Just out of interest, what exactly is the the danger in adding 2 3A FCU to the ring? If situation ever arose that I needed to do it I'd be more than fine with it. I'm sure the OP is lost now as to what to do after 66+ posts, but either option initially posted seems fine to me, the 2nd is a little overkill.
If we are all worried about what the incompetent person may do after us then 32Amp ring are out, may as well do 10Amp radial to cover for them. Don't want to have them adding a shower to the ring after all! I don't care much what someone adds after me, that's their problem. Common sense seems to have long gone here.
At no point have I said Pic 1 was dangerous, just not compliant. Guess the acid test is if this question was in an exam what would your answer be Pic 1 or Pic 2 ? . And this nonsense about the boiler SFCU being fed from the fused side of the 1st SFCU is just folks back pedaling. Or does anyone think its a good idea to have the boiler turn off when you turn the light off?
Not back pedalling at all. I made a simple mistake of thinking the whole circuit was fused at 3a. I quickly realised my mistake and then admitted you was right.
Reply to the thread, titled "Spur with two sfcu on it" which is posted in UK Electrical Forum on Electricians Forums.