• Please use style selector to select BLUE AND WHITE. If you are not already on it. This notice will go once you're on the correct style.

Re-take - Useful Information for 2394 :

Useful-Junk: 2001 / 2004 .

Means of earthing in Older-Installation(s)

Older-Installation(s)are sometimes found to employ the water-service-pipe as the sole means ofearthing .
Older-Installation(s)may use a Gas , Water orother-metal-service-pipe as a means of earthing . This is Not-permitted .

Ithas never been permitted to use a , Gas-pipe as a means of earthing and , since 1966 , it has not beenpermitted to use any other-service-pipe either .

Necessary-equipotential-bonding-connections, MUST , be made to the Gas-installation-pipe , Water and other metal-service-pipe(s)

542-02-04 : p113
The metalwork of a Gas , Water or other-serviceshall , NOT be used as aprotective-earth-electrode , this requirement does not preclude the bondingof such metalwork as required byRegulation - 413-02 .

Labelling of the Earthing-Conductor :

it make life easer for any Inspectors inthe near-future .

the earthing-conductor , the conductor connectingthe installation to the ( Means ) of earthing , Mustbe easily-identifiable .
earthing-conductor(s) are not always labelled where requiredmaking it easily possible to mistakenly-disconnect the wrong-conductor.

a Equipotential-bonding-conductor , mayunintentionally be disconnected when intending to disconnect theearthing-conductor .

Earthing-conductor: [ Protective-conductor ]
Water-service-pipe: [ Main-protective-bonding-conductor ]
Gas-installation-pipe: [ Main-protective-bonding-conductor ]
Distribution-board 1 :
Distribution-board 2 :

MET- Safety-electrical-connection Do NotRemove .
Blast from the Past :

Earthing-Clamps , Not to be used on Cables , Where did it come from . What Edition ??

BS-7671:2001 .

Earthing-Clamps , Not to be used on Cables .
Earthing-Clamps, must not to be used on Paper-insulated / Lead-sheathed orSteel-wire-armoured ( SWA ) cables .

Under, No-circumstance should an earthing-clamp ( Complying with BS-951 or any other type ) be attached to the , Lead-sheath of any cable.
Inthe case of a supply-cable this practice is wrong for , Two-reasons

Thesupply-cable is the property of the , DNO .
Thesecuring of the clamp to the Lead-sheath is likely to damage theconductor-insulation of the supply-cable . and with the cold-flow of the lead ,the connection is liable to loosen over-time . BS-951 :

1999 States in Note-3 . ( second-sentence) to it’sscope that “ such-clamps are not intended for connection to the armour or sheath of a cable “ :icon_bs:

Inthe worst-cases , this practice may lead to increased-risk from the hazards of fire or electrical-shock .

2001 / 2011:

Blast from the Past : :icon_bs:

Earthing-Clamps , Not to be used on Cables :

Many installations are supplied by , Lead-sheathed-incoming-service-cables, and earthing-facilities are often provided , by DNO by means of a ( Wiped-soldered-joint on to the Lead-sheath ) with an attached-earth-tail to an earthing-block .

Wherean adequate earthing-facility has not been provided , electrical-contractorsare advised always to enquire of the cable-owner ( such as the DNO whether or not such a facility can be made available, it must never be assumed that , because a supply-cable has a , Lead or other metallic-sheathor armour , it is capable of providing an effective-connection to Earth . orthat it is adequate for carrying the ( PFC)

The compressive-forces-exerted by tighteninga clamp , onto most types of armoured ormetal-sheathed-cables ( sufficient toprovide a Low-résistance joint for fault or other-currents to flow ) are liable to cause damage to theconductor-insulation and bedding . such misuse of a clamp is a departure fromthe Regulation - 512-05-01 .

One solution open to the . installation-designer is to make the ,installation part of a , TT - system .

Regulation- 512-05-01
Every item of equipment shall be selected anderected so that it will neither cause harmful-effects to other equipment nor-impair the supply during-normal-service including-switching-operations .

Regulation- 512.1.5. p/114
Every item of equipment shall be selected anderected so that it will neither cause harmful-effects to other equipment nor-impair the supply during-normal-service including-switching-operations .
Re-cap .

Exposed-conductive-parts : :icon_bs:
Arenot simply conductive-parts that are ,Exposed or Accessible . such as metal-table . the definition of an Exposed-conductive-part is a conductive-part ofequipment which can betouched

Whichis not live-part but which may become live under fault-conditions .

Bydefinition : p/27 . will indicate thatequipment - Means
Electrical-equipment, and electrical-equipment is an item which generates , converts , transmits , distributes orutilises electrical-energy . Etc
So what is an , Exposed-conductive-part:

Be part of electrical-equipment .
Be able to be Touched
Whichis Not normally-live
Butwhich can become live underfault-conditions

Extraneous-conductive-parts :
Extraneous-conductive-part for it is simply any piece of Extraneous-conductive-material , an Extraneous-conductive-part is a conductive-part of the electrical-installation .

Theessence of an , Extraneous-conductive-part is that it is likely to ( Introduce ) earth-potential into a Building / Installation .
Extraneous-conductive-parts : be ( Exposed) Conductive and in generalcontact with the mass of Earth .

p/28. Extraneous-conductive-part.
a conductive-part ( Introduce ) a potential generally Earth-potential .
Not forming-part ofthe electrical-installation .

By definition : p/27

Electrical-equipment :
(abbr : Equipment ) Any item for such purposes as

Distributionor utilisation of electrical-energy suchas

Appliances and luminaires .

Electrical-installation :
(abbr : Installation ) An assembly of associated-electrical-equipment having co-ordinated characteristics to fulfil specific-purposes .

Whilstmeasuring the earth electrode resistance , the earth lead of an earth loopimpedance tester should be connected to ?
- The incoming-line .
- The main-earthing-terminal
- the neutral-conductor only
- The disconnected-earthing-conductor .

Wherea 100mA RCD is protecting a TT installation , when tested at ( ½ ) it should
- Operate within 200mS
- Not operate
- Operate within 300mS
- Operate within 40mS

The ( R[SUP]1[/SUP]+ R[SUP]2[/SUP] ) reading taken at sockets during a continuityof ring-final-conductors test should be approximately ?
r[SUP]1[/SUP]+ r/n / 4
r[SUP]1[/SUP] + r[SUP]2[/SUP] / 4
r[SUP]1[/SUP] + r[SUP]2[/SUP] / 2
R[SUP]1[/SUP] + R[SUP]2 [/SUP]/ 4

Whichof the following test instrument would be most likely to give a reading of 2.5kA ?

Theaccuracy of digital test instrument as recommended by Guidance-Note 3 is ?

Ifthe C.S.A. of a protective-conductor increases , thiswill lead to ?
- A decrease in résistance .
- An increase in résistance .
- An increased ( Zs ) reading
- An reduction in operating-current .

Accordingto GS-38 , test-leads should be . ?
Colouredbrown and blue .
Insulatedto 230V

ATT - installation is protected by a 300mA - RCD . the maximum value ofearth-electrode-résistance is given byGN-3 as . ?

Accordingto GN-3 is the correct-sequence of the following-dead-tests . 1 - Continuity ofthe ring-final-conductors . 2 - Polarity . 3 - Insulation-résistance . 4Continuity of CPC .
2. 3 . 4 . 1 .
4. 1 . 2 . 3 .
1. 2 . 3 . 4 .
4 . 1 . 3 . 2.

When testing a ring-final-circuit , the résistancereadings of ( R[SUP]1[/SUP] + R[SUP]2[/SUP]) will be . ?
Approximately 1.87 x R[SUP]1[/SUP]+ Rn
Approximately 2 x R[SUP]1 [/SUP]readings
Approximately 1.67 x R[SUP]1[/SUP] & Rn readings .
Approximately 1.67 x R[SUP]1[/SUP] & R[SUP]2 [/SUP]readings .

Whichof the following should be carried out when conducting aninsulation-résistance-test . on a 2 -way lighting-circuit . ?

Ensurethat Edison-screw light bulbs are connected in the Line-conductor only .
Bridgeout the switches .
Ensurethat both switches are in the on-position .
Operate all switches duringthe test .

It is often necessary to control a lampfrom more than one location , By utilising 2-way switches and strappers ( thecables in between the two operating switches )
Wecan effectively control the lamp from 2-different locations , such asthe top and bottom of stairs , known asthe “ conventionalmethod “

Whichcolumn would you record the results from the long-lead-test-method used todetermine continuity of the protective-conductors . ? Wander-lead-method .
(R[SUP]1[/SUP] + R[SUP]2[/SUP])

Which of the following tests would be carried out first ?
Continuity of ring-final-conductors

The minimum-test-voltage that should be appliedwhen testing the insulation-résistance of a SELVcircuit is ?
500V d.c.
500V a.c.
250V d.c.
250V a.c.

An RCD when tested at 100% ( x1 times ) of its trip-rating should ?
Trip within 300mS
Trip within 40mS
Trip within 100mS

Some of the essential andoptional-information required on the , Electrical-Installation-certificate and Minor-Electrical-Installation-Work-certificate is ?
Number of rooms , type of lighting ,outdoor-supplies
Floor-area, separate building , number of floors
Means of earthing, main-protective-conductors andsupply-characteristics
Name of sub-contractor , invoice , contact-number

Before carrying out an Insulation-résistance test ?
Carry out verification of voltage-drop. ► ( Regulations - 612.14. p/194 . Note : Verification of voltage-drop is not normallyrequired during initial-verification )
Ensure supply is switched on
Contact local-authority-building-control
Safely-isolate and consider electronic-equipment andvoltage-sensitive-equipment

Prospective-fault-current-measurement ensures that ?
Cables can carry the required-load-current
The consumer-unit-main-switch can be operated during a fault
The overcurrent-protective-devices at that point in the installation can disconnect ( Overload / Overloaded - Overcurrent )
The main-fuse will operate in the event of afault .

Overcurrent-Protective-Devices :
Protection against overload , & short-circuits in electrical-equipment .
O.S.G.- p/23 Note . RCBOs - Overload , Short-circuit , Earth-fault . MCB/ RCBO ( Overload-protection - Fuses ) its inthe Questions

A Minor-electrical-certificate does not require details of ?
Departures from BS-7671:
Method of fault-protection
Prospective-fault-current. ( PFC )

Once an Electrical-Installation-certificate has been completed theoriginal should be ?
Sent to the local-building-control
Retained by the electrical-contractor
Given to the person ordering the work
Given to the tenant of the building .

Test-Leads to GS-38 should have ?
1mm exposed-probe , non-fused and finger-barriers
2mm exposed-probe , non-fused-lead or current-limiting and finger-barriers
2mm exposed-probe , fused-lead or current-limiting and finger-barriers
1mm exposed-probe , fused- lead or current-limiting and finger-barriers

2mm exposed-probe ( for live-testing ) “ Fingers “ or Hands
4mm exposed-probe ( for dead-testing )

During the initial-inspection and testing sight would indicate a fault such as ?
Vibration of transformer-cover
Damaged-equipment .
Metallic supply-pipework can be used for anearth-electrode if ?
It is water-utility-pipework
It is other than water-utility-pipework
It is an unused-gas-pipe that is less than10-years old
It is other than utility-pipework providing-precautions have been taken . BS-7671:2011 . p/159 - 542.2.6.

If running in permitted-zones are used as protection against impact , whatextra-measure would be required if the installation was in a domestic-premises ?
Run cables with capping-fitted
All circuits protected with a30mA RCBO
Cables to have additional-protection by means of 30mA RCD BS-7671:2011:p/125 . 522.6.102
Cables to have additional-protection by means of 100mA RCD

When assessing-circuits for any need of continuity of service , the following-characteristic that does notneed to be considered is ?
Selection of earthing-system
Lighting-protection ( BS-7671:2011. p/ 49 . 361.1
Number of circuits

When automatic-disconnection of supply is used as a measure of protection , additional-protectionby RCD shall be provided for ?
Mobile-equipment having a rating of greater than 32A
Socket-outlets in commercial and industrial-locations
Only for sockets-rated at 32A or less where it is reasonable to expect they may be used to supply-equipment for use outdoors
Socket-outlets-rated at 20A or less in a domestic-installation ( BS-7671:2011: p/54. 411.3 )

All circuits in a location containing a bath or shower shall have ?
A disconnection time of 0.4s
Be installed at a depth of at least 50mm
Be installed using earthed-conduit
Additional-protection by a 30mA RCD . ( BS-7671:2011: p/199 . 701.411.3.3.

The installation reference for multicore-cables clipped-direct is ?
C ( BS-7671:2011. p/318 . number - 20

Automatic-disconnection of supply is used as a method of protectionfor ?
Fault-protection ( BS-7671:2011: definitions )
How things change - 1991 / 2011 : 15[SUP]th[/SUP]/ 16[SUP]th[/SUP] - 17[SUP]th[/SUP] edition 2011:

Sixteen Edition 1991:

ThisEdition was issued on 10 may 1991 . it isintended to supersede the fifteen-edition , fifteen-edition will bechanged to the sixteen-edition to take effect from 31-december 1992.

130-09: Additions and Alterationsto an Installation : 15[SUP]th[/SUP] / 16[SUP]th[/SUP]
130-09-01. No addition or alteration , temporaryor permanent , shall be made to an existing-installation , unless it has been ascertainedthat the rating and the condition of any existing-equipment , including that ofthe supplier , which will have to carry any additional-load is adequate for the altered-circumstances andthe earthing-arrangement is also adequate .

132.16 : Additions and Alterationsto an Installation : 17[SUP]th[/SUP] - edition
Noaddition or alteration , temporary or permanent , shall be made to anexisting-installation , unless it has been ascertained that the rating and thecondition of any existing-equipment , including that of the distributor , will be adequate for thealtered-circumstances , furthermore , the earthing and bonding-arrangements ,if necessary for the protective-measure applied for the safety of the additions and alteration , shall be adequate .

Comparing things form the past - EditionsWhat’s in a Wording “

Comparing things from the past - Editions

15[SUP]th[/SUP]/ 16[SUP]th[/SUP] . 1991 / 1992 .
A zone within which , exposed-conductive-partsand , extraneous-conductive-parts are maintained at substantially the sane-potential by-bonding , such that , underfault-conditions , the differences in potential between-simultaneously-accessible , exposed and extraneous-conductive-parts will not cause electric-shock .

Earthing: 15[SUP]th[/SUP] / 16[SUP]th[/SUP]
The act of connecting the , exposed-conductive-partsof an installation to themain-earthing-terminal of an installation .

Earthing: 2011 :
Connection of the exposed-conductive-parts of an installation to the main-earthing-terminalof that installation .

Equipotential-bonding: 15[SUP]th[/SUP] / 16[SUP]th[/SUP]
Electrical-connection-maintaining various , exposed-conductive-parts and extraneous-conductive-parts atsubstantially the same-potential .

Equipotential-bonding: 2011:
Electrical-connection-maintaining various , exposed-conductive-parts and extraneous-conductive-parts atsubstantially the same-potential . ( see also Protective-equipotential-bonding )

Exposed-conductive-part: 15[SUP]th[/SUP] / 16[SUP]th[/SUP]
A conductive-part of equipment which can be touched and whichis not a live-part but which may become live under fault-conditions .

Exposed-conductive-part: 2011:
Conductive-part of equipment which can be touched and whichis not a normally live , but which can become live under fault-conditions .

Extraneous-conductive-part: 15[SUP]th[/SUP] / 16[SUP]th[/SUP]
A conductive-part liable to introduce a potential , generallyearth-potential , and not forming-part of the electrical-installation .

Extraneous-conductive-part: 2011:
A conductive-part liable to introduce a potential , generally Earth-potential, and not forming-part of the electrical-installation .

Prospective-fault-current: 15[SUP]th[/SUP] / 16[SUP]th[/SUP]
The value of overcurrent at a given-point ina circuit resulting from a fault of negligible-impedance betweenlive-conductors having a difference ofpotential undernormal-operating-conditions , or between a live-conductor and an , exposed-conductive-part.

Prospective-fault-current: 2011: ( Ipf )
The valueof overcurrent at a given-point in a circuit resulting from a fault ofnegligible-impedance between live-conductors having a difference of potential under normal-operating-conditions , or between a live-conductor and an ,exposed-conductive-part .

Earth-fault-current: 15[SUP]th[/SUP] / 16[SUP]th[/SUP]
A fault-currentwhich flows to Earth .

Earth-fault-current: 2011:
A current resulting from a fault of negligible-impedancebetween a line-conductor and an , exposed-conductive-part or a protective-conductor .

Earth-fault-loop-impedance: 15[SUP]th[/SUP] / 16[SUP]th[/SUP]
The impedance of theearth-fault-current-loop starting andending at the point of earth-fault , this impedance is denoted by the symbol; ( Zs )

Earth-fault-loop-impedance: 2011:
The impedance of theearth-fault-current-loop starting andending at the point of earth-fault , this impedance is denoted by the symbol; ( Zs )

Gas-installation-pipe: 15[SUP]th[/SUP] / 16[SUP]th[/SUP]
Any-pipe, not being a service-pipe ( other thanany-part of a service-pipe comprised in a primary-meter-installation ) or apipe comprised in a gas-appliance , for conveying gas for a particularconsumer and including any associated-valve or other-gas-fitting.

Gas-installation-pipe: 2011:
Any-pipe, not being a service-pipe ( other thanany-part of a service-pipe comprised in a primary-meter-installation ) or apipe comprised in a gas-appliance , for conveying gas for a particularconsumer and including any associated-valve or other-gas-fitting.

Has thing changed much .

Certification and Reporting : 15[SUP]th[/SUP] / 16[SUP]th[/SUP]

743: Alterations and Additions .
743-01-01. The requirements of section 742 for the issue of a Completion and Inspection-Certificate shall apply toall the work of the alterations or additions , Any defects oromissions-revealed in that work shall be made good before a Completion-Report is issued .

The Contractor or other person responsible for the new-work , ora person authorised to act on his behalf , shall report in writing , to theperson-ordering the work any defects found in related-parts of theexisting-installation .

633: Alterations and Additions . 2011:
633.1: The requirements of Section 631 and632 for the issue of an , Electrical-Installation-Certificate or a Minor-Electrical-Installation-Works-Certificate shall apply to all the work of the ,additions or a alterations .

633.2: The contractor or other-person responsible for new-work or a personauthorised to act on his behalf , shall record on the , Electrical-Installation-Certificate or the Minor-Electrical-Installation-Works-certificate, any defects found , so far is reasonably-practicable , in theexisting-installation .

15[SUP]th[/SUP]/ 16[SUP]th[/SUP] . 1991 / 92
713-02: Continuity of protective-conductors .
713-02-01: Every protective-conductor shall betested to verify that it is electrically-soundand correctly connected .

713-03: Continuity ofring-final-circuit-conductors
713-03-01: A test shall be made to verify the continuity of each-conductor includingthe protective-conductor . of every-ring-final-circuit .

713-04: Insulation-résistance .
713-04-01: The insulation-résistance between live-conductors shall be measured , before the installation is connectedto the supply .

713-04-02: Particular attention shall be given to the presence of electronic-devicesconnected in the installation and , where necessary , such devices shall be isolatedso that they are not damaged by the test-voltage and thereafter tested inaccordance with regulation - 713-04-06 .

713-04-03: The insulation-résistance measured with the d.c.test-voltages indicated in table - 71A shall be considered satisfactory if the , main-switchboard , and eachdistribution-circuit tested separately with all it’s final-circuits connectedbut with current-using-equipment disconnected , has an insulation-résistancenot less than the appropriate value given in Table - 71A

612.2.: Continuity of conductors .
612.2.1.: Continuity of protective-conductors , including main & supplementary-equipotential-bonding.
A continuity test shall be made , it isrecommended that the test be carried out with a supply having a no-load voltagebetween 4V and 24V d.c. or a.c. Etc

612.2.2.: Continuity ofring-final-circuit-conductors
A test shall be made to verify the continuityof each-conductor including the protective-conductor . ofevery-ring-final-circuit .

612.3: Insulation-résistance
612.3.1: The insulation-résistance shall bemeasured , between live-conductors and between live-conductors and the protective-conductors connected to theearthing-arrangement , where appropriate during this measurement , line andneutral-conductors may be connected-together .

612.3.2: The insulation-résistance measured with the test-voltages indicated in Table- 61 , shall be considered satisfactoryif the main-switchboard and eachdistribution circuit tested separately , with all its final-circuits connectedbut with current-using-equipmentdisconnected , has an insulation-résistance not less than the appropriate-valuegiven in Table 61 .

711: Initial-Verification : 15[SUP]th[/SUP]/ 16[SUP]th[/SUP] . 1991 / 92
Every installation shall . during erectionand/or on completion before being put into service be inspected and tested toverify , so far as is reasonably-practicable , that the requirements ofregulations have been met .

The method of test shall be such that nodanger to persons , livestock or property or damage to equipment can occur evenif the circuit tested is defective .

610.1.: Every installation shall . during erection and oncompletion before being put into service be inspected and tested to verify , sofar as is reasonably-practicable , that the requirements of regulations havebeen met .

Precautions shall be taken to avoid , danger topersons , and livestock , and to avoid damage to property andinstalled-equipment , during inspection and testing .

Past to Present . 15[SUP]th[/SUP] / 16[SUP]th[/SUP] . 1991 / 92 . BS-7671:208:2011: We have came a long way since then . “ Not in WAGES but Regulations “ Yeah

314: Installation Circuit Arrangement
314-01-01: Every installation shall be dived intocircuits as necessary to :

i) avoid danger in the event of a fault . and
ii) Facilitate safe operation . inspection . testing. and maintenance .

Look in 314.2. Now - 314-01-02A separate circuit shall be provided foreach-part of the installation which needs to be separately controlled forcompliance with the regulations orotherwise to prevent danger . so that such circuits remain energised in theevent of failure of any other circuit of the installation , and due accountshall be taken of the consequences of the operation of anysingle-protective-device .

Look in 314.3. - 314-01-03: The number of final-circuits required , and the number of points suppliedby any final-circuit , shall be such as to facilitate compliance with therequirements of chapter 43 for overcurrent-protection , chapter 46 forisolation and switching and chapter 52 as regards current-carrying-capacities of conductors .

Look in 314.4. - 314-01-04 : Where an installation comprises more than one-final-circuit , each final circuit shallbe connected to a separate-way in the distribution-board , the wiring of eachfinal-circuit shall be electrically separate from that of every other final-circuit , so as to prevent theindirect-energising of a final-circuit intended to be isolated . RCDs have a field-day now .

For Our Younger Members .

Fig 2.1. p/ 37 .
Example of Earthing-Arrangementsand Protective-conductors . Chapter 54 .

Firstly: Protective-conductors - 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 .
1) Circuit-protective-conductor
2) Main-protective-bonding-conductor ….. ( Equ-ipotenti-al-bonding) Equal-potential
3) Earthing-conductor
4) Supplementary-protective-bonding-conductor ( where required )

B) Main-earthing-terminal - ( MET )
M) Exposed-conductive-part ….. Conductive-part of equipment whichcan be .
C) Extraneous-conductive-part ….. Conductive-part liable to introduce a potential
P) Metallic-water-pipe . ( extraneous-conductive-parts )
T) Earth-electrode ( TT and IT systems )
E) Other means of earthing ( TN systems )

B) Main-earthing-terminal - ( MET )
1) Circuit-protective-conductor - going to Exposed-conductive-parts ( M )

2) Main-protective-bonding-conductor .
B) Main-earthing-terminal - ( MET ) 2 - Main-protective-bonding-conductor. main-metallic-water-pipe ….. ( making me. Extraneous-conductive-parts)

3) Earthing-conductor . ( B ) Main-earthing-terminal - ( MET ) E) Other means of earthing ( TN systems ) T) Earth-electrode ( TT and IT systems )

4) Supplementary-protective-bonding-conductor (where required ) can be ?? ( M ) Exposed-conductive-part to Exposed-conductive-part or
Exposed-conductive-part (C ) Extraneous-conductive-parts . Structural-steelwork .

Protective-conductor ( PE )
Aconductor used for some measures of protection against electric-shock andintended for connecting together any ofthe following-parts . p/32
i) Exposed-conductive-part(s)
ii) Extraneous-conductive-part(s)
iii) Earthing-conductor .
iv) Earth-electrode(s) ….. ( s ) making me , one or more Rods . Etc
v) The earthed-point of the source . or an artificial-neutral .

i) Exposed-conductive-part(s) p/27
Exposed-conductive-part. Conductive-part of equipment which can be
- Touched and which is not normally-live. But
- Which can become live under-fault-conditions.

ii) Extraneous-conductive-part(s) p/28
Extraneous-conductive-part. a conductive-part liable to introduce a potential.generally earth-potential . and
Not forming part of the electrical-installation .

iii) Earthing-conductor. p/27
Earthing-conductor. A protective-conductor connecting the, main-earthing-terminal of an installation to an earth-electrode or toother means of earthing . Etc .
Whenchecking Polarity withtest-probes the voltage-indication on a single-phase socket-outlet should be
L- N 230V , L - E 230V , N - E 230V .
L- N 230V , L - E 0V , N - E 230V .
L- N 0V , L - E 230V , N - E 0V .
L - N 230V , L - E 230V , N - E 0V.

Some of the essential and optional-information required on the ,Electrical-Installation-Certificate and ,Minor-Electrical-Installation-work-Certificate is
Number of rooms . type of lighting ,outdoor-supplies
Floor-area, separate-building , number of floors
Mean of earthing . main-protective-conductors and supply-characteristics
Name of sub-contractor , invoice , contact-number

Electrical-Installation-Certificaterequired for replacing a light-fitting would be .
A Minor-Work-Electrical-Installation-Certificate
A Minor-Work-Electrical-Installation-Certificate and aschedule of test-results
A Minor-Work-Electrical-Installation-Certificate and aschedule of Inspections and a schedule of test-results
No Certificate required

Before carrying out anInsulation-résistance-test
Carry out verification of voltage-drop
Ensure supply is switched on
Contact local-authority-building-control
Safely-isolate and consider electronic-components andvoltage-sensitive-equipment
Part-P does Not apply to ?
Land associated with a building
Share amenities in blocks of flats

In which of the following would you find therequirements for the building-design , construction and management for building-regulations ?
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Approved-document A
Approved-document B

Who is ultimately responsible forcompliance with the building-regulations .
The-person doing the building-work
Responsibility is shared between the local-authority and the part-governing-body

Which of the following is not a requirement of Part-E .
Parts of the same-building
Excessive-reverberation from common-areas

Linked to L1 for energy-conservation ,which of the following is the best way of control on a heating-system .
A time-clock and thermostatically-controlled-valves
A time-clock only

Which approved-document is related to the installation of smoke and fire-alarms .

On a notifiable-electrical-installation , the person ordering the work isissued with a building-regulation-certificate and relative-certificate , whatpaper-work do you send to the governing-body
The building-regulations-certificate
The power-regulations-certificate
The BS-7671:2008:2011 certificate
A formal-letter confirming that you have completedthe work

According to Document A , horizontal-chases should beno deeper than what depth of wall-thickness

You are installing a new-circuit for recessed-light-fittings that penetrate the ceiling , what ,Approved-document(s) need to be referredto .
Document B
Document E
Document P
All of the above

Where do the building-regulations apply ?
England , Ireland and Scotland
England , Wales and Scotland
Across the whole of the United-Kingdom
England and Wales .

If you were fitting a consumer-unit ,what document would you primarily-refer to

Thebuilding-regulations are made under which Act .
The domestic-installer-act 2003
The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
The Electricity at Work-Act 1989
The Building-Act 1984

Approved-documentA , requires notches in joists to be no-greater than 0.125 times the ?

Whichof the following is not a requirement of part - E ?
Parts of the same building
Excessive-reverberationfrom common-areas

Linked to L1 , for energy-conservation , whichof the following is the best way of control on a heating-system ?
A time-clock & thermostatically-controlled-valves
A time-clock-only

Which of these is outside the scope of Part - P ?
Installing-new-circuits in a dwelling
Installing a power-supply for a garden-fountain
Rewiring a shower-circuit in a dwelling
Rewiring a church

On a notifiable-electrical-installation , the person ordering the work is issued with abuilding-regulation-certificate and relative-certificate , what paperwork doyou send to the governing-body ?
The building-regulations-certificate
The BS-7671: certificate
A formal-letter-confirming that you havecompleted the work

Building-work is defined in regulation - 3 , of thebuilding-regulations and includes ?
The erection or extension of a building

The Building-Regulations - 2000 ( As Amended ) Are made under the , Building-Act 1984 , are ?
A statutory-instrument-number - 2531
Applicable to a majority of building-work
Split into sections related “ Approved-documents “
All of the above .

You are installing a new-circuit for Recessed-light-fittings , that penetratethe ceiling , what , Approved-document(s) need to be referred to ?
Document- B
Document- E
Document- P
All of the above



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