And circuits 1-4 are noted to be using the same
Not worth the paper its written on.
Keep it for evidence against them, but otherwise, bin it.
It also sounds like hes been trying to rent it for a reduced price.... ie "I'll fix it all myself if you let me live here"
It is such a minefield for customers when theres adverts telling you to use a "competant" electrician.... one who is a member of NIC, Napit, or whoever.... and still turn out to be charlatans....
Check a trade and other "approved traders" websites are no better.
Then there are honest tradesmen... who do everything right, to the letter..... but arent members of one of these schemes for whatever reason.... missing out on work because someone can undercut them and basically do a half assed job.
We cant tell if there are any issues with the installation at all. On the surface, everything looks ok, but a proper EICR would pick things up.
The schedule of results, that last page you posted, is total nonsense.