A difficult situation. Yes you're probably right to leave the inverter alone, especially if they are coming back to look- to be honest "recalibration" sounds a lot like they may be coming back to switch the dials to the g83 setting.
As far as the cable size goes. 16a on a 2.5mm cable is fine- but as an elctrical installation, not as a pv one. firstly you want to minimize any voltage drop and the cables used in pv are often oversized for this reason (this is not a standard 16a radial circuit) and secondly because it is what the manufacturer requires. I presume it is a difficult cable run if they are digging their heels in.
I think from the sounds of it changing the settings on the inverter to the correct ones will sort out the problem but the cable issue does need to be addressed.
I emailed SMA with my problem and they have confirmed more or less what you have said above, so have forwarded the email to my installer saying that I am not happy with the install and the cable looks as though it should be replaced regardless of what their electrician says, didn't want it to come to this but I am sitting here looking at Sunny Explorer showing in the events a series of red triangles with exclamation marks one after the other since 12.30 saying "please contact installer"
Will see what the response is, don't suppose I will here anything for a while, not sure when email will be read...
If I fail to get a quick resolve to the problem, how and where do I get the system inspected, are systems inspected by someone randomly?