I think we've sussed the fan - the control switch selects one of four lines for the speed required. What the OP is stuck on now is how to wire a 4-position camswitch for 1P4W.
With the switch being marked 0-3, one speed (e.g. minimum) will have to be unused. It is likely to be something like:
White (speed 1) park in a Wago.
Red (speed 2) to switch terminal 1
Grey (speed 3) to switch terminal 3
Black (speed 4) to switch terminal 5
Blue (N) to incoming supply N.
Switch terminal 2 to incoming supply L
If they are not internally linked, it will be necessary to link terminals 2, 4 & 6 to extend the line to the other two contact sets.
Please check all of this with your meter before connecting up!!
Thankyou for your help, you have been very useful to me.