testing a house today before I put RCD protection on it and i got 300mA earth leakage. appox 100mA from the sockets, 180mA on the downstairs lighting circuit, then 20 odd mA accross the rest of the circuits.
I had a poke around the downstairs lighting circuit, couldn't see anything obvious, did R2 tests at all points (OK), did IR test and it was in the region of 650MΩ L-N, L-E and N-E.
as for the sockets, 2 chest freezers that are older then me are the cause of 50mA between them, rest is unnacounted for?
what causes this?
I had a poke around the downstairs lighting circuit, couldn't see anything obvious, did R2 tests at all points (OK), did IR test and it was in the region of 650MΩ L-N, L-E and N-E.
as for the sockets, 2 chest freezers that are older then me are the cause of 50mA between them, rest is unnacounted for?
what causes this?