Where am I going Wrong !!
Chief Examiner : 2394 : Wording of Questions :
I will not download this again , ◄► Take heed
Coupled with the number o marks available . gives valuable clues as to what is expected , the words used in the question provide the first clue . if you look out for the following words & phrases & understand what they mean , you should be able to provide an appropriate answer .
Meanings : C&Gs
State :
The means the answer is expected to be a short statement , not a long or ( RAMBLING PARAGRAPH ) The response to this type of question may even be just a single word or group of words which may not be need to be a complete sentence .
List :
This means you should produce a simple list of items or actions , The answer should be similar to that produced for the " State " question , however ,
on this occasion the items would be expected to follow a sequence & form a list , as would be expected for a shopping trip .
Explain briefly :
This requires a brief explanation ; usually no more that one or two sentences . it does not require paragraphs of explanation & the word " briefly " is used to indicate this requirement .
Explain with the aid of a diagram :
This means exactly what is says . The answer should comprise both a diagram & an explanation , The examiner is trying to help you achieve maximum marks by asking for both an explanation & a diagram because this method of providing information is likely to be the most efficient .
Show all calculations :
Again the examiner is tying to help you score as many marks as possible, Where a calculation is required & the only thing offered by the candidate is the numerical answer , then if it is wrong , the candidate would score no marks . if the candidate includes each step of the calculation then marks will be awarded for each correct step . it is always in your best interest to show all stages of the process , Where relevant remember to show the applicable units which apply to your answer e.g. ( V , Ω , kA ) etc .
With the aid of a fully labelled diagram :
This indicates that a diagram needs to be provided with the component parts clearly labelled , The marks for these questions are divided between the diagram & the labelling .
To obtain the maximum marks for the question both the labelling & the diagram must be completed
Describe :
These questions often relate to test procedures & you are required to demonstrate your knowledge of the test process , look at the number of marks available to give you an indication of how much detail you need to go into .
Describe , in detail :
This indicates that a more detailed answer is required & again the number of marks available for the question gives an indication of the depth of the answer required
A series of short bullet pointed statements is a very effective method of providing an answer , but remember that all necessary information must be included
Direct measurement :
This indicates that a test is required & the results are not to be established by using a calculation . For example , where you are asked to describe the direct measurement of earth-fault-loop-impedance , ◄► Take heed
then a description of the test procedure is required , Describing an ( R[SUP]1[/SUP] + R[SUP]2[/SUP] ) test & then stating how to determine the value by calculation using , Zs = Ze + ( R[SUP]1[/SUP] + R[SUP]2[/SUP] ) will result in no marks being awarded for the answer .