View the thread, titled "***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians & Apprentices***" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.



O.S.G.. The use of other methods’ of determining Maximum Demand is Not Precludedwhere Specified by the Installation Designer

FirstlyI make no Apologies for the Way am Writing on any Matters . it can be a first day Apprentice or some one Needing aJog of Memory .
Sowe are all in the Same Boat . “ To Learn “

For the Apprentices . The Day we stop learning is the Day we hang Upour Tool-Bag

CookerDesign Current Calculations

Thefirst thing you have to do is get Your Head around the Calculations !!

(From a Design point of View ) 2392-10

DomesticInstallation Oven(s) & Hob(s) are to be Calculated upon their MAXIMUM LOADING
Startwith a simple Calculation ( An Oven has a rating of 2kW ) 2000

(I = P/V ) Formula … I = 2000 ÷ 230V = 8.70A …. Weare Using the Unit Amps

2392-10/ Domestic Installation Oven(s)

Ovenhas 4 Rings ( 2 x 1kW ) & ( 2 x 1.5kW ) & Grill ( 2kW ) & Oven (3kW )

-Controlled via a CookerSwitch with a Socket outlet .

Asa Designer . we’ll have to Apply Diversity ??

Important )- Diversity allowance to be Applied to the FULL LOAD CURRENT for CookingAppliances .

TheO.S.G. is telling us . Purpose of the Final Circuit fed from theConductors )
O.S.G.Table 1B p/97 – column (3) Cooking Appliances → At the Top of the Page Note : Type ofPremises ( 2392-10 → Household Installations ) Domestic Installation(s)

DomesticInstallation(s) Only O.S.G. - 10A + 30% f.l – Full Load ) of connected Cooking Appliances in the Excess of 10A+ 5A if a socket-outlet is incorporated in the Control Unit . ( C.C.U. ) – 45A + 13A Socket Switched with Neon .

Fromyour point of View ( The First 10A ofthe rated current plus 30% of the reminder ( Plus) 5A if the Control Unit incorporates s Socket.

Calculations)- You bank “ Hold OFF“ the first 10 Amps of the Maximum Load Current )
The10A will be used at the End of the Calculations’

-So your Work out the Total Power Rating & then calculate the Full Load Current

Calculations)- Power = ( 2 x 1 ) + ( 2 x 1.5 ) + ( 2+ 3 ) = 10kW

I= 10000 ÷ 230V = 43.48A … round it up to the first four numbers43.47826087 ( 48 ) 43.48A

UsingDiversity allowance stated ↑↑ ( 43.48A sub 10A = 33.48A )

I= 33.48 x 30 ÷ 100 = 10.04A

Youradding the ( 5A ) for Socket outlet . I = 10A + 10.04 + 5A = 25.04A )- Asa Designer this is your Expected Current Demand .

Remember )- Supply Cables Rated to suit DesignCurrent ( Iz ) :)
Understanding of the Underpinning Knowledge . BS-7671:2011 .

Selection& Sizing of C.P.C.& Earthing Conductors .

C.P.C.& Earthing conductors are selected in accordance with Section – 543 .
543.1. deals with Sizing : 543.2. with types & 543.3. with preservation of Continuity .

A ProtectiveConductor may be common to more than OneCircuit . Regulation – 543.1.2. p/160 .

Thefollowing can be used as a Protective Conductor . Regulation – 543.2.1. . p/ 163 .

i)Single core cable .
ii) Conductor in a cable .
iii)Insulated or bare conductor in a “ Common Enclosure with Insulated live conductors .
iv) Fixed bare or Insulated conductor .
v) Metal covering . Sheath screen or armouringof a cable .
vi)Metal conduit . Metal cable management . or other Enclosures or Electricallycontinuous support system for conductors .

vii) Extraneous –conductive – part complying withRegulation . 543.2.6. p/163.

Whensizing the C.P.C. & Earthing conductor the following must be conceded .

i)Earth Fault Loop Impedance requirements : Section - 411
ii) Thermal Constraints – conductor does notoverheat during Fault Conditions . Regulations – 543.1.3. & 543.1.4. p/160 / p/162 .
iii) Additional requirements for ( PME ) supplies . Regulation – 544.1.1.
iv) Additional requirements for Protective conductors where in the ground .Regulations – 542.3.1. & 543.1.1. p/159 . p/160

EarthFault Loop Impedance : P/39 . Zs = Ze + R[SUP]1[/SUP] + R[SUP]2[/SUP] . -&-s . where to find it .
Understanding of the underpinning knowledge .

Earthing& Bonding . Requirement for SpecialInstallations or Locations .

Section701 . Location Containing a Bathor Shower .
SupplementaryBonding – is not required in NEW installation as an RCD is always required for bothDomestic & Commercial Installations .

(Additional Protection : Supplementary Equipotential bonding )

Section702 . Swimming Pools & Fountains
Regulation. 702.415.2. p/205 . require local Supplementary bonding betweenall Extraneous – conductive –parts . in Zone 0. 1. & 2. the CPCs of allExposed – conductive-parts in these Zones . ( See – Regulation – 415.2. )

(Additional Protection : Supplementary Equipotential bonding )

Section705 . Agricultural & Horticultural Premises .
For( These premises ) where ( Livestock ) iskept . the requirements . 705.415.2.1. – p/216. should be Noted .
Supplementarybonding shall . connect together all Exposed-conductive-parts . & Extraneous-conductive-partswhich can be touched by ( Livestock ) ifthere is a Metallic Grid laid in the floor it should be Supplementary bonded .

( Protection against Electric Shock ) )

Section706 . Conducting Locations with Restricted Movement .
Whereautomatic disconnection is used for protection against Electric Shock .Regulation . 706.410.3.5.- ( iii ) requires SupplementaryEquipotential Bonding

Section711 . Exhibitions’ . Shows & Stands. p/239
Structuralmetallic parts . which are ( Accessible ) fromwithin the Unit . shall be connected to the Main Earth Terminal “ Within “ theUnit .

( Earthing arrangements & ProtectiveConductors )
Section– 712 . Solar Photovoltaic ( PV ) power Supply Systems .
Whereprotective bonding conductors are installed . These shall be run parallel &in close contact with the . D.C. & A.C. cables . Regulation – 712.54 . p/243

(Protective Equipotential Bonding )
Section717 . Mobile ofTransportable Units .
717.411.3.1.3. p/247 . requires Main Protective Bonding to the ( Accessible ) conductive partssuch as the Chassis .

( Protective Earthing & ProtectiveEquipotential Bonding )
Section 721 . 721.411.3.1.p/254. calls for ( Additional ) bonding of . Extraneous – conductive– parts within the Caravan & MotorCaravan .

(Additional Protection : Supplementary Equipotential bonding )

Section740 . Temporary Electrical Installation for Structures . Amusement Device &Booths at Fairgrounds . Amusement Parks & Circuses .
Locationsintended for ( Livestock) require Supplementary Bonding - Regulation . 740.415.2.1. p/ 269 – see 705

(IR ) .
Whymay a ( largeinstallation ) give a pessimistically low overall Insulation Résistancevalue . Because there are a large numberof circuits all in parallel . 2391-10

Why. do capacitors . Neon’s . need to be disconnected . To avoid misleadingtest results .
Handle “ Capacitors “ with care . They could be fully charged.

What. Test voltage & minimum value of Insulation Résistance are appropriate forcircuits ( Incorporating ) Surge Protective Devices . ( 250V d.c.– 1MΩ ) 2011 .

Thefrequency in Hertz ( Hz ) is . Cyclesper second - of the Electrical Source .
MedicalLocations .

Forthe sake of -&-s . 2011 .

Typesof System Earthing . 710.312.2. p/230 .

PEN) conductors shall not be used in ( Medical Locations & Medical Buildings ) downstreamof the main distribution board .

Note : in Great Britain , Regulation 8(4) ofthe Electricity Safety . Quality & Continuity Regulations 2002 prohibitsthe use of ( PEN ) conductors in Consumer’sInstallation .
Plain English . “ Typesof System Earthing “
The ( TN-C . System ) is not allowed inMedical Locations & Medical Buildings downstream of the main distributionboard .

Example(- Load & Earth Fault Currents ) associatedwith TN-C systems . can circulate through the casing of a ( Class 1 ) equipment thus causing Electromagnetic Interference with SensitiveElectronic Medical Equipment .

MedicalLocations .

Forthe sake of -&-s . 2011 .

710.531.2. RCDs .

710.531.2.2. Socket-outletsprotected by RCDs

For each circuit protected by an RCD having the characteristicsspecified in Regulation 415.1.1. consideration shall be given to reduce thepossibility of ( Unwanted Tripping ) of the RCD due to excessive protectiveconductor currents produced by equipment in normal operation .

Regulation 415.1.1. Additional protection : Residual Current Devices ( RCDs )
The use of RCDs with a rated residual operating current ( IΔn ) not exceeding 30mA & an operating time notexceeding 40mS at a residual current of ( 5 x IΔn ) is recognized in A.C. systems as additionalprotection in the event of failure of the provision for basic protection &/ or the provision for Fault protection or carelessness by ( User )

InMedical Locations of Group ( 1 ) & Group ( 2 ) ◄►-&-s . 2011 . Medical Locations isin the Regulations . Q/As

710.411.4.– TN- system. -&-s .
InFinal circuits of ( Group 1 ) rated up to ( 63A) . RCD having the characteristics specified in Regulation . 415.1.1. shall be Used.


MedicalLocations .

Forthe sake of -&-s . 2011 .

710.411.3.2. Automatic disconnection in Case of aFault .

710.411.3.2.1. (-&-s ) in Medical Locations of ( Group 1) & ( Group 2 ) WhereRCDs are required . ONLY type ( A ) or Type ( B ) shall be selected . depending on the possibleFault Current arising .

NOTE : Type ( AC ) RCDs SHALL NOT be USED . this is what -&-s are looking . Q/As .2011 .

MedicalLocations .

710.559 . Luminaries’ &Lighting Installations .

InMedical Locations of ( Group 1 ) & (Group 2 ) at least two different sources of supply shall be provided . One ofthe sources shall be connected to the electrical supply system for SafetyServices .

Note : Safety Services are synonymouswith ( Emergency Services ) Refer to “ SafetyLighting “ for the recommended percentage of Luminaries suppliedfrom Safety Source .

710.560.9.1. Safety Lighting .
Note : The Luminaires ofthe Escape Routes shall be arranged on Alternate Circuits .

Main EarthingTerminal .

Circuit protective conductors.
Protective bonding conductors.
FunctionalEarthing conductors – if required .
Lightingprotection system bonding conductor . if any – Regulation 411.3.1.2.

542.4.1. - Main Earthing Terminal must be easilyaccessed . This is primary to allow disconnection of any of the aboveconductors as required when Testing the Installation .

• MinorElectrical Installation Works Certificate does NOTrequire a record OF . p/393

i) System Earthingarrangements . P
ii) Departures fromBS-7671:2008. P
iii) Method of faultprotection . P
iv) Prospective fault current .

InitialVerification .

632.1Following the Initial Verification required by chapter 61 .
an Electrical Installation Certificate. ( EIC ) together with ( Schedules ofInspection ) & ( Schedules of Test Results ) shall be givento the person ordering the work

632.4.Defects or Omissions revealed during inspection £ testing of the installationwork covered by the Certificate shall be made good before the Certificate isissued .

Any itemthat does NOT need Inspection during Initial Verification“ should be Marled . ( Schedule of Inspections ) p/395

i) P
ii) N/A .

2011 - p/395 . Bottom . N/A – toindicate an Inspection is NOT applicable to aparticular item
2011 - p/395 . Bottom . P – to indicate an Inspection has been carried OUT & the result is satisfactory .

► donot get mixed up with , OLD 17[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition ( Schedule of Inspections ) 2008 . “ of the Internet

P . to indicate an Inspectionhas been carried out & the result is satisfactory .
N/A . to indicate an Inspection has been carried out& the result is NOT satisfactory ( applicable for a periodic inspectionOnly )
X . to indicate the inspection is notapplicable to a particular item .
LIM . to indicate that . exceptionally . alimitation agreed with the person ordering the work prevented the inspectionbeing carried out ( applicable for a periodic inspection only )
NewInstallation is protected against fault by ( ADS )When Inspecting this method of protection . Which of the following is NOT a essential check .

i) Earthing conductor . P
ii) Circuit protective conductors . P
iii) Main protective bonding conductors . P
iv) Fire barriers .

Hint : 531.2.5.- The use of an RCD associated with a circuit normally ( Expected )to have a ProtectiveConductor . ←

GN-3 –p/22 . 441 . AutomaticDisconnection of Supply– ( ADS )
Thepresence . correct sizing . connectionof the appropriate protective conductors . MUST be CONFIRMED as FOLLOWS.

542.3. – Earthing conductors. P
543 – Circuit protectiveconductors . P
544 – Protective bondingconductors . P
544.1. – Mainbonding conductors . P

• this Non-statutory document that is applicable to theconstruction & use of ( Test Equipment ) IS .

i) HSE . Guidance Note-38 .
ii) IET . Guidance Notes 3 .
iii) IET . O.S.G. BS-7671:2008 ( 2011 )
iv) BS-7671:2008. No 1 :2011 .

Test Method 1 (- as well as checking theContinuity of the protective conductor . also measures ( R[SUP]1[/SUP] + R[SUP]2[/SUP]) which when added to the External Impedance ( Ze ) enables the Earth FaultLoop Impedance ( Zs ) to be checked .


BondedMetalwork Testing [ HI ]

Testleads set . Option . 1 or 2 .

i) Connect the ( GreenLead ) to the Bonded Metalwork .
ii) Connect the ( RedLead ) to Line .
iii) Supply voltage is displayed .
iv) The test will “ Bleep “ & automaticallystart when voltage is detected .
v) Measured résistance value is displayed .

Thisis how . -&-s like to hear about GN-38Leads . !!!! 2391-10 . -&-s Exams :banghead:

MFT . 1552 : ( Ze ) Testing .

Supplyis turned OFF. 100A - Disconnector is Isolated from Supply . ◄ ( MainIncomer )

Disconnectthe Main incoming Earth Conductor from the ( MET )

Then. Connect your ( Black ) GS-38. Lead fullyinsulated leads onto the Earth Conductor . making sure you get a good connection ) ► Wording . GN-38Leads :banghead:

Turnon Megger to the setting of ( Hi Loop)

Thentake your ( Red ) GS-38. Lead fully insulated lead / with TIP “ placethis onto the Main incoming left hand terminal ( Main - Line Conductor )

Fewseconds the . Megger 1552 – will Automatically Read - ( .28Ω ) - Ohms’

Recordthis onto your . ( Certificate ) Thenconnect Earth Conductor. back UP . to the ( MET )

MFT . 1552 – 3 . : if circuitsare RCD protected then you’ll need to use “ Three-wires “ onthe ( NoTrip Setting ) for Zs .
( Ze ) & ( PFC ) is generally carried out at the ( Intake )where ( No RCD ) protection exists so that willbe ( Two-Leads ) ON the ( Hi ) currentsettings .

( Ze & Zs ) aremeasured in ( Ohms ) & (PFC ) ismeasured in ( kA)

Non-trip3 Leads for RCD side . ←

Hi ) setting& 2Leadsfor Non-RCD

EarthFault Loop Impedance . D/B –1 : D/B2 : there areTwo distribution board on site ,

Ata distribution board ( D/B-2 ) . This measurementis called ( Ze ) is only really correct when its measured at the ( First Distribution Board )of the Installation . for the External Impedance of the Installation .

Whenconnected & button pressed it fires a current of up to ( 25A ) or so through the loop. it depends on theImpedance of the circuit . the time ofthe pulse is limited to ( 40mS ) Two cycles on a 50Hz supply . this is for . Safety Reasons.

DirectMeasurement ( Ze ) . The reason that (Ze ) is required to be Measured are Twofold .

i) Verify that there is an Earth Connection .
ii) Verify that the ( Ze ) value is equal to orless than the value determined by the designer & used in the DesignCalculations .

Faultfinding when RCCB Trips . ( blast from the past )

Switch OFF all the ( Switches / MCB ) connectedin the circuit downstream the . RCCB . Switch ON . RCCB & switch ON the switches . Oneby One . You will find that during switching ON of a particular Appliance / Switch . RCCB trip again & again

Whichshows that is the Faulty ( Circuit / Appliance ) .Isolate the Faulty Circuit . as you know. ( Rectify the Fault & Switch ON the RCCB )

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