Bit of a silly argument really, as there are no advantages whatever for radial circuits, ("they take less time to wire" is NOT an advantage!) and they are just as prone to the broken conductor problem (which, if done properly, is "not at all") the vast majority of the housing stock in this country was rewired for the first time between about 1960 and 1980. they were all wired with 13amp sockets and ring mains under the IEE regs which stated "any number of sockets on a ring and any number of sockets on a spur so long as the number of sockets on spurs does not exceed the number of sockets on the ring, and the whole does not exceed a floorspace of 100 sq M." the vast majority of these houses are wired in T/E pvc cables, and will not be rewired in the foreseeable future, hence the downturn in work we have all experienced in the last 10-20 years. These ring mains have been reliable and safe. Indeed, as you can read on the safety socket cover campaign thread, we have the safest electrical system in Europe. Harmonization with the EEC is a stupid exercise as anyone who has traveled through the EEC countries will have experienced the vastly inferior kit and wiring systems they have used which are truly "out of the ark" Trying to bring in dubious regulations that require good efficient and safe installations to be removed in some sort of EEC/government job creation scheme will not work. Regs are not retroactive.