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EU Brexit - How will you vote given the latest "news"

Discuss EU Brexit - How will you vote given the latest "news" in the Electricians Chat - Off Topic Chat area at

Do you want to remain in the EU

  • Yes - stay in

    Votes: 18 17.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 3.9%
  • No - time to leave

    Votes: 81 78.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Re: EU - How will you vote given the latest "news"

I wonder how many Doctors, Nurses, care workers and other health care professionals came here as immigrants, or are the offspring of immigrants.

I'd wager a lot of money that those figures would look favourably at even more immigration, from both inside and out with the EU - more willing workers is a route towards a growing economy, M's Merkel quickly had that sussed.

Yes and I wholely agree but it has to happened in a controlled manner and not open doors policy, I never said I was against immigration just uncontrolled immigration which is why the country is how it is now... we need to stem the flow and let our infrastructure catch up... Merkel though won't allow us to do that.
Re: EU - How will you vote given the latest "news"

It's raining outside, that'll be those sodding immigrants fault.

And its dark, that'll be the EU to blame.

I got stuck in traffic yesterday and missed an appointment - bonus on this one, I can blame the EU and those sodding immigrants.

Re: EU - How will you vote given the latest "news"

It's raining outside, that'll be those sodding immigrants fault.

And its dark, that'll be the EU to blame.

I got stuck in traffic yesterday and missed an appointment - bonus on this one, I can blame the EU and those sodding immigrants.


don't be a dick
Re: EU - How will you vote given the latest "news"

They aren't great at tightening wheel nuts either .......

Controlling immigration is touted as being the panacea for all of our ills, there's going to be some ackward silences from those who advocate this nonsense when it's realised it isn't.
Re: EU - How will you vote given the latest "news"

They aren't great at tightening wheel nuts either .......

Controlling immigration is touted as being the panacea for all of our ills, there's going to be some ackward silences from those who advocate this nonsense when it's realised it isn't.

So allowing the population to increase by 300,000 every year is good then....

If you go back to the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and early 90's the UK welcomed people with open arms. They integrated and most people were happy. More importantly, the HAD to integrate to get on..... but now integrating seems almost last on their lists of priorities..... they want to "build" their lives here as if they are somewhere else....
Re: EU - How will you vote given the latest "news"

So allowing the population to increase by 300,000 every year is good then.....

Is that any worse than allowing the population of the UK to grow by 800,000 every year, irrespective of our ability to support such a increase ?

At least there's potentially a significant number of those 300,000 that will be immediately supporting themselves, or be highly motivated to do so.
Re: EU - How will you vote given the latest "news"

Its like you said sean earlier, you live in an area where immigration isn't on your doorstep, I just wonder how rosy it would be if youwere affected:-

-when you see your mates replaced on site for cheaper Labour from Europe and out of a job still (how is this benificial to our society when they send the money back home).
-when your mate who teaches junior school see's children coming in where English isn't their first laungage and you have to focus more on those pupils at the expense of your others thus seeing education standards drop for the class as a whole (long term effecting education standards across the board)
- when you get admitted to hospital you get a operation on the wrong eye because the Doctor cannot speak full English or read your report properly (Yes that happened to me).. how many times has this happened across the services, you would be shocked!
- when your police forces has to spend more money on interpreters than funding vital resources
- when gangs of Eastern Europeans roam your street drunk at night, putting the fear into everyone and by day they are funding their livestyle by crime, as if we didn't have our own idiots we attract all the EU ones too..

If your getting my drift by now, no again I'm not scaremongering this happens all over, when it directly effect you then see if you still hold the same thoughts on the matter, I see or know of people directly involved in these services above who are by no mean racist or xenophobic yet they all seem to repeat the same thing... immigration is too high and we cannot cope.
Re: EU - How will you vote given the latest "news"

This is akin to urinating in an ocean in an attempt to raise the water level - pointless.

We disagree Darkwood, the future will prove one of us right.
Re: EU - How will you vote given the latest "news"

IMV - any country that does not manage its population is by default out of control. Governments massively underestimated (for political reasons I guess) the influx from euro land, so they was no real management of infrastructure. You would not run a company like this and expect to have a high customer satisfaction rate, do there is no surprise people are just fed up with it all. I am for OUT on the pure basis, it is totally out of control. Lets get some control back, make the country a fit place to live and maybe when EU sorts its self out and drops the ludicrous notion of Turkey joining , it my be worth looking at it again , hopefully after I am long gone.
Re: EU - How will you vote given the latest "news"

The eu will fall to bits when first big player pulls out.of course the eu will make it as difficult as they possibly can for said big player to do this.
Mass immigration is obviously the hot topic that will sway a decision one way or the other.
here is a a micro take on it from a couple of my jobs today.
changed an oven over for a very nice polish couple In a private let
the woman put the rubbish in bags for me and spoke excellent English as did her man.both work ,I have no problem with them at all.
next one which didn't even happen pans out like this...
syrian refugees living in a private let but rented out through the council via letting agent with a private landlord
i know this as I had put smoke detectors the flat prior to them moving into it in November.
gets a email to look at a storage heater yesterday. I was working nearby today and phoned the council housing woman to see about access.
no one knew where she was or why she wouldn't answer her mobile.great.
now when I do finally get access to this job my bill will be dwarfed by the interpreter and the refugee contact officer who will have to accompany me on this visit ,or two if I can't fix it first time.
you don't have to be Andrew Carnegie to work out its not financially viable.
now multiply this by x and see why the governments of Western Europe are looking at this situation in horror.
Re: EU - How will you vote given the latest "news"

This is akin to urinating in an ocean in an attempt to raise the water level - pointless.

We disagree Darkwood, the future will prove one of us right.

You ain't seen how much I drink :D

We are just bouncing off each other so will agree to disagree on the matter and yes time is the only real decider of this debate :smug2:
Re: EU - How will you vote given the latest "news"

The UK has had mass migration from the Romans in AD 47 through to West Indians in the 50s, the country is built on it. My mothers family were French Huguenots from the 18th century. And I expect every migration in it's own way was just as acrimonious.

Andyb is correct with regards to this, our country is struggling not just through migration but through government(s) lack of investment, and that is every government for the last 30 yrs.

We have no industry, we have very little skill sets, unless it is IT or service driven. I left school and had an apprenticeship and million of others like me the same in mining, ship building, steel, car production etc. So unfortunately the following generations who are not service orientated relied on "non" skilled work. With this avenue now being cut off with "non" skilled migration, people become angry and disaffected.

Fear also is another factor. Muslim migration is a real menace. I work in an Islamic country and have on and off for 30 plus years. Islam is different, it is alien to us and unfortunately it is very aggresive in it's doctrine with regards to non muslims. I hate using the word non-believer. There is no shadow of a doubt, the Syrian influx into Europe as been used to bring in terrorists, if you think it hasn't then your living in a dream world. Merkel will loose power because of this and she knows it, it was a huge mistake on her part.

The only country that as really spoke out against it as been the UK and I believe the French and German people wished that they had a leader who also spoke against it.

Tel quoted that in the original 70s referendum nobody he spoke with voted in..........I have to admit I did. But then the EU was the common market, and I agreed with free trade within Europe, I did not agree to a United States of Europe as it as become.

Will I vote out, most likely not to be honest.
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Re: EU - How will you vote given the latest "news"

I think you need to look at the thread title before engaging your keyboard and posting a load of dross

I believe that's my call. I've been watching this 'news' for many months now, with growing alarm. Alarm, not because I think immigration is some great threat, because it isn't. No, I'm alarmed at how readily my fellow citizebs are willing to believe whatever the MSM throw at them, not to mention social media, where videos abound of the 'hordes' of foreigners coming off ferries. I saw one last night, posted by someone I thought knew better. It purported to show thousands of Syrian refugees being shepherded by Turkish policemen (interestingly, wearing vests marked 'Polizei'), in some shots, a sea of black faces (Syrians, mind), all done with very short 1-2 second shots, clearly a simple stitch job pulling together any footage which could be made to look like a coherent report on the immigration threat. Meanwhile, we're all fired up about corruption in Europe, while we don't seem to giva a ---- about how corrupt our own society is. So, forgive me if I'm sceptical, but it's born fo a lifetime of being lied to about how good our union is, how we're all better together, and how bad Johnny Foreigner is. So here's what I'd suggest. You leave my opinions to me and concentrate on making a cogent argument for yours.
Re: EU - How will you vote given the latest "news"

I believe that's my call. I've been watching this 'news' for many months now, with growing alarm. Alarm, not because I think immigration is some great threat, because it isn't. No, I'm alarmed at how readily my fellow citizebs are willing to believe whatever the MSM throw at them, not to mention social media, where videos abound of the 'hordes' of foreigners coming off ferries. I saw one last night, posted by someone I thought knew better. It purported to show thousands of Syrian refugees being shepherded by Turkish policemen (interestingly, wearing vests marked 'Polizei'), in some shots, a sea of black faces (Syrians, mind), all done with very short 1-2 second shots, clearly a simple stitch job pulling together any footage which could be made to look like a coherent report on the immigration threat. Meanwhile, we're all fired up about corruption in Europe, while we don't seem to giva a ---- about how corrupt our own society is. So, forgive me if I'm sceptical, but it's born fo a lifetime of being lied to about how good our union is, how we're all better together, and how bad Johnny Foreigner is. So here's what I'd suggest. You leave my opinions to me and concentrate on making a cogent argument for yours.

Your opinion and no one else's precludes any debate you have chosen not to or failed in a number of other threads to reply to comments made in reply to your highly opinionated, badly researched and sometimes derogatory posts

Your response above just trots out the same old dross as it appears you are the only one on here that has all the real facts so you must be right

My thoughts are that you are an angry Scots man that didn't get his way in a recent referendum and you are driven by that party north of the border that failed to make a coherent financial argument for independence

Don't bother replying to me you have been added to my ignore list as I have better things to do with my time than continue wasting my life reading your dross
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Re: EU - How will you vote given the latest "news"

I believe that's my call. I've been watching this 'news' for many months now, with growing alarm. Alarm, not because I think immigration is some great threat, because it isn't. No, I'm alarmed at how readily my fellow citizebs are willing to believe whatever the MSM throw at them, not to mention social media, where videos abound of the 'hordes' of foreigners coming off ferries. I saw one last night, posted by someone I thought knew better. It purported to show thousands of Syrian refugees being shepherded by Turkish policemen (interestingly, wearing vests marked 'Polizei'), in some shots, a sea of black faces (Syrians, mind), all done with very short 1-2 second shots, clearly a simple stitch job pulling together any footage which could be made to look like a coherent report on the immigration threat. Meanwhile, we're all fired up about corruption in Europe, while we don't seem to giva a ---- about how corrupt our own society is. So, forgive me if I'm sceptical, but it's born fo a lifetime of being lied to about how good our union is, how we're all better together, and how bad Johnny Foreigner is. So here's what I'd suggest. You leave my opinions to me and concentrate on making a cogent argument for yours.

Everyone is prone to this propaganda, don't judge them for sharing such stuff just correct them and explain they are the victim of a fake report, regarding the subject matter, I have followed European politics for several years now, the amount of power over our government and laws that the EU hold is now pretty substantial, yes our own inhouse government need a lot of changes and thats regardless of who is at the helm but the EU itself is an entity to itself and requires pulling apart and rebuilding, it claims to be democratic but its leaders are not elected, it pretends its financially sound but it has self written off billions in accountings it alledgedly cannot find (corruption?)... the true inpact of the recent immigration is been muffled in those countries that are mainly effected with only the biggest stories seeping out even after EU surpressive attempts (the mass sexual assaults and rapings of the new year in Germany are one example and it was hidden for several days before it got out), the fact that those countries who have had a large influx of immigration recently has seen an epidemic in rapes and assaults of resident young females is still under reported - why you ask?... well we have a referendum coming up for IN/OUT and the EU is desperate to not show immigration is effecting them negatively, if you want to get a real scope on the damage of the mass immigration has had recently then look up the problems Germany and Sweden has had recently, some of it is hard reading tbh and its definately not the kind of people I would ever want in the UK.
When a EU member has its own government elections and Brussels doesn't like who has been put in power then the EU demands they devolve the parliment until someone they want is in power (Greece), when a country votes to leave the EU by democracy then the EU ignore the result and forces another referendum until the result is in their favour (Ireland), if you ever thought any of our governments were creating a nanny state then you haven't realised the impact the EU actually has over its members and how it reacts when it doesn't get its way... if we vote out we won't be subject to what happened to Ireland as we are one of the main players here but it shows just how corrupt and power hungry the EU is, it claims it is not creating a 'State' but everything it has done and is still doing all show this to be a lie.

In this country we actually get little in the way of EU news and what is happening as the media don't see it as interesting while we paddle along side them but now we have a referendum around the corner the EU is desperate to paint a rosy picture while the media is finding some shocking things out about how it is run and exactly what impact it has on our day to day lives.. I already know a lot of it and immigration is the least of our problems as a reason to leave, the bigger picture hasn't been portrayed yet.
Re: EU - How will you vote given the latest "news"

........ I already know a lot of it and immigration is the least of our problems as a reason to leave, the bigger picture hasn't been portrayed yet.

If I promise not to put you on my ignore list if I ever run out of ability to defend my point, would you mind painting a picture showing us what we should all be really worried about please ?

What dark secrets have you gleaned during your several years of following EU politics ?

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