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Re-take - Useful Information for 2394 :

What ties in with Regulation ( 15 ) ofthe Electricity at work Regulations ? Isit:

A - The European form from CENELEC
B - Section 534 - Devices for protectionagainst overvoltage
C - Section 729 - Operating / maintenancegangways

Mainly concerning . Electrical-switch-rooms .and Restricted-areas . this amendment ties in with . Regulation - 15 . of the Electricity at work Regulations and includes requirements for working-spaces . gangway width . operational-access . emergency-access. and emergency-evacuation .
TheElectricity at Work Regulation 1989 . :welcome2:

Persons involvedin electrical installation work must be [ Competent ]
TheElectricity at Work Regulation 1989 imposes duties on persons involved in electrical-work. whether employers . the self-employed or employees . including most trainees.

Regulation- 16 . [ Persons to be competent to prevent danger and injury ] states “ No person shall be engaged in any work activitywhere technical-knowledge or experience is necessary to prevent danger or .where appropriate . injury . [ Unless he possesses such knowledge or experience . or is under such degree ofsupervision as may be appropriatehaving regard to the nature of the work ]

TheMemorandum of guidance on the . Electricity at Work Regulation 1989 - [ HSR25.HSE: 1989 ] states that “ the object of the regulation is to ensure that personsare not placed at risk due to a [ Lack of Skills on the part of themselves or others in dealing withelectrical equipment ]

The [ Scope of technical-knowledge or experiencemay include ]

Adequate knowledge of electricity .
Adequate experience of electrical work .
Adequate understanding of the system to beworked on and practical experience of that class of system .
Understanding of the hazards which may ariseof the hazards which may arise during the work and the precautions which needto be taken .
Ability to recognise at all times whether itis safe for work to [ continue ]

Regulation- 110.1.1. apply to the . design . erection and verification ofelectrical-installations such as theses of :

i) residential-premises .
ii) commercial-premises .
iii) public-premises .
iv) industrial-premises . Etc .

Legislation 2394: That we must work under . The BuildingRegulations of England and Wales. this is the one am working- of 2008 .

A dwelling isa place of work when work is undertaken . ThisAct empowers the Secretary of Sate to make regulations . The most relevant toelectrical-installation work are :

- TheElectricity at Work Regulation 1989 .
- Healthand Safety at Work . Act - 1974 .
- Managementof Health and Safety at Work Regulations - 1992 .
- Construction( Design and Management ) Regulations - 2007 .
-Provision and Use of Work-equipment Regulations - 1998 .
- PersonalProtective Equipment at Work Regulations - 1992 .
- ElectricitySafety . Quality and Continuity Regulations - 2002 .
- Construction( Heath . Safety and Welfare ) Regulations - 1996 .

Legislation 2394:

- The BuildingRegulations of England and Wales .
- ApprovedDocument P : Electrical Safety - Dwellings’. ( P1)

Scope ofPart - P .
Part - Papplies to electrical-installations in buildings or part of buildingscomprising .
i) Dwellings houses and Flats .
ii) Dwellings and business premises that have acommon [ Metered-supply ] Etc.

Re-cap: The scope of the Electricity at WorkRegulations 1989 . is much wider than [ BS-7671:2008:2011: ] taken from Extracts . BS - p.10. 2008
Requirementsfor Electrical-Installations in that they require .

- Installationsto be constructed so as to be safe - Regulations 4(1)
- Installationsto be maintained so as to be safe - Regulation 4(2) .
- Associatedwork to be carried out safely - Regulation - 4(3) 13.14.15.
- Workequipment provided to be suitably for the purpose - Regulation 4(4)
- Personsto be [ competent ] -Regulation - 16 .

Certification and Reporting.

Point to note- During incident investigations the ( HSE ) may examine .Electrical-installation-condition-report . any Certificate . Report .

( EIC) . ( EICR ) . ( MWC ) . Schedule of inspections . Schedule of test-results .

Question - aFinal-circuit is the wiring between the ? -&-s

Definitions - p.28 . Answer .
Circuit connecteddirectly to current-using-equipment . or to a socket-outlet or socket-outlets or other-outlets-points for theconnection of such equipment .

Definitions - p.34 .
Ring-final-circuit - Final-circuit arranged in the form of a ring and connected to a single-pointof supply . [ Consumer-unit and the current-using-equipment ]

If I have the C&G - 2392 will I have totake the new C&G - 2394 .
No ) The 2392 will remain the standard for .Inspecting & Testing your own work to sign it off under . Part-P of the Building regulations .

2394 : Devices for protection against the risk of fire includes .

RCDs not exceeding 500mA .
RCDs not exceeding 300mA .
Time - delayed RCDs .
Type - B circuit-breaker .

The regulations have to state the facts .

p.139 . 532 : Devices for protection againstthe risk of fire .

532.1. Where in accordance with the requirements of regulation - 422.3.9. it is necessary to limit the consequence of fault-currents in awiring-system from the point of view of fire-risk . the circuit shall be either:

i) protected by an RCD complying with regulation - 531.2. for fault-protection .

- the RCD shall be installed at the origin of the circuit to be protected.
- theRCD shall switch all . live-conductors’ .
- the rated-residual-operating-current of the RCDshall not exceed 300mA .

Q) . To comply with Part - 6 of BS-7671:2011: Periodic inspection & testing shall be specifically undertaken by . ?
Part - 6 . 621.5. p.195 . A). Periodic inspection & testing shall be undertaken by a [ competent-person ] -&-s

Blast from the past .
Q) . An electrical-installation has thefollowing single-phase-circuits installed. using multi-core-thermoplastic . non-armored-cables.
2 x 6A - lighting . = 4
2 x 32A - ring-final-circuit . = 8
1 x 16A - water-heater . = 2
1 x 32A - cooker . = 2

If the circuits are contained within . PVC - trunking prior to entering the consumer-control-unit - ( CCU ) Q) . how many Live-conductors’ would be present in thetrunking . [ 6 . 8 . 16 . 24 . ] A) Part- 2 . Definitions - 30 . Live-part .

Live-part . A conductor or conductive-part intended to be energized in normal-use . including a Neutral - conductor.

Based on the syllabus ofthe . -&-s 2394 :Initial-verification exam . designed around - GN-3 . & BS-7671:2008:2011: is your . 2394 - syllabus .

Gentle - reminder . Chief-examiners-report - 2012 .
It would appear that candidates are not awarethat a ( Working-knowledge of Guidance-note 3 . &BS-7671:2008:2011: ) is required to achieve success in thisqualification . candidates demonstrated ( gaps ) in both Technical and Underpinning of subject matters . Based

My point:- Candidates wishing to take the 2394 or 2395 : Qualifications would be strongly advised to obtain the 17[SUP]th[/SUP] Editionfirst . Which demonstrates a knowledge and understanding ofthe 17[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition - 2011:

The 2394 or 2395 : Qualifications is intended to enable candidates to develop thenecessary-understanding and technical-knowledgerelating to the . Inspection . Testing and Certification of electrical-installations . ( BS-7671:2008:2011: and Guidance-Note 3 )
It would appear that candidates are notaware that a ( Working-knowledge of Guidance-Note - 3 . & BS-7671:2008:2011: ) is required to achieve success in thisqualification . candidates demonstrated gaps in both technical and underpinningof subject-matter .

BS-EN-61008-1 . shoulddisconnect in ( 200mS ) at 1 xIn . ( Wrong-Answer )
½ -In no-trip
100% - In / 300mS .
500% - In / 40mS .

BS-EN - 300mS . Watch thewording .

GN-3. p.59 . Table- 2.9 .Operational-tripping-times for various RCDs

Usingof correct - terminology : Chief -Examiners report . 2012 .

Correct- terminology must be used when answering questions . candidates continue touse ( Incorrect - terminology )
Incorrect- titles of documents continue to appear in candidates “ responses “ some candidates are still using 16[SUP]th[/SUP] - Edition/ terminology .

►► Candidates are expected to Use terms from BS-7671: from the 17[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition - 2008: first -amendment - 2011:

Main-equipotential-bonding-conductor. 16[SUP]th[/SUP] - Edition O.S.G. 2004 . some candidates are still using 16[SUP]th[/SUP] - Edition/ terminology / 2012:

p.27 . Protective-bonding-conductor: Protective-conductor provided for the protective- equipotential-bonding . 2008:
p.27 . Protective-equipotential-bonding: Equipotential-bonding for the purpose of safety . 2008:

“Reason “ p.24 .

Equipotential-bonding. Electrical connection maintaining various - exposed-conductive-pars andextraneous-conductive-parts . at substantially the same potential - ( See also Protective-equipotential-bonding)

p.32 . Protective-bonding-conductor: Protective-conductor provided for the protective- equipotential-bonding . 2011:
p.32 . Protective-equipotential-bonding: Equipotential-bonding for the purpose of safety . 2011:

“Reason “ p.27.

Equipotential-bonding. Electrical connection maintaining various - exposed-conductive-pars andextraneous-conductive-parts . at substantially the same potential - ( See also Protective-equipotential-bonding) 2011:

Descriptionsof Instruments used for particular-testscontinue to be ( Vague ) in order to be fair to all . candidates onlythe title of instrument(s) stated in Chapter - 4 of Guidance-Note 3 are (Acceptable ) . the instrument used for the measurement of - ( PFC ) prospective-fault-current . is ( Not - identified ) by name in GN-3 but a -Title of ( PFC- tester would be acceptable )

Itwould appear that candidates are not aware that a working knowledge of Guidance-Note 3 .and BS-7671:2008:2011: is required to achieve success in this qualification .candidates demonstrated gaps in both technical and underpinning of subjectmatter .
Gentle - reminder .
It would appear that candidates are notaware that a ( Working-knowledge of Guidance-Note - 3 . & BS-7671:2008:2011: ) is required to achieve success in thisqualification .

Gentle - reminder .
It would appear that candidates are notaware that a ( Working-knowledge of Guidance-Note - 3 . & BS-7671:2008:2011: ) is required to achieve success
in this qualification . candidatesdemonstrated gaps in both technical and underpinning of subject-matter .

Back to basics .
16[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition - BS-EN-61008-1 . 1995 . General-rules . ( ReplacesBS-4293 ) 1983 . which remains-current .
16[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition - BS-4293 : 1983 - ( 1993 )Specification for residual-current-operated-circuit-breakers . ( Replacedby BS-EN-61008-1 )

P.286 . BS-7671:2008:2011:
BS-EN-61008-1 . 2004 +12:2009 . residual-current-operated-circuit-breakers - ( without-integral-overcurrent-protection) for household and similar uses - ( RCCBs ) General-rules .
C&G -2394 . and C&G - 2395 . splits the previous- 2391 down the middle .

2394: Initial-verification-qualification . Inspection& Testing . New-installation(s)
2395 : Periodic-inspection-qualification . Inspection & Testing . Existing-installation(s)

C&G - 2394. exam forms part of what was previously known as the 2391-10 . The qualificationhas been split into-two-routes .

Gentle - reminder .
It would appearthat candidates are not aware that a (Working-knowledge of Guidance-Note- 3 . & BS-7671:2008:2011: ) is required toachieve success in this qualification .

Appendix - 1 - Normative . p.277 . ( Where did I go wrong with . my Q/As . BS- .BS-EN ) RCDs
Note : CertainBritish-Standards . have been withdrawn since the issue of the - 16[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition in 2001 . from the dateof withdrawal . certificates and marks already awarded may continue to apply to. production until a date-specified in the - superseding-standard . Etc .

Characteristicsof RCDs . Basics .
RCDs aredefined by a series of electrical-characteristics. three-main-characteristics are :
i) . Therating of the device in amperes ( I )
ii) . The rated-residual-operating-current of the protective-device in - amperes . IΔn

iii) . Whether the device operates ??
- Instantaneously. - ( G )
- Incorporatesan . international-time-delay - 2394: To permit discrimination . (S )

p.26. Discrimination - Ability of a protective-device tooperate in preference to another . protective-device in series .
Items : need to be addressed when providing-switchingoff for ( Mechanical-maintenance ) of an extractor-fan .

Purpose ofswitching off for - ( Mechanical-maintenance )
The purposeof switching off an ( Extractor-fan for Mechanical-maintenance) is to provide-protection for a person-engaged in carrying out . (Mechanical-maintenance ) that may otherwise involve the risk of physical-injury . such as burns . or injury from . ( Mechanical-movement ) such as from arotating-fan-blade . - Regulation /537.3.1.1. refer

Switching devicepositioning or marking :
eachdevice for switching of an - ( Extractor-fan for Mechanical-maintenance ) is tobe durably-marked . and located so as to be readily-identifiable and convenient. for the intended use . - Regulation / 537.3.2.4.

example of awall-mounted-extractor-fan-switching-device . note :- this device is notsuitable for - installation where unintentional-reactivation of equipment may occur .

Unintentional-reactivationof equipment :
the meansfor switching off an extractor-fan for ( Mechanical-maintenance ) shouldpreferably be positioned where it will be . continuously under the control ofthe person-working of the fan . However , where this is not practicable .suitable-provision must be made so that precautions can be taken to prevent .any electrically-powered-equipment frombeing unintentionally-reactivated-during-the ( Mechanical-maintenance ) Regulation/ 537.3.1.2.
refer. such a provision is for the switch tobe provided with a device that . enables the extractor-fan-switching-device to be padlocked in the disconnected-position . with theswitching-device-locked-off and thekey-under-the control of the person-carrying out the ( Mechanical-maintenance ) inadvertent and unauthorized-operation of theswitching-device is prevented - Regulation / 537.3.1.2. refers .

Indicationof switching-position :
The Open-position of the contacts of a device for switching offfor . ( Mechanical-maintenance ) must be visible . or the OFF or OPEN-position must be clearly and reliably-indicated - Regulation /537.3.2.2. refers . Indication of that position must occur only when the (OFF or OPEN-position ) on each-pole hasbeen fully-attained . an indicator-light will not meet the requirements . forindication . positive - ( Mechanical-indication ) such as the position of anoperating-handle is required .

Switching ofan extractor fan with a - run-on-timer-connected toa lighting-circuit :
Control ofan extractor-fan with . run-on-timer-connected to a lighting-circuit . is often-provided for a toilet or bathroom . so that the fan-continues to run for a .predetermined-period after the light isswitched-OFF . in such an arrangement . the fan is functionally-operated by the ( Light-switch ) so as to allowthe automatic-fan-run-on-operation .

Fan-isolator-switch- ON / OFF indicator . pull-cord-type
Question 2394: does a Light-pull-cord show us indication . when OFF or ON. Question- is the lamp blown . ?? what indication do we have .

Fan-isolator-switch -Three-pole with padlock . surface-mounted .
3 - pole-fan-isolator-ceiling-pull-cord-switch .

Has thebathroom got a window ??? . it is a 100% - requirement if there is No-Window .

( Fan-isolator-switch- ON / OFF indicator . pull-cord-type )
( Fan-isolator-switch - Three-pole with padlock . surface-mounted ) mustbe positioned outside of the room-containing-the-shower.

Example : Shower -extractor-fan . this has been specifically-designed for the use in a . shower and it also incorporates a halogen-lamp which is 12V .
Fans like this require-additional-wiring as both a . permanent-live . and switched-live . are required as the fan has a built-in-timer .so that it continues to extract-air fora set-period of time . after the light in the room has been switched-OFF .

These fans are wiredfrom the existing-light in theshower-area and go via a three-pole-switch to the fanitself . when you operate the shower-room-light the fan switches on automatically and switches OFF . after a set period-time .

( three-pole-switchto the fan itself ) allLive-conductors can be isolated . when needed .

- Switched-live : it becomes live when the switch is ON .
- Permanent-live : this is live all the time .

Old-colours - Fan-isolator . 3-core & earth .
Switched live ( it becomes live whenthe switch is on ) “ Yellow “ L1 / SL ( Sleeved - Red )
Permanent live (this is live all the time) “ Red “ L2 / L
Neutral → Blue .

Harmonised-colours :
Switched live ( it becomes live when the switch is on ) “ Black “ L1 / SL
Permanent live (this is live all the time) “ Brown “ L2 / L
Neutral Gray - sleeved Blue .

Gentle - reminder . Chief-examiners-report - 2012 .
It would appear thatcandidates are not aware that a ( Working-knowledge of Guidance-note-3 . & BS-7671:2008:2011: ) is required to achieve success in this qualification . candidates demonstrated ( gaps) in both Technical and Underpinning of subject matters . Based

- - - Updated - - -

RCD -Testing :
Testingthe ( Trip - times of RCDs ) with all commonly found RCD - current-ratings .
For most -International-applications & the UK . 5 test(s) must be - performed .

1) - (1/2) x RCD - current-rating . to ensure theRCD does not trip when ( Half ) the rated-current is following in the RCD .
100% . 2) - 1 x RCD -current-rating . This is a trip-test to ensure the . RCD - trips with the specified-trip-time .
500% . 3) - 5 x RCD -current-rating . A trip-test to ensure theRCD - trips within the specified-time .
4 & 5) both the ( 1 x and 5 x tests ) must bepreformed at both - ( -&-s 0° degrees and 180° degrees . positive and negative-supply-half-cycles . to ensure ( Worst-case-time is recorded)

Theauto - RCD test : allows all the above tests to be preformed - Automaticallywhilst the operator . stands by the RCD and resets it as it Trips . results can then be recalled tothe screen .


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