Any ideas??
Place a large screwdriver across line/neutral and use a thermometer to measure it's temperature?
change it from TNCS to TT to bring it down?
as IQ has already mentioned, that may well bring your PFC down, but will not affect PSCC which, as IQ said will be very close to your PEFC figure.
theres no way i would remove a PME to install a TT.
you have 2 options in my opinion.
1) ensure your main head is man enough to cope, ie it has a sufficient breaking capacity.
2) between your meter and your CU, install a switchfuse with a bs-88 fuse in it.
Option 2 is good but it MUST be a BS88-3 (formerly BS1361) to comply with the conditional rating in BS 60439-3.
It's the risk of the fault arcing over the protective device, and the device not being able to interrupt the fault current.
It sounds to me like he was talking from his Arsenal, I'll ask for the last time in this thread, how does the addition or not of a rod affect the measured PSSC?
This is a measured value between line and neutral conductors!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please beg/buy/steal a copy of Guidance Note 3 and all will become clear....
we were both out, but alas have came back in again,
fecking kronenberg.............