BS-EN-60898-1 Circuit breakers have replaced the fuses of yesteryear . so the RCDs have been written in stone .
Each manufacturer is free to specify at what range of current the circuit-breaker will react to a perceived ( short circuit )
Circuit breaker is the basic means by which wiring is protected from both a short circuit & overload damage .
Definitions : P/35 . Short-circuit current . An overcurrent resulting from a fault of negligible impedance between ( Live-conductors ) having a difference in potential under normal operating conditions
A fault such as a short-circuit or earth fault , is not an ” Overload ”
Circuit breaker has two independent trip mechanisms: Thermal & Magnetic.
The former reacts to overloads & causes the circuit breaker to trip, while the latter responds to short circuit fault currents.
- Circuit breaker is affected by the temperature of its surroundings
- The magnetic portion of a circuit breaker is sometimes called the instantaneous trip portion.
The defection of the bi-metallic strip depends on the temperature thus the circuit-breaker has a trip temperature and it is the heat generated within the circuit-breaker that causes the temperature to rise, the faster the heat rise, the faster the breaker reaches temperature and trips. Heat is directly proportional to the power (watts)
Under fault conditions .
Magnetic trip level vs. Thermal trip time .
Magnetic trip level / Amperes .
Thermal characteristics (trip time) .. Seconds . ( depending on current level )
Thermal Example : The light draws more than 15A , 10A circuit-breaker for an extended period of time creating a thermal overload.
- Circuit-breaker is not intended to prevent electrical-shock .. That is why you use ( ADS ) RCD / RCBOs ( Additional protection )
- Circuit-breaker does not prevent arcing
- Thermal portions of breakers are affected by ambient temperatures
- Definition P/23 . Ambient Temperature : The temperature of the air or other medium where the equipment is to be used .
( Expected air temperature surrounding the rated circuit breaker )
GN-3 . P/56
Two short-circuit capacity ratings are defined in BS-EN-60898-1 & BS-EN-61009-1 :
( Icn ) the rated short-circuit capacity ( marked on the device )
( Ics ) the service short-circuit capacity .
This has came up on in Exams , before
( Icn ) value ( in Amperes )
( Icn ) is the maximum fault current the device can interrupt safety , although it may no longer be usable
( Icn ) value is marked on the device in a rectangle e.g. ( 6000 ) & for the majority of applications the prospective fault current at the terminals of the circuit-breaker should not exceed this value .
( Ics ) is the maximum fault current the device can interrupt safety , without loss of performance
for domestic installations the ( PFC ) is unlikely to exceed 6kA ... Exams . up to which value ( Icn ) ◄► will equal ( Ics )
O.S.G. Table 7.2.7. P/71
The difference between the two is the condition of the circuit-breaker after manufactures testing . ( Icn ) & ( Ics )
Manufacturer ( Overload )
A slow & small overcurrent situation that causes the ampacity and temperature of the circuit to gradually increase over time.
This type of event is characterized by a slight increase in the load (ampacity) on the circuit and is interrupted by the thermal trip unit of the breaker
Manufacturer ( Breaker definition )
A breaker is a device designed to isolate a circuit during an overcurrent event without the use of a fusible element. A breaker is a resettable protective device that protects against two types of overcurrent situations; Overload & Short Circuit.
Manufacturer ( Short circuit )
A rapid and intense overcurrent situation that causes the ampacity of the circuit to increase. This type of event is characterized by a dramatic increase in
the load (ampacity) on the circuit and is interrupted by the magnetic trip unit of the breaker
Manufacturer ( Overload protection )
The thermal trip unit protects against a continuous overload. The thermal unit is comprised of a bimetal element located behind the circuit breaker trip bar and is part of the breaker’s current carrying path When there is an overload, the increased current flow heats the bimetal causing it to bend. As the bimetal bends it pulls the trip bar which opens the breaker’s contacts.
Each manufacturer is free to specify at what range of current the circuit-breaker will react to a perceived ( short circuit )
Circuit breaker is the basic means by which wiring is protected from both a short circuit & overload damage .
Definitions : P/35 . Short-circuit current . An overcurrent resulting from a fault of negligible impedance between ( Live-conductors ) having a difference in potential under normal operating conditions
A fault such as a short-circuit or earth fault , is not an ” Overload ”
Circuit breaker has two independent trip mechanisms: Thermal & Magnetic.
The former reacts to overloads & causes the circuit breaker to trip, while the latter responds to short circuit fault currents.
- Circuit breaker is affected by the temperature of its surroundings
- The magnetic portion of a circuit breaker is sometimes called the instantaneous trip portion.
The defection of the bi-metallic strip depends on the temperature thus the circuit-breaker has a trip temperature and it is the heat generated within the circuit-breaker that causes the temperature to rise, the faster the heat rise, the faster the breaker reaches temperature and trips. Heat is directly proportional to the power (watts)
Under fault conditions .
Magnetic trip level vs. Thermal trip time .
Magnetic trip level / Amperes .
Thermal characteristics (trip time) .. Seconds . ( depending on current level )
Thermal Example : The light draws more than 15A , 10A circuit-breaker for an extended period of time creating a thermal overload.
- Circuit-breaker is not intended to prevent electrical-shock .. That is why you use ( ADS ) RCD / RCBOs ( Additional protection )
- Circuit-breaker does not prevent arcing
- Thermal portions of breakers are affected by ambient temperatures
- Definition P/23 . Ambient Temperature : The temperature of the air or other medium where the equipment is to be used .
( Expected air temperature surrounding the rated circuit breaker )
GN-3 . P/56
Two short-circuit capacity ratings are defined in BS-EN-60898-1 & BS-EN-61009-1 :
( Icn ) the rated short-circuit capacity ( marked on the device )
( Ics ) the service short-circuit capacity .
This has came up on in Exams , before
( Icn ) value ( in Amperes )
( Icn ) is the maximum fault current the device can interrupt safety , although it may no longer be usable
( Icn ) value is marked on the device in a rectangle e.g. ( 6000 ) & for the majority of applications the prospective fault current at the terminals of the circuit-breaker should not exceed this value .
( Ics ) is the maximum fault current the device can interrupt safety , without loss of performance
for domestic installations the ( PFC ) is unlikely to exceed 6kA ... Exams . up to which value ( Icn ) ◄► will equal ( Ics )
O.S.G. Table 7.2.7. P/71
The difference between the two is the condition of the circuit-breaker after manufactures testing . ( Icn ) & ( Ics )
Manufacturer ( Overload )
A slow & small overcurrent situation that causes the ampacity and temperature of the circuit to gradually increase over time.
This type of event is characterized by a slight increase in the load (ampacity) on the circuit and is interrupted by the thermal trip unit of the breaker
Manufacturer ( Breaker definition )
A breaker is a device designed to isolate a circuit during an overcurrent event without the use of a fusible element. A breaker is a resettable protective device that protects against two types of overcurrent situations; Overload & Short Circuit.
Manufacturer ( Short circuit )
A rapid and intense overcurrent situation that causes the ampacity of the circuit to increase. This type of event is characterized by a dramatic increase in
the load (ampacity) on the circuit and is interrupted by the magnetic trip unit of the breaker
Manufacturer ( Overload protection )
The thermal trip unit protects against a continuous overload. The thermal unit is comprised of a bimetal element located behind the circuit breaker trip bar and is part of the breaker’s current carrying path When there is an overload, the increased current flow heats the bimetal causing it to bend. As the bimetal bends it pulls the trip bar which opens the breaker’s contacts.