechanicalprotection . E.g. Conduit .

p/46. Regulation : 314.1. Every installation shall be divided into circuits as necessary toavoid danger & inconvenience in the event of a fault . take account ofdanger that may arise from the failure of a single circuit such as a lightingcircuit . reduce the possibility of unwanted tripping of RCDs . etc .

p/46. Regulation : 314.2. Separate circuits to beprovided for parts of the installation that need to be separated controlled insuch a way that those circuits are not affected by a failure of other circuits.

Protectionfor Safety . 2392-10 . 131 . to 135 .
The whole reason for BS7671:2011 . being inplace is to provide a Standard which canbe used to ensure the safety of Persons . Property & Livestock .

Erection : 134.1. p/21.
Provided the installation is installed to comply with BS-7671:2011. compliance & all other parts of the regulation(s) will be Achieved .

Initial Verification . 134.2. p/22
On completion of the installation . a final inspection & testis carried out – ” Initial Verification “by Competent Person(s) to ensure that the installation is to the Standardrequired by BS-7671:2011 .
Reminder .

MaximumDemand & Diversity . O.S.G. table A2 . p/111 / 112

( 1 ) . Lighting can be calculated using ( 66% ) of the total demand . two lightingcircuit(s) at 6A = 12A . ( 12 x 66% = 7.92A )
Asthe O.S.G. tells us . p/110 . currentequivalent to the connected load . with a minimum of100W per lamp holder .
Pendent’s. Not less than 100W . ( 0.43A at 230V)

O.S.G. tells us . Table A2.p/111
□Domestic premises – households . including flats . ( 66%) 2392-10
0.9 ) □ Commercial premises – Shops . Offices .Stores & other business premises ( 90%)
□Commercial premises – Guest houses . Small hotels . Boarding houses . ( 75% )

Diversityin an installation can now be applied . 2392-10 .
( 9 ) . Ring final circuits . Diversity is calculatedat ( 100% ) is ►32A .
&( 40% ) for other circuits .

Ringfinal circuit 1 ) 32A .
Ringfinal circuit 2 ) 32A x 40% = 12.8A

Cooker– domestic type . ( 10A plus 30% of remainder of load ) 20kW – ( 86.95A ) cooker on 230V . loading = 10A + ( 0.3 x 86.95 ) = 39A
Cooker – domestic type . with integral socket-outlet oncontrol unit . ( 10A plus 30% of remainder of load plus 5A ) - 24kW ( 104.35A ) cooker on 230V .loading = 10A + ( 0.3 x 104.35 ) + 5A = 46.3A

416.2. Barriers or Enclosures’ . p/67 ( Barrier Protection fromcontact with Busbar ) Enclosure . “Assessor “
Where barriers or enclosures are used to prevent contact with live parts . 2392-10 . Domestic . Consumer Unit . ( CU )
Top surface . IPXXD . IP4X . 416.2..2. p/67
Sides / front / bottom . IPXXB . IP2X.
It may be Necessary to open an ( Enclosure or Remove a Barrier ) replacement or adjustment of parts . in thiscase precautions must be taken to prevent easy access to Unskilled persons –Regulation . 416.2.4. this can be achieved by providing a ( Door or Barrier ) which can ONLY be opened using ( Key orTool ) . or providingan interlock to ensure that the enclosure cannot be opened until the supply isisolated .

You will be aware that you cannot OPEN the DOOR of an ISOLATORwhen it is switched ON .

Note . p/67 . ThisRegulation does NOT apply to . under 416.2.4.

A ceiling rose complying with BS- 67
A cord operated switch complying with BS-EN-60669-1
A bayonet lamp holder complying with BS-EN-61184
An Edison screw lamp holdercomplying with BS-EN-60238.

TN-C-S. ……. “ C - S “ Neutral conductor & protective conductor. combined in the supply & separated in the installation .
IT . ………… ( I ) All sources live parts insolated from earthor connected by a high impedance to earth .

Table41.1 . p/53 .

50 < Uo 120V .

TN- a.c. – d.c. ( 0.8a.c. ) ► Note. d.c.– Disconnection is not required for protection against electric shock but maybe required for other reasons . such as protection against thermal effects .

TT- a.c. – d.c. ( 0.3 a.c. ) ► Note . d.c. –Disconnection is not required for protection against electric shock but may berequired for other reasons . such as protection against thermal effects .

PMESupplies .
Rememberthat if you have a ( PME ) supply . thatyour main Earthis the Supply company’s Neutral . there is NO Earth connection brought into the house .
Fineso long as the Supply Neutral remains intact . if the Neutral connection breakers . then youcould be left with NO effective Earth .

Froma Inspectors point of View . A fault inthese conditions could be extremely dangerous .

TheOver-current device which is protecting the ( Cable ) is an MCB
Calculate the Nominal Current.
Thenominal current will be rating of the MCB selected to protect the System . mustbe ( Higher ) than the Current required by theAppliance(s) otherwise it will ( Trip ) immediately. we calculate it from the Appliancepower . calculate the current by dividing the power in watts by the supply voltage.
Yourare choosing an MCB whose current rating is a chose as possible above thecalculated figure .

( Cable ) General purpose ( PVC) T&E . with a maximum temperature rating of 70°C degrees celsius

□ Enclosedin a “ Wall “ refers to a ( Cable) that is concealed in plasterwork .
□ Enclosedin “ Conduit “ means fully enclosed that isfastened to the surface . ( Wall or Ceiling )
□ “Clipped “ to a “ surface “ means fastened at intervals to a flatsurface such as brick work or joist’s .
□ “Free “ means completely surrounded by ( Air )

□ “Free “ Also applies to ( Cables ) that are laidon ( Metal Cable Trays ) Industry .

Any( Cable(s) has résistance .
-&-s . When ( Cable ) warmup . it’s résistance will increase . thereby increasing the Voltage drop .
Note (- that it is NOTthe nominal current that we use to work out voltage drop . it is the ( Current ) that we expect to be flowing inNormal Conditions .
Regulation– Table 41.3.

MaximumEarth Loop Résistance . that will allow aprotective device to disconnect in ( 0.4s ) These are the complete loop résistance. including the supply company’s part & full length of cable inside thepremise . the figures are derived by dividing the supply voltage by the currentthat will trip the protective device in ( 0.4s )
Not in the Regulation(s) ◄◄

Overcurrent . “ Plan English

AnOvercurrent is any ( Increase ) in the ( Current ) in the electrical system . ↔ Above the level for which it is designed.

“ Overload“ “ Plan English

An Overload occurs when a ( Current) flows that is somewhat to (High ) 50%to 100% to high . for the ( System / Installation ) Overloads don’t immediate cause damage . instead the likehood of damage ( Increases gradually) as the duration of the Overload ( Increases ) ifthe Fault is NOT resolved .

Worst case scenario . Cables will Overheat & Melt . exposingbare conductors’ . The heat generated may be sufficient to cause a fire .

( Cables ) are intendedto become warm in operation . ( Use ) heat is generated whenever a currentflows in anything . & this is perfectly normal .
The level of heat generated by cables is ( Only Safe ) when it is kept within ( Reasonable limits) ► PVC .insulated cables are designed to run at temperatures up to ( 70°C ) beyond this there is a risk of damage .

2392-10 . Overload .
Domestic Insulation . Overloads usually results from using to manyappliances at the same time .

Exposed conductive parts . Cooker Body .
Exposed conductive parts . Metal Socket plates .
Exposed conductive parts . used as circuit protective conductor ( Conduit )
Testing Single Phase Installation .
Test for voltage between the following .
□ Line & Neutral .
□ Line & Earth .
□ Neutral & Earth .

Testing 3-phase four wire system(s)
Test for voltage between the following .

□ L1 & L2 .
□ L1 & L3 .
□ L1 & Neutral.
□ L1 & Earth.
□ L2 & L3 .
□ L2 & Neutral.
□ L2 & Earth.
□ L3 & Neutral.
□ L3 & Earth.
□ Neutral &Earth .

Inspection & Testing .
□ Earth FaultLoop Impedance : The impedance of theearth fault loop ( Line –to-Earth ) starting & ending at the point of earthfault .

In a Domestic Installation ( TN-S or TN-C-S )

Dead Test– “ Safe Isolation is Required
Such a test ensures conductors are electrically sound& correctly connected .

612.2.1.: Continuity of protective conductors . ( All protective conductors’ . mainprotective & supplementary bonding conductors ) must be tested for ( Continuity using a low-reading ohmmeter) for the sake of -&-s . ←

Important (- what –&-s are looking for !! .2391-10 & 2392-10 .
If the ( Installation ) is in Operation . then neverdisconnect ( Mainprotective bonding conductor(s) unless the supply can be isolated . ) → Safety & Livestock& Person(s)

Dead Test– “ Safe Isolation is Required

612.2.2.: Continuity of “ Ring Final Circuits “ conductors.
They are “ TwoReasons “ . for conducting this test .
ii) To ensure that the circuit conductors are ( Continuous ) & indicate the Value of ( R[SUP]1[/SUP] + R [SUP]2 [/SUP]) ring final circuit . ( “ Continuity “) plus ( Polarity )
“ Radial circuit “ . by linking out at the ( CU ) Line & CPC . you have a complete loop . reading at lastoutlet gives ( R[SUP]1[/SUP]+ R [SUP]2 [/SUP]) value . plus . you have ( “ Continuity “)

Socket– outlet circuit(s) in domestic & similar Installation . ( Regulation –411.3.3. – p/54 )
Dead Test– “ Safe Isolation is Required

612.3.: Insulation résistance . ( IR )
Leakage currents between conductors & betweenconductors & earth . ( it will indicate if any Short Circuit Exist )
Leakage current : p/29 – Electric current in an unwanted conductive part undernormal operating conditions .

Cable Insulation Résistance . ( MΩ ) -&-s . are looking for ?? Q/As
Disconnect all item of equipment . Capacitors : Indicatorlamps 100% : Dimmer switches 100% : Electronic timers : -&-s – Remove all lamps 100% .
( it may beimpracticable to remove lamps . in this case the local switch controlling suchequipment may be left in the OFF position )

612.3. Insulation Résistance .
The Insulation Résistance shall be measured betweenLive conductors & between Live conductors & the protective conductorconnected to the earthing arrangements .
( 2392-10 :Where appropriate during this measurement . Line &Neutral conductors may be connected together ) L/N & E . serprate

p/191 . Note (- Insulation Résistance . values are usuallymuch higher than those of table 61 . (2MΩ ) – GN-3 . -&-s 500V d.c. - 1.0MΩ )

612.6.: Polarity . A test of polarity shall be made & it shall be verified that .
i) 2392-10 . Every fuse & single-polecontrol & protective device isconnected in the ( Line conductor Only ) ←
ii) 2392-10 . Wiring has beencorrectly connected to ( Socket-outlets ) & similar accessories . ←

This is a Live Test “ .
612.9.: Earth fault loop impedance ( Z[SUP] s [/SUP]) . The relevant impedance shall be ( Measured ) ◄ 2392-10 . or determined by an alternativemethod
The Regulations chases us to Appendix14 . p/193
i) The Line conductor to Protective conductor loopimpedance of the supply is first measured at the origin of the Installation .
ii) The résistance of the Lineconductor Protective conductorof the final circuit are then measured .
Note : Other methods are NOT precluded .

□ Where the earth fault loop impedance is to high toprovide the required disconnection time . Where the ( DNO ) does not provide anEarth . TT . – Regulation . 411.5. p/57

This is a Live Test “ .

612.10.: Additional protection .
As the Regulation tells us .
i) The “ Verification “ ofthe effectiveness of the measures applied for Additional protection is ( fulfilled ) by ( ► VisualInspection & ► Test )
ii) Where ( RCDs ) are required for Additionalprotection . The effectiveness of automatic disconnection of the supply by (RCDs ) shall be verified using suitable test equipment according toBS-EN-61557-6 . ( you what to be lookingup – Regulation 612.1. )

The “ Inspector ◄ -&-s “ . will thoroughlytest the RCD to BS-EN Standard .

2392-10 : The time to operate at the rated current willbe measured ..
This will be carried out with ( Small current tosimulate a Fault ) on both the Negative half cycle . & Positivehalf cycle .
□ The device must operate within ( BS-only 200mS) RCDs designed to BS-4293 & BS-7288 .
□ The device must operate within ( BS-EN only 300mS) RCDs designed to BS-EN-61008 / BS-EN-61009

This is a Live Test “ .

612.11.: Prospective fault current ( PFC )
What is the purpose of Measuring Protective Short Circuit Current &Earth Electrode Résistance .
Prospective Fault Current . ( Ipf) The design requirements of Regulation 434.1.
The Prospective Fault Current . shall bedetermined at every relevant point of the installation . This shall be done byCalculation . Measurement or Enquiry. are includedin the testing section in Regulation 612.11.

( PSCC ) Three leads . Test Instrument . Oneon the Line conductor . & the other Twoon the Neutral &Earth .
As many test Instruments . cannot measure the voltage between ( Phases )Three-phase system . The maximum balanced prospectiveshort circuit current is taken to be ( Twice ) the single – phasevalue .
The Prospective Short Circuit Current willalways be ( Larger ) than the ( Prospective Earth Fault Current ) ◄◄

Measurement of (Prospective EarthFault Current )
( PEFC ) Three – leads. Test Instrument . One on the Line conductor. & One on the Neutral & One on the Earth . ( MET )

This is a Live Test “ .

Reason – must ensure Earth ispresent .
Measurement of (External Loop Impedance Ze[SUP] [/SUP]) -&-s . bigtime . ◄◄ 2392-10 ▼▼▼▼ e
Remember “ ◄► The main earth is disconnected from MainBonding Conductors & Circuit Protective Conductors for this Test .

Remember “ ◄► Main Switch in ( OFFPOSITION ) -&-s . big time . ◄◄ 2392-10

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