Re: EU - How will you vote given the latest "news"
Your correct, I meant to put Euro not EU, had the vote been recognised as Ireland on its own then it would have seen them in a forced exit from the Euro, because Ireland was the only country to hold a referendum on the new treaty when they voted No it put the whole Lisbon Treaty on hold and the only way it could come into play was Ireland to leave the EU or for another referendum, Ireland were not offered anything really just comforting words, the treaty wasn't changed but a massive EU driven Yes campaign was devised on how things had been changed and revised when in fact nothing had, I think they were given a position in the new central powerhouse which equates to nothing if you voice is never heard. I call been given the option to leave or accept a bullying tactic and what exactly is the Lisbon treaty, it centralises the EU power house and takes control of alot of its members affairs so it can imply rules and laws without any obstacles that had previously proved to be a big problem for turning the EU into a state, we were promised a referendum ourselves but they changed the name and Gorden Brown robbed us of our vote which was against EU legislation although who are they to point this out at the risk of the Lisbon Treaty been scrapped.That's just not true. First of all, Ireland never voted to leave the EU, it voted to reject the Lisbon Treaty. The Irsish governmet went to the EU with its concerns, renegotiated terms and the Irispeople then accepted them. That's not bullying, not by any means.
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