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liam b

Just wondering if anyone has heard of total trade services?

anyone worked for them or with them?

good or bad experience?

I get the feeling that its the equivalent to a pot wash in a restaurant Basically >>>> money .......

conditions with staff turnover very high and they probably pay about £12 an hour and you pay your

own tax etc . Now I am not knocking anyone for that . I amy be joining them or the like very soon

but we know as soon as something better comes along poo , hot and brick spring to mind
Just wondering if anyone has heard of total trade services?

anyone worked for them or with them?

good or bad experience?


yes mate i've had the miss fortune to work for this shambolic company .
take my advise and dont touch them with a ****ty stick . on paper you appear to have the chance to make a decent wage ... think again !
from the inept way they handle the administrative side of things to the constant chasing of unpaid fuel money ( which your expected to put up with a four week turn around that never transpires ) .
the only comparison i can give is running at a wall with your head down .
be warned this is a total trade disgrace and a con from top to bottom .
hi,i worked for a company between 2004-2007 (Newcastle upon Tyne)who sub contracted to total trade services,we covered the whole of the north east and started even doing Scotland to Leeds,there was me and a mate installing 3 x heaters, 1 x e7 time clock to immersion heater,if no immersion supply was there or cable not up to standard,new circuit would have to be installed.Upgrading of Main earth which was 80% of the time a tt system,and 10mm2 to water.It was job and knock for us,which meant early starts to beat traffic and load up with heaters and BRICKS!.Total Trade would always phone up to see how we were doing to try and give us more work or snagging off previous contractors that wouldn't be anywhere near the job or on our way home.I pushed for more money off boss but he always said that Total Trade still owed him money and wasn't getting fuel allowance.In the end he had to stop doing work for them because didn't get paid.At the beginning i think the boss made money but Total Trade just want more and more work done with no extra pay.
This is what I've heard in the Yorkshire area. This company advertise every week on the gov job web site for loads of different areas in the UK and that's because after a couple of weeks the sparkys walk due to not being paid. Be careful if you sign up with them.
If I was you I would write down every minute, every mile and every penny that you put into the tank. Keep fuel receipts and mileage and also take a photo of each install you do. This all may sound like over kill but I wish I did all this with the last firm I worked for, it would make the money chasing easier. Hope it works for you I really do, just don't get caught with your pants down. Good luck.
Its all up in the air at the moment,66% of government funding to be slashed,thats gonna be even more people out if work,i do work on this scheme down south,not gonna say which firm on a public forum but im a bit fed up,got made redundant last august,got employed again october and now facing redundancy again,and all with the birth of our new born girl,who knows whats gonna happen,i can only cross my fingers,toes and gentlemans sausage,this govt and their predecessors have done us all no favours.
mate your obviously not listening to what is said , but good luck and i look forward to your negative press on the company sometime in the coming months . dont be fooled by the first few weeks or the first pay cheque , it goes down hill from there
I've worked for the company for the last four years. Not the easiest of rides in all honesty, but let me tell you some of the issues I've had....

a) Fuel:- Got to pay for it youself and claim back.
What's not said on here though is that they DO give you an up front allowance. I get it in my bank account two weeks later like clockwork. The only time I have an issue is when I send in my paperwork late. Who's fault is that? Their's?

b) Yeah there are issues with turning up on site etc. and there are no clocks/programmers that the plumbers have left behind and it is a bit of a mission to get one. I do believe them though that if they had to pay for an extra one on every job it would mean they aren't in business. Is that their problem or is it the plumber not doing their side of the bargin?

c) When you leave them they don't pay you your full wages. I believe this is true and actually agree with it. The amount of crap I've had to go back and fix because of to**ers who don't do a proper job and then f**k off is ridiculous. Why should they get paid when they aren't doing it properly. The company holds back final pay until every job is inspected and then pays it as the inspections are done. I fully accept this in the current climate.

I've been given my work past April now..... so don't understand the April comments?

All too easy to sit at home and criticise. I wouldn't have been here for four years if they didn't do something right. What I have seen is people who come and go and take an adversarial approach with the company - guess what - they get the same back. Those of us who have been here a while and work with them have a good relationship. Let the to**ers go as far as I am concerned.

If any of us want a job near home, paid loads, for doing 7 or 8 hours a day..... those days are long gone and the sooner everyone realises that the better.

As for them advertising in London..... I've seen the advert. Why criticise when the advert clearly says "you will be travelling away in the North of England"? Eh? Sorry, don't get it.
I've worked for the company for the last four years. Not the easiest of rides in all honesty, but let me tell you some of the issues I've had....

a) Fuel:- Got to pay for it youself and claim back.
What's not said on here though is that they DO give you an up front allowance. I get it in my bank account two weeks later like clockwork. The only time I have an issue is when I send in my paperwork late. Who's fault is that? Their's?

b) Yeah there are issues with turning up on site etc. and there are no clocks/programmers that the plumbers have left behind and it is a bit of a mission to get one. I do believe them though that if they had to pay for an extra one on every job it would mean they aren't in business. Is that their problem or is it the plumber not doing their side of the bargin?

c) When you leave them they don't pay you your full wages. I believe this is true and actually agree with it. The amount of crap I've had to go back and fix because of to**ers who don't do a proper job and then f**k off is ridiculous. Why should they get paid when they aren't doing it properly. The company holds back final pay until every job is inspected and then pays it as the inspections are done. I fully accept this in the current climate.

I've been given my work past April now..... so don't understand the April comments?

All too easy to sit at home and criticise. I wouldn't have been here for four years if they didn't do something right. What I have seen is people who come and go and take an adversarial approach with the company - guess what - they get the same back. Those of us who have been here a while and work with them have a good relationship. Let the to**ers go as far as I am concerned.

If any of us want a job near home, paid loads, for doing 7 or 8 hours a day..... those days are long gone and the sooner everyone realises that the better.

As for them advertising in London..... I've seen the advert. Why criticise when the advert clearly says "you will be travelling away in the North of England"? Eh? Sorry, don't get it.

Its a con mate they will take anyone with ONLY the 17th and a crb check. I didn't even attend the induction....interview was far too easy and everyone got a fecking job. Thats why they get monkeys not finishing off work...

I believe you both have made fair points and at the end of the day its down to the individual and

what they are prepared to do.If it s good for you Nw sparky then good on you mate. Decent

professional workers are in the minority in my opinion.But electricalserv has a fair point too.
Just wondering if anyone has heard of total trade services?

anyone worked for them or with them?

good or bad experience?


Stay well clear i started work for them in jan left end of feb. they could not run a bath between them.

u will spend most of ur time chaseing up problems like when is my van coming, where is the gear i ordered. when am i getting paid etc. i left end of feb and i still aint been paid in full. its just been one thing after another and i will be glad when this is all done with
I havent had any problems so far, apart from not getting my sim card for my phone yet...but they are being dished out now. There are some crap sparks on this job and also crap plumbers. If you are a big firm like these are, you are bound to get some bad ones...
I will be staying here as long as its feasible, after all...its not many jobs where you can earn so much for easy work. My earnings for this week are in excess of £700 before tax etc and I didnt bust a gut to get it.
I havent had any problems so far, apart from not getting my sim card for my phone yet...but they are being dished out now. There are some crap sparks on this job and also crap plumbers. If you are a big firm like these are, you are bound to get some bad ones...
I will be staying here as long as its feasible, after all...its not many jobs where you can earn so much for easy work. My earnings for this week are in excess of £700 before tax etc and I didnt bust a gut to get it.

No need to show off Sparky3366
Im now in my sixth week working for the company and i have completed 45 jobs for them, travelled 3500 miles across the north of England (God's country) Iv'e spent over £1500 on Fuel, van leasing and spares because the parts you order just dont arrive or arrive late. I have currently been paid absolutely nothing at all!!
If you phone the head office you are not able to speak to the payroll deptment as they are busy (Busy not paying wages) and you are asked to e-mail them instead with your queires for which you get no reply. All the jobs I have done have passed the eaga inspection and have been signed off for paymnet as I have been back to most of the jobs now after I have finished them and taken photos of the work and asked the clients to sign to say how long I was there and the work I carried out for them was of a high standard.
I'm currently owed £5000 and since i started making a fuss about not being paid since starting in Feb they have stopped sending me Jobs.
I'm going to take them to the small claims court for money owed, costs and compensation which will be more than what they currently owe me.
I have never in my life worked for a company run from top to bottom by primates and the service to the Warm front customers who are often elderly is shameful.
The man at the top is probably sat at home in his 10 bed mansion and collection of sports cars laughing his little head off.
Anyone want to join me for a bit of joint court action aginst the company. The more the merrier!!
Dont out of desperation for work due to the economy fall into the trap, They know work is hard to come by at the moment and are exploiting people who are just trying to put food on the table for the family.
I could'nt even buy my son the Birthday present he wanted last week as i'd spent all my money doing jobs for this company.
Big stop sign - Why else would they have a permanent advertisment at the job centre. And as for the bloke who has been there for 4 years. They look after a small group of workers who are on salaries and expect the incoming staff to walk within weeks when they realise whats going on. Its not hard to install a spur for a boiler mate so you'd be hard pressed to actually find problems with a first year apprentice doing the job.
CON CON CON CON CON CON CON CON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im now in my sixth week working for the company and i have completed 45 jobs for them, travelled 3500 miles across the north of England (God's country) Iv'e spent over £1500 on Fuel, van leasing and spares because the parts you order just dont arrive or arrive late. I have currently been paid absolutely nothing at all!!
If you phone the head office you are not able to speak to the payroll deptment as they are busy (Busy not paying wages) and you are asked to e-mail them instead with your queires for which you get no reply. All the jobs I have done have passed the eaga inspection and have been signed off for paymnet as I have been back to most of the jobs now after I have finished them and taken photos of the work and asked the clients to sign to say how long I was there and the work I carried out for them was of a high standard.
I'm currently owed £5000 and since i started making a fuss about not being paid since starting in Feb they have stopped sending me Jobs.
I'm going to take them to the small claims court for money owed, costs and compensation which will be more than what they currently owe me.
I have never in my life worked for a company run from top to bottom by primates and the service to the Warm front customers who are often elderly is shameful.
The man at the top is probably sat at home in his 10 bed mansion and collection of sports cars laughing his little head off.
Anyone want to join me for a bit of joint court action aginst the company. The more the merrier!!
Dont out of desperation for work due to the economy fall into the trap, They know work is hard to come by at the moment and are exploiting people who are just trying to put food on the table for the family.
I could'nt even buy my son the Birthday present he wanted last week as i'd spent all my money doing jobs for this company.
Big stop sign - Why else would they have a permanent advertisment at the job centre. And as for the bloke who has been there for 4 years. They look after a small group of workers who are on salaries and expect the incoming staff to walk within weeks when they realise whats going on. Its not hard to install a spur for a boiler mate so you'd be hard pressed to actually find problems with a first year apprentice doing the job.
CON CON CON CON CON CON CON CON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I said this from the start, every fecker got a job when I went for the interview....Rang alarm bells straight away. Interviews where held at a fecking travel lodge.

The bloke on here saying they are a good firm is most likely one of their PR's

Everybody stay away for your own sake!
Its a con mate they will take anyone with ONLY the 17th and a crb check. I didn't even attend the induction....interview was far too easy and everyone got a fecking job. Thats why they get monkeys not finishing off work...


Your name is not ***** by any chance??
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Sparky 3366 , I take your the only spark working for them in Darlington - Only time will tell, your deluded if you think your going to be paid though or get a sim card for your phone. Oh and just so you know another 15-20 sparks started this week in the North so you might find you have no work this week. Have a good time chasing your money!!!
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