best you can do in bury ur head in jelly then run naked in the street sgouting wibble with a pencil up ur nose
I wouldnt worry about the axam
ive youve looked over your notes then thats all you can do, if you understand the tests any why you do them then just put that into words only decipher it onto city and guilds language, using correct terms for the tset sheets
calling EIC by its full name also periodic inspection report, and minor works by its full name as quoted in the 7671
they will drop you marks if you give the slightly incorrect name for these
also in the long questions if they ask you for a test procedure and its workth 15 marks
if you dont mention safe isolation procedure they will dock you the 15 marks as classed as an unsafe procedure even tho you may have listed it perfectly only cocking up the safe isolation procedure
so just think safety all the time and 'bull' up your answers, ie warning signs barriers, informing public, risk assesments, blah blah blah, the usual c and g stuff they require
do all this and ul be fine dude!!!