It all depends on the purpose of the isolator.
To my mind, there are three/four purposes for providing local isolation.
Functional switching, switching for maintenance/cleaning and emergency switching.
In a domestic installation, is there a requirement for any of these.
With the majority of domestic appliances, there is an on/off switch on the appliance, which provides functional switching.
Switching for maintenance would to my mind be required, but would it have to be provided locally?
Individual circuits can be isolated at CUs and safe isolation practices implimented.
Yes if a number of appliances are connected to a single circuit, it would in most instances be desirable to isolate only the appliance to be maintained, so individual isolation for such appliances would be necessary.
Is isolation necessry for cleaning, I would suggest that in many instances no, however if it is not known what appliance is to be connected to a circuit or what the requirements for cleaning would be, it may be a good idea to provide local isolation just in case.
Is emergency switching really necessary in a domestic installation, what emergency would it be safeguarding against?
In a domestic installation, it's unlikely that there will be rotating machinery that someone could get caught up in.
Is there a likelyhood of electric shock, and would a local isolator be of much use?
Appliances, equipment and fittings can catch fire, for a variety of reasons, would local isolation even be desirable for such an emergency?
If for instance a washing machine caught fire, would it be advisable to enter the room containing it to isolate, or would it be more advisable to have the isolator outside of the room?
If isolation is for emergency switching, shouldn't that isolator also comply with the requirements for an emergency isolator, shouldn't the switch be coloured red for instance?
To my mind, it is not always a case of such and such must be installed.
The pros and cons should always be consider before selecting and installing any item of equipment, and I believe any self respecting electrician would do so.