I like the way your builder has run all the cables in the cavity. No, nothing wrong with that 15th edition board. The way he's hidden that domestic cable for your outside lights and sockets, behind the plant pots in your garden is a particular stroke of genius. And I'm so glad he pointed out to you that RCD protection is only required inside the house.
And my, my.......re-using all that old cable to save you money! He certainly is a talented man.
Yes, that's right, I'm only here to issue a certificate. No need to waste money paying me for all that fiddly installation work, when your builder is more than capable. Yes, same deal as the builder sir, all in cash. No need to make the VATman any richer.
Is the builder around, by the way? Oh! moving your boiler at the moment, to avoid all that Gas Safe nonsense? He's certainly providing value for money there, sir. No point in wasting money on us ancillary tradesmen, when it's all straightforward stuff. That's right sir, were just a bunch of overpriced charlatans. Thank god for builders, eh?