View the thread, titled "***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians & Apprentices***" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.



O.S.G.. The use of other methods’ of determining Maximum Demand is Not Precludedwhere Specified by the Installation Designer

FirstlyI make no Apologies for the Way am Writing on any Matters . it can be a first day Apprentice or some one Needing aJog of Memory .
Sowe are all in the Same Boat . “ To Learn “

For the Apprentices . The Day we stop learning is the Day we hang Upour Tool-Bag

CookerDesign Current Calculations

Thefirst thing you have to do is get Your Head around the Calculations !!

(From a Design point of View ) 2392-10

DomesticInstallation Oven(s) & Hob(s) are to be Calculated upon their MAXIMUM LOADING
Startwith a simple Calculation ( An Oven has a rating of 2kW ) 2000

(I = P/V ) Formula … I = 2000 ÷ 230V = 8.70A …. Weare Using the Unit Amps

2392-10/ Domestic Installation Oven(s)

Ovenhas 4 Rings ( 2 x 1kW ) & ( 2 x 1.5kW ) & Grill ( 2kW ) & Oven (3kW )

-Controlled via a CookerSwitch with a Socket outlet .

Asa Designer . we’ll have to Apply Diversity ??

Important )- Diversity allowance to be Applied to the FULL LOAD CURRENT for CookingAppliances .

TheO.S.G. is telling us . Purpose of the Final Circuit fed from theConductors )
O.S.G.Table 1B p/97 – column (3) Cooking Appliances → At the Top of the Page Note : Type ofPremises ( 2392-10 → Household Installations ) Domestic Installation(s)

DomesticInstallation(s) Only O.S.G. - 10A + 30% f.l – Full Load ) of connected Cooking Appliances in the Excess of 10A+ 5A if a socket-outlet is incorporated in the Control Unit . ( C.C.U. ) – 45A + 13A Socket Switched with Neon .

Fromyour point of View ( The First 10A ofthe rated current plus 30% of the reminder ( Plus) 5A if the Control Unit incorporates s Socket.

Calculations)- You bank “ Hold OFF“ the first 10 Amps of the Maximum Load Current )
The10A will be used at the End of the Calculations’

-So your Work out the Total Power Rating & then calculate the Full Load Current

Calculations)- Power = ( 2 x 1 ) + ( 2 x 1.5 ) + ( 2+ 3 ) = 10kW

I= 10000 ÷ 230V = 43.48A … round it up to the first four numbers43.47826087 ( 48 ) 43.48A

UsingDiversity allowance stated ↑↑ ( 43.48A sub 10A = 33.48A )

I= 33.48 x 30 ÷ 100 = 10.04A

Youradding the ( 5A ) for Socket outlet . I = 10A + 10.04 + 5A = 25.04A )- Asa Designer this is your Expected Current Demand .

Remember )- Supply Cables Rated to suit DesignCurrent ( Iz ) :)
HBC fuse link . BS-1361 . ( House Service &Consumer Unit fuse )
Notpopular for use in Consumer Unit(s) . gives good Short-circuit currentprotection / & does not result in cable de-rating . ranges from . 5A100A .

Steel WireArmoured ( Insulation ) XLPE . Cross (X )linked ( L ) poly ( P) ethylene ( E ) :26:
The( X ) in a code simply means that protection isnot specified . [ The code ( IPX2 ) onlyprotection against mechanical objects ] Not Moisture .

2392-10: Inspection – Usually referred to as Visual Inspection . As it is broken into two words. Inspection & Testing.:icon_bs:
2392-10:Total Loop Impedance ( Zs ) What’s the main reason behind this- ??
:icon_bs:This has to be measured in order to ensure that the protective device will operatein the specified time Under Fault Condition(s) . You’ll be coning for your 2391-10 .
2392-10)- Indicates residual current ratings& Uses as Mentioned in BS-7671:2008 –Red Cover .

30mA – RCDs . …. ( a Break down forYou ) :icon_bs:

• Allsockets outlets rated at no more than ( 20A )& for Un-supervised : General Use.
• Mobileequipment rated at NO More than ( 32A ) for use Outdoor(s)
• Allcircuits in a Bath/ Shower room
• Preferredfor all circuits in a TT System
• Allcables installed Less than ( 50mm ) from thesurface of a Wall or Partition [ in a Safe Zone] if the installation is Un-supervised . & also at any depth if theconstruction of the Wall or partitionincludes Metal Parts .
• Inzone ( 0 . 1& 2 ) of Swimming pool locations
• Allcircuits in a location containing Saunas . Etc
•Socket outlet final circuits NOT exceeding ( 32A ) in Agricultural Locations .
• Circuitssupplying ( Class II ) equipment in Restrictive Conductive Locations
•Each socket outlet in caravan parks & marinas & final circuits forhouseboats
•All socket outlet circuits rated NOT MORE than (32A ) for show . Stands . Etc
•All socket outlet circuits rated NOT MORE than (32A ) for construction sites [ Where Reduced Low Voltage . Etc – is NOT USED ]
•All socket outlets supplying equipment Outside mobile or transportable units
•All circuits in Caravans
•All circuits in Circuses . Etc
•A circuit supplying ( Class II ) heating equipment for floor & ceilingheating systems

500mA– RCD
•Any circuit supplying One or More outlets of rating EXCEEDING( 32A ) on a Construction Site

300mA– RCD
•At the ORIGIN of a TEMPORAYSUPPLY to circuses .
•Where there is a ( RISK OF FIRE ) due to storageof combustible materials
•All circuits [ Except Socket Outlets ] in Agricultural Locations

100mA– RCD
•Socket outlets of rating EXCEEDING ( 32A ) in AgriculturalLocations

WhereLoop Impedance values CANNOTbe MET . RCDsof an appropriate rating can be Installed . Their rating can be Determined from( I∆n = 50/Zs )
Where ( I∆n ) is therated operating current of the device – ( 50 )is the Touch Voltage & ( Zs ) is themeasured loop impedance
2392-10)- Learning Curve . for when you go for 2391-10 ( Reasons )

Loop Impedance Test – must be conducted ( First ) to confirm that an ( Earth Path ) exits or the RCD test could Prove Dangerous.
Apprentices)- Electrical - Calculation(s) Basics
Alternating Current Circuit

i)in D.C. circuit(s) - The current is limited by Résistance . ◄◄
ii)in A.C. circuit(s) - The current is limited by Impedance ( Z ) – (Résistance& Impedance are measured in Ohm’s. )◄◄

U/Z= I . or voltage ( U ) ÷ Impedance ( Ohm’s ) = current ( Amperes )

• The voltage applied to a circuit with an ( Impedance ) of ( 6Ω is 200 volts ) Current in the Circuit [ U/Z = I ] 200 ÷ 6 = 33.33A Round off to4
•The Current in a 230V – single-phase motor is (7.6A ) Impedance of the Circuit . [ U/I = Z ] 230 ÷ 7.6 = 30.26Ω .
•A discharge lamp has an Impedance of ( 265Ω )& current by the lamp is ( 0.4A ) [ Z x I = U ] 265 x 0.4 = 110 Volts .
• Thecurrent through an Impedance of ( 32Ω . is 8A ) Voltage drop across the Impedance . [ U = I x Z] 8 x 32 = 256V

• Thecurrent through an Electric Motor is ( 6.8A )at ( 230V ) The Impedance of the motor .
[U = I x Z ]
Transposefor Z ] Z = U/I . – 230 ÷ 6.8 =33.82Ω . ….. 33.82352941 / Roundoff to → ( 33.82 )

•An coil has an Impedance of ( 430Ω ) Voltage ifthe coil draws a current of ( 0.93A )
[ U= I x Z ]
Transposefor U ] 0.93 x 430 = 400V . ….. round of 399.9 / 400
Apprentices: “ Meaning “ ( PSCC ) 612.11
(PSCC ) - Prospective ShortCircuit Current –The maximum current which could flow ( Between )Live Conductor(s) ? L/N . for thesake of -&-s . 2 live conductor(s)
(PFC ) - Prospective FaultCurrent – The ( Highest) current which could flow in a Circuit due to a Fault. this will come up on 2392-10 .Exams ◄

UsefulJunk . Yeah
Transpose )- “ Meaning “ Change order to calculate a Value .

UsefulJunk .
Thermosetting )- “ Meaning Cable Insulationwhich becomes “ SOFT “ when “ HEATED “& is “ RIGID “ when Cooled Down .
Apprentices: This willserve you well in Exams .

Earth Fault Loop Impedance .
Résistance of the conductors inwhich the current will “ FLOW “ in the event ofan Earth Fault .

Thevalue includes the Supply Cable . Supply Transformer & the Circuit Cable up ( To the point of the Fault )
2392-10: Exams :dots:

Remember )- Circuit Résistance in Parallel: ( I/RT = I/R1 = I/R2= I/R3 ) .. Etc . Electrical Calculations . PS . they will hit you on Parallel Circuit(s) . ◄
Remember )- Circuit Résistance in Series : ( R1 +R2 + R3 ) Etc .
Scenario/ Exercise / Electrical Calculations ( I don’t know if you still get them in 2391-10 . Exams ?? ) ◄◄
i). Shower circuit has a measured ( Zs ) value of( 2.2Ω )
ii). Previously the circuit ( R1 + R2 ) value was measured as ( 1.8Ω)
iii). The temperature factor is ( 1.2 ) & cablefactor is ( 1.04 )
iv). if the maximum tabulated ( Zs ) value forthis circuit is ( 2.6Ω )

Show by Calculation if the measured ( Zs ) value is Acceptableor Not .

Zs) = Ze + ( R1+ R2 )
Ze) = Zs + ( R1+ R2 )
Ze) = 2.21.8 . ◄
Ze) = 0.4Ω
Zs) = Ze + ( R1+ R2 x factors )
Zs) = 0.4Ω + ( 1.8 x 1.2 x 1.04 )
Zs) = 0.4Ω + 2.2464

Zs) = 2.64Ω ….. is this circuit Acceptable. NO

TheWording - ► Show by Calculation ( 2391-10 )
2392-10: Why’s

Conductor Résistance & Insulation Résistance.

Whencarrying out an Insulation Résistance Test . on a Consumer Unit it is often easyto forget that ( ALL ) circuits basically are connected across Line & Neutral .Whatever they are .

Thismeans that when ( ALL ) of these circuits areconnected together & an Insulation Résistance Test is done .
“The overall reading may well be Unacceptable . “

Back to Basics .
Becausethe circuits ( ALL ) possess Résistance & Resistorsin Parallel have the effect of Reducing theOverall Value .

TheRegulations allow us to ( Sub-divide ) Thesecircuits to get ( Around ) this problem .

AsElectricians’ we must keep our Fundamental Principle in Mind .

p/38- As GN-3 rightly put it .

2392-10– IR . You do not want . a Low Résistance on your readings . ( Which would indicate defective insulation )

GN-3. p/38
InsulationRésistance value of Not Less than ( 1.0MΩ ) complieswith the Regulation(s) where an Insulation Résistance of Less than ( 2MΩ ) is Recorded the possibility of a latent defectExists .

p/39- As GN-3 rightly put it .
where a LOW READING is obtained ( Lessthan 2MΩ ) it may be necessary to test EACHCONDUCTORSEPARAETLTY to EARTH .
(After ensuring that all Equipment is Disconnected)

2392-10. Résistance Readingsobtained should be Not Less than the minimumvalues referred to in . Regulation(s) Table 61 . p/158

TheRegulations are tell us . The Minimum Insulation Résistance ( MΩ .≥ 0.5 / ≥ 1.0MΩ )
General Information about ( Prospective Fault Current ) :icon_bs:

BS-7671:2008. requires the following . Prospective FaultCurrent to be determined for each installation by “ Calculation “ or “ Enquiry “

•The Prospective Short – Circuit Current at the Origin . Regulation 313.1. /refers . &
•The Prospective Short – Circuit & the Prospective Earth Fault current at every point of the installation . Regulation . 434.1. refers

Thiscovers the determination of the Maximum ProspectiveShort – Circuit Current at the Origin of an installation by means of Enquiry toa distributor . Where the installation is supplied at ( 400V three-phase / Similar. for an installation having 230V . single-phase ) supply of up to 100A
►►Example Only . ( kW ) Making you Aware of Diversity :uhoh2:

Conveyorbelt made up of ( Six ) sections . – Eachdriven by a ( 2kW/ Motor )
Materialis Transported along this belt – it is first carried by section ( 1 ) Then each section in succession until the finalsection is reached .

Only( One ) section of conveyer is carryingmaterial at any point in time .
Therefore( Five ) Motors are Only handling – No-Load mechanicallosses ( ? 1 kW )

Keepingthe belts moving whilst ( One Motor ) is handling the Load. ( ? 1kW) The Demand presented by ( Each Motor ) when it is carrying it’s Load is ( 1 kW )

Demand Load(s) – is ( 6kW ) but the Maximum Loadpresented by the System at any time is Only ( 1.5 kW )

TheDiversity factor for this system is ??
TheDemand Load(s) – 6kW
Maximum Demand – 1.5kW

[= 6kW ÷ 1.5kW = 4 ]

Maximum Demand – 1.5kW
Connected Load - 12kW …………… 1.5kW ÷ 12kW = 0.125
Why? do we Issue Certificates :39:

ElectricalTest Certificates are used to record what has been done & confirm that theinstallation meets the required standard .

Withinthis Standard . Regulation - 610.1. State that .
Everyinstallation shall . during erection & completion before being put intoservice be Inspected & Tested to verify . so far as reasonably practicable. that the requirements of the regulations have been met .

2391-10:( PIR )
Regulation. 621.1. State that .
Whererequired . Periodic Inspection & Testing of every electrical installation shall be carried out in accordance withRegulations . 621.2. to 621.5. in order to determine as far as is reasonablypracticable . whether the installation is in asatisfactory condition for continued service .

Design& Installation . from ( Part P ) with respect
Workshould Comply with BS-7671:2008 . Electricalwiring Regulation(s)

( Part P ) with respect
Inspection& Testing before taking into Service .
p/79. 6.2.1. General – Every installation must be inspected During Erection asnecessary & on Completion & before being put into Service to provide a Visual Check that theinstallation including the ( Installed equipment complies with the requirementsof BS-7671:2008 )

( Part P ) BS-7671:2008Installation Certificates .
Compliancewith Part P can be demonstrated by the Issue of a correct Electrical InstallationCertificate

Compliancewith Building Regulations is a ( Legal Requirement ) electrical work carried out in DomesticSector is now in the Building Regulations .
Itis a Criminal Offence “ NOT “ to “ Comply “ withBuilding Regulations .

Justa gentle reminder . 2392-10 .
BS-7671:2008 . does NOT recognize a “ Kitchen asa Special Location “ ( Document P ) p/60 – 5.2.

Kitchen is defined in the Building Regulation(s) as a “ Room or part of a Room “ which contains asink & food preparation facilities .

BS-7671.requires . ?
2392-10: under Part P . The Electrical Installation Certificate. may be used together with Schedule of Inspections. & Schedule of Test Results .
Hint . ►► this will come up inyou -&-s EXAMS / 2392-10 . ( 1 x 1 x1 ) ??

Remember . Approved Document P– Electrical Safety .
AsPart P . reminds us . This Safety Certificate has been issued to confirm thatthe Electrical Installation Work to which it relates has been Designed .Constructed & Inspected & Tested in accordance with British Standard7671

Ifan Electrical InstallationCertificate is required . then the Earthing arrangements must be Upgraded to complywith the current Edition of BS-7671 .

UsefulJunk :
Asits not in the Regulation(s) -Table 61 .Insulation Résistance. it may never come up . -&-s . Q/As – FELV. circuit(s) are tested as ( LV ) circuit(s) at ( 500V . d.c. )

2392-10. Q/As -&-s . Your testing your self . PS. This one is still on the books . ▼▼

Asa Tester ( 100mA) general purpose . RCD to BS-EN 61008 is to be Tested to ensurethat it operates within Speciation . ( You should bedoing Handstands at this Stage .
Yeah )

- TTsystem should preferably use a Slit – Consumer Unit . with RCD rated at ( 100mA) for equipment . & ( 30mA ) for socketoutlets – O.S.G. p/24. fig 3.2.
-Where a circuit has ( High Loop Impedance ) a 100mA RCD issuitable providing it is NOT for socket outletsthat could be used outside & that the circuit is NOTin a special location .

2392-10– as a Tester . S Type 100mA RCD does not normally trip ( Without Reason )

2392-10– Regulation . p/340 . Schedule ofInspections .

( Firstly ) → TheInspections Schedule provides CONFIRMATION that a VISUALINSPECTION has been carried outas required by Part 6 of BS-7671 .

2392-10. don’t worry You will not get this in Exams . 2391-10 / may
Thesum of the Résistance of the Line conductor &the Protective conductor ( R1 + R2 ) should be recorded & . after appropriate correction for temperaturerise .
Maybe used to determine Zs – ( Zs = Ze + ( R1 + R2 )

Where Test method 2 is used .The maximum Value of ( R2 ) should be recorded.

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