The homeowner is a friend of the misses ......... so she asked the developer about this and a couple of other snags in the house.
Their response to the question of the OCPD's was:
Concerning the Over Current Protective Devices on circuits
1 - Cooker, 60898 Mcb 32 amp rating
2 - Immersion, 60898 Mcb 20 amp rating
3 - Smoke Detectors 60898 Mcb 6 amp rating
(1) These circuits do comply with current regulations as 17th edition Amendment 3 states :
Cables at a depth of 50mm or greater in a wall ,as long as said wall is not constructed with metal framework (property is timber framed) that are mechanically protected do not require rcd protection."
So fair enough, but I'm still more than a little curious how they can prove any of the above ............. as nothing is stated on the certificate and any subsequent EICR would almost certainly result in a C2 ........ because no inspector is going to start pulling the house apart to look for this confirmation.
Personally I would have put the smokes on the lights, and the oven and immersion on the 2 RCD's
Very odd.
Maybe the spark concerned is on here and has read this thread.
So if you are ............. no I'm not with the NICEIC, I'm registered with Stroma !