Re: EU - How will you vote given the latest "news"
I believe that's my call. I've been watching this 'news' for many months now, with growing alarm. Alarm, not because I think immigration is some great threat, because it isn't. No, I'm alarmed at how readily my fellow citizebs are willing to believe whatever the MSM throw at them, not to mention social media, where videos abound of the 'hordes' of foreigners coming off ferries. I saw one last night, posted by someone I thought knew better. It purported to show thousands of Syrian refugees being shepherded by Turkish policemen (interestingly, wearing vests marked 'Polizei'), in some shots, a sea of black faces (Syrians, mind), all done with very short 1-2 second shots, clearly a simple stitch job pulling together any footage which could be made to look like a coherent report on the immigration threat. Meanwhile, we're all fired up about corruption in Europe, while we don't seem to giva a ---- about how corrupt our own society is. So, forgive me if I'm sceptical, but it's born fo a lifetime of being lied to about how good our union is, how we're all better together, and how bad Johnny Foreigner is. So here's what I'd suggest. You leave my opinions to me and concentrate on making a cogent argument for yours.
I think you need to look at the thread title before engaging your keyboard and posting a load of dross
I believe that's my call. I've been watching this 'news' for many months now, with growing alarm. Alarm, not because I think immigration is some great threat, because it isn't. No, I'm alarmed at how readily my fellow citizebs are willing to believe whatever the MSM throw at them, not to mention social media, where videos abound of the 'hordes' of foreigners coming off ferries. I saw one last night, posted by someone I thought knew better. It purported to show thousands of Syrian refugees being shepherded by Turkish policemen (interestingly, wearing vests marked 'Polizei'), in some shots, a sea of black faces (Syrians, mind), all done with very short 1-2 second shots, clearly a simple stitch job pulling together any footage which could be made to look like a coherent report on the immigration threat. Meanwhile, we're all fired up about corruption in Europe, while we don't seem to giva a ---- about how corrupt our own society is. So, forgive me if I'm sceptical, but it's born fo a lifetime of being lied to about how good our union is, how we're all better together, and how bad Johnny Foreigner is. So here's what I'd suggest. You leave my opinions to me and concentrate on making a cogent argument for yours.