I know straight through crimps are legal (after all that was what this was all about at the start, using straight through crimps) having said that, they should not be used in this situation, it is a bodge bad practice. Next you'll be telling me it's fine to crimp in the back of a socket to extend the cables to form part of a new ring.LOL Comon lads we all know it's a short cut instead of a proper job ie terminating into an enclosed JB (which is no different than another termination at a socket) or better still replacing the cable or re-routing the cable so there are no extra joints than required. Now that should be an end to it, we are not DIY ers or cowboys or bodgers and Darkwood is spot on with his posts, take heed, these types of crimps are not for solid 2.5mm copper cores, how many more times do some of you need telling.
So the use of crimped butt connections in a CU is a bodge, and using crimped butt connections on any 2.5mm solid core connections, though recognised in your holy bible, are also a bodge too. So the billions of these connections all over the UK are all bodge jobs too!! Some of us, probably most of us ''know'' when a connection is sound... Your living in cloud cuckoo land!!