Ah Ah I like this thread
Its been stated 3-plate is standard/good practice and was always taught
When may ask did the "good" practice of looping in at the lights begin ?
It certainly was not standard practice in the 60s
Standard practice in a domestic in the 60s was a junction box under the floor boards with the supply live and neutral,switch cables and one cable at the light,neutrals may have been the exception with a single slung around the roses to loop those lights
Granted the neutrals were not at the switch,but the method doesn't need considering these days because it was old hat
I used to wire and fit star delta starters that had a handle on them, for the user to swing over when they thought the speed was just right,they are no longer used, because, it was a practice that would be out of step with other and better methods available since
I thought I'd stick that in just in case I suddenly became a Domestic installer
Times change,wiring methods sometimes also need to change, and us older lot need to put aside the attitude of this is how we did it,so that is the way it should always be done
Its like I said earlier,there is no correct method,we are supposed to design simple and even complex circuits to the best methods available, whatever opinions we may be tied to
I am staying "neutral"

because there has not yet been one post that gives an electrical reason why it should not be done,rather the 3-plate method seems to be taking a bit of a bashing and the switch method has shown to have more advantages