The CPS operators and their vested interests are the reason why we are now looking at the farcical issuance of the regulation for "non combustible CUs".
The CPS operators and their vested interests are the reason we have armies of under trained, under qualified monkeys masquerading as electricians causing CU fires in the first place.
The CPS operators and their vested interests are responsible for forcing these under qualified, under trained monkeys on an unsuspecting public who are sold the lie that anyone with a badge is up to standard and anyone who has not is a cowboy.
Part P is a bad joke. Had it been your or my child who got a belt (perish the thought) then it would never have happened, it was rushed through as a knee jerk reaction to an MPs daughter being on the receiving end of a fistfull of current following some dodgy DIY. Please explain how Part P has made the industry better because I, and thousands of other electricians up and down the country can't see it.