View the thread, titled "***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians & Apprentices***" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.



O.S.G.. The use of other methods’ of determining Maximum Demand is Not Precludedwhere Specified by the Installation Designer

FirstlyI make no Apologies for the Way am Writing on any Matters . it can be a first day Apprentice or some one Needing aJog of Memory .
Sowe are all in the Same Boat . “ To Learn “

For the Apprentices . The Day we stop learning is the Day we hang Upour Tool-Bag

CookerDesign Current Calculations

Thefirst thing you have to do is get Your Head around the Calculations !!

(From a Design point of View ) 2392-10

DomesticInstallation Oven(s) & Hob(s) are to be Calculated upon their MAXIMUM LOADING
Startwith a simple Calculation ( An Oven has a rating of 2kW ) 2000

(I = P/V ) Formula … I = 2000 ÷ 230V = 8.70A …. Weare Using the Unit Amps

2392-10/ Domestic Installation Oven(s)

Ovenhas 4 Rings ( 2 x 1kW ) & ( 2 x 1.5kW ) & Grill ( 2kW ) & Oven (3kW )

-Controlled via a CookerSwitch with a Socket outlet .

Asa Designer . we’ll have to Apply Diversity ??

Important )- Diversity allowance to be Applied to the FULL LOAD CURRENT for CookingAppliances .

TheO.S.G. is telling us . Purpose of the Final Circuit fed from theConductors )
O.S.G.Table 1B p/97 – column (3) Cooking Appliances → At the Top of the Page Note : Type ofPremises ( 2392-10 → Household Installations ) Domestic Installation(s)

DomesticInstallation(s) Only O.S.G. - 10A + 30% f.l – Full Load ) of connected Cooking Appliances in the Excess of 10A+ 5A if a socket-outlet is incorporated in the Control Unit . ( C.C.U. ) – 45A + 13A Socket Switched with Neon .

Fromyour point of View ( The First 10A ofthe rated current plus 30% of the reminder ( Plus) 5A if the Control Unit incorporates s Socket.

Calculations)- You bank “ Hold OFF“ the first 10 Amps of the Maximum Load Current )
The10A will be used at the End of the Calculations’

-So your Work out the Total Power Rating & then calculate the Full Load Current

Calculations)- Power = ( 2 x 1 ) + ( 2 x 1.5 ) + ( 2+ 3 ) = 10kW

I= 10000 ÷ 230V = 43.48A … round it up to the first four numbers43.47826087 ( 48 ) 43.48A

UsingDiversity allowance stated ↑↑ ( 43.48A sub 10A = 33.48A )

I= 33.48 x 30 ÷ 100 = 10.04A

Youradding the ( 5A ) for Socket outlet . I = 10A + 10.04 + 5A = 25.04A )- Asa Designer this is your Expected Current Demand .

Remember )- Supply Cables Rated to suit DesignCurrent ( Iz ) :)

Example Only . -&- ( 2 Seconds time ) GN-3 . p/56
Generalpurpose RCDs to BS 4293 .
Becauseof the variability of the time delay it is not possibly to specify a maximumtest time . it is therefore imperative that the circuit protective conductordoes not rise more that 50V above Earth potential ( Zs I∆n ≤ 50V ) it issuggested that in practice a ( 2 second )maximum test time is SUFFICENT . -&-s now you know

2392-10: Get your self a copy of ( GN-3 )
FunctionalTesting .
Operationof residual current devices .
Whilethe following tests are NOT a specific requirement of BS-7671 it is recommendedthat they are carried out . GN-3 . p/56

Q)Prior to these RCD tests it is Essential for Safety Reasons , that the EARTH LOOP IMPEDANCE is tested to check the requirements’have been met . WHY ??

( Wehave a Earth ) .. Common sense . RCD must havean Earth ( 612.9↔ 612.10 )
2392-10: 612.6.

4 different scenarios . requirea Polarity Test .

i)- Unit used ( Ω ) All single pole devices & circuit breakers are connected inthe Line conductor Only .
ii)- Unit used ( Ω ) The line conductor must be connected to the centre terminal ofan Edison Screw Lamp holder ( with the Exception of E14& E27 lampholders to BS-EN 60238 )These are European . They have known to be usedon exams .
iii)- Unit used ( Ω ) All polarities of Socket outlets ( Ring & Radial must be Verified )
O.S.G. – p/78 ↓
iv)- Unit used ( Ω ) The Polarity of the mains supply must be correct . [ Using anapproved voltage tester ] with the supplyconnected
Apprentices)- Continuity of Main Protective BondingConductor . ( PIR )

Alot off you will have a Multi Function Tester ( At this point you have zero the Megger to the test leads .
(for the sake of -&-s . if you don’t have a Megger ? you do it the old fashion way “ Subtract Leads“ Leads 0.02reading 0.4 = 0.38Ω ) you may get asked this one ??

i) Isolate Main Supply . ( Lock OFF )

( R2 ) - 612.2.1.

ii)Disconnect Bonding Conductor from Main Earth Terminal ( MET )
iii)Place One lead on conductor & other on the Earth Clampconnection ( you Using Wandering Lead )

Bonding Conductor → to Water pipe ( you have A to B – continues Loop )

iv)Zero lead Résistance & set to Ω

v)Take reading ensuring Less than ( 0.05Ω )

( Remember to replace Disconnect Bonding Conductor fromMain Earth Terminal ( MET ) BACKwhen Testing is Done )

UsefulJunk .
UnderFault conditions the Fault current should flow in a controlled manner through aCPC.

Oneother way of looking at this . A “Dedicated “ CPC would carry most of the fault current as it provides the mostdirect path & lowest Impedance back to the source of energy .
InitialVerification : Apprentices’

610.1. Wording .

EveryInstallation shall . DURING ERECTION ◄◄◄ ( And )on Completion BEFORE BEING PUT INTO SERVICE ◄◄◄ .be Inspected & Tested to VERIFY .Etc

PlainEnglish : Test it whilst your working on the Job .
Apprentices’: Basics . Yeah Reg – P/35

Youmust understand the basics .
Listedbelow are 4 terms that describe vital information in the Calculation process .

Thefirst factor you need to consider is ( DESIGN CURRENT)

17[SUP]th[/SUP]Edition - ( Ib) Design current of circuit
PlainEnglish ( Ib) Term used to describe a circuits DESIGN current in AMPS (The Load )
( In ) Rated current or current setting of PROTECTIVE device AMPS
17[SUP]th[/SUP]Edition - ( Iz) Current-carrying capacity of a cable for continuous service under theparticular installation conditions concerned .
PlainEnglish ( Iz) Term used to describe a circuits value in AMPS . once all de-rating factorshave been considered .
17[SUP]th[/SUP]Edition - ( It )Tabulated current-carrying capacity of a cable .
PlainEnglish ( It) Term used to describe the Tabulated current rating of a cable in AMPS ( The CURRENT a cable can SEFELYCARRY )

(Ib ≤ In ≤ Iz ≤ It )

Thisformula states the underlying principle of the calculation of a circuits CableSize .
Theprotective device current rating must be ( Equal to or Next Largest Size ) so that the circuit issufficiently protected

Formula)- used for cable calculation .

(Ib ≤ In then Iz ≤ It )

TheOver current protective device must be ( Equal to or Greater ) than the designcurrent .
Howto Establish the value of Volt Drop ( Vd ) Red Book BS-7671:2008

Eachcable rating in the Tables of Appendix 4 of BS-7671:2008
Hasa corresponding volt drop figure in mili-volts per metre of run ( mV/A/m )

Tocalculate the cable volt-drop ??

Volt-drop= Ib x ( mV/A/m ) x L ÷ 1000


Ib)- Design current in amps .
mV/A/m)- The mili-volts per amp per metre dropped
L)- The circuit length in metres .
1000 )- Converts the mili-volts into Volts

Scenario : ◄◄
4.0mm[SUP]2[/SUP]PVC sheathed circuit feeds a ( 6kWshower ) & has a length of run of ( 16m ) Find the total Voltage Drop . ( Vd )

i)-Work out the Design Current . ( I = P/V = 6000 ÷230V = 26.08A ) ◄ Round up to 4– 26.08695652
ii)Obtain the . mV/A/m from Appendix 4
Table( 4D5 ) p/282 .
Thevolt drop figure for ( 4.0mm[SUP]2[/SUP] T&E is 11 mV/A/m )
iii)Input all the values into the Formula & work out the Volt drop to ( Twodecimal places & add the value V )

Voltdrop = 26.08 x 11 x 16 ÷ 1000 = 4.59V

Sincethe Permissible volt drop in this Instance is ( 5% of 230V ) which is ( 11.5V ) Now does the cable in Question meet volt droprequirements . ??

( 4D5 ) p/282
FlatPVC Cables .
Earth Loop Impedance . 2392-10

Résistance ( Measured in Ohm’s )
Isthe property of a conductor to limit the flow of current through it when avoltage is APPLIIED . The larger the conductor is the less résistance it has .
Thesmaller the conductor is the more résistance it has . .

(Thus . a voltage of one volt applied to one ohm résistance results in a currentof one ampere ) Yeah
2391-10 / 2392-10
Multipliersare used by the Designer & are required toallow for one of the following .

O.S.G.Table 9B )-
Usedso the Designer can give values of Résistance at the Ambient Temperatureexpected during the Test(s) ( 20°C is classed as1 )
O.S.G.Table 9C )-
Usedso the Designer can give values of Résistance at the Conductors Maximum OperatingTemperatures .
2391-101/ 2392-10 . Designing

Howis Earth Loop Impedance calculated ??

Earth Loop Impedance can becalculated by ??

(Zs = Ze + ( R1 + R2 )
(R1 + R2 = Table – 9A ---- 1000 x L x Table – 9B or 9C )

Zs)- Used to describe a circuits EarthFault Loop Impedance – ( Ohm’s )
Ze)- Used to describe part of the Earth Loop Impedance ( External to the Installation )
R1)- Used to describe the Impedance of the Line conductor ( Ohm’s – Table 9A )
R2)- Used to describe the Impedance of the circuitprotective conductor( Ohm’s Table 9A )
Length)- Length of circuit from supply to FURTHESTpoint . ( in Metre(s) )
O.S.G.– Table 9B or 9C multiplier (- Factor applied to allow for Expected Ambient Temperatureor conductor résistance at Maximum Operating Temperature ( respectively )

( Zs = Ze + ( R1 + R2 )

Theactual ( Zs ) is the sum of all the Impedance that are present in a Circuit(s) Earth Fault Path .
2391-10/ 2392-10 . Designing

Multipliersare used by the Designer & are required to allow for one of the following .??

O.S.G.- Table 9B So the Designer can give valueof résistance at the Ambient Temperature expected during the Test ( 20°C is classedas 1 )
O.S.G.- Table 9C So the Designer can give valueof résistance at the conductors Maximum Operating Temperatures .

Acircuit supplying a ( D/B ) where a muilti core armoured cable is clippeddirect using 50 ( Metres ) of militia core – 25.0mm[SUP]2[/SUP]/ 70°C armoured ThermoplasticInsulated Cable . The bunched CPC conductor size is ( 16.0mm[SUP]2[/SUP] ) The Ze – is ( 0.5Ω ) Calculate the Earth Loop Impedance in Ohm’sat the Maximum Operating Temperature . ??

i) Write down the formulas & obtain thevalues for each part .

Zs = Ze + ( R1 + R2 ) -------- ( R1 + R2 = Table 9A – 1000 x L x Table / 9B or 9C )

Ze= 0.5Ω )- R1 + R2 must be calculated ( L = 50 m )

ii)Obtain the value for ( R1 + R2 ) in Ohm’s

UsingTable 9A we can see that the Résistance . in mili-ohms per metre . of 25.0mm[SUP]2 [/SUP]& 16.0mm[SUP]2[/SUP] is ( ►►1.877mΩ/m )

iii)Obtain the multiplier from 9C .

TheLine & Earth conductors are part of a Thermoplastic multicore cable so are classedas incorporated in a cable or bunched giving us a value of ( 1.20 ) Input all values into the ( R1 + R2 ) formula

R1+ R2 = 1.877 --- 1000 x 50 x 1.20 = 0.11Ω

iv)Input the values into the main ( Zs ) formula & Calculate ( Zs ) at theMaximum Conductor Operating Temperature

Zs= 0.5 + 0.11 = 0.61Ω

Note)- if the ( R1 + R2 ) values is Measured this can be added to ( Ze ) to givethe Total ( Zs )
Apprentices( Dead Testing ) Ring / Radial . Basic(s)

Measuring( R1 + R2 ) for the Ring Final Circuit is straight forward . Unit in Ohm’s
ByWay of Testing between BOTH ENDS of the Line & likewise for the CPC.

MeasuringRadial Circuit .
TheMeasurement can be determined by Testing ► ACROSSLine & CPC

Line to CPC . Why . if we Test withoutthem being connected – We would have an Open Circuit . Yeah .
( Line & CPC on &Connector Block ) Megger 1552 – One lead on the Line .& the other lead on the CPC . We have a Closed Circuit - LOOP )

PS.We are making a Loop . “ Radial “ Only for Testing Purposes .
Notlike the Ring a Continuous Loop ( “ Ring“ ) final circuit

-&-s. Ring - 4 Liveconductors . 2 . CPC / Earthing ( 6 –wires in a Ring )
2x Line . 2 x Neutral = 4 . Live conductors.

Beforeyou thing old Amber is of his Head .? Neutralis classed as Live conductor .
Apprentices. Basic(s) DeadTests

Key Principle(s) of theInspection & Testing of Electrical Installation 2392-10 / Apprentices

Thefollowing Tests . Where relevant . are to be Tested “ Preferably“ in the Sequence indicated .

612.2.1.- Continuity of protective conductors . including Main & SupplementaryEquipotential bonding . ( Do we have a Earthing)
612.2.2.- Continuity of Ring Final Circuit Conductors .( Do we have correct Polarity / Continuity Method ) L/L . N/N . CPC/CPC . ( So the Earthing is True )

Beforewe hit any more Tests )- 612.2.1. / 612.2.2.You have Tested / Checked – We have an Earthing .Continuity – Polarity– The Ring is complete .

Atthis Stage ?? As a Tester 2392-10
Oneof the main reasons the 17[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition . Harp on about Testing. Where relevant . are to be Tested “ Preferably“in the Sequence . Etc
BasicProtection ( ADS ) → need an EARTH .

PS. This is just one important point. Am making.

Firstthing I do Testing ( PEFC ) Live Test : Externalto the Building . Do we have an Earth

Earth must have a LowImpedance . The possibility exist that a Fault Current will cause a High current to flow into theEarth ( ADS ) RCD will Trip .

Scenario: The Importance of Earthing . Washing machines – Class 1 . !
Protectagainst any Electrical Shock “ Dangerous Voltage “ on Metal Parts in our DomesticInstallation(s) ? from Line to Earth Fault must be Quickly removed by opening the CircuitOvercurrent Protection device . ( The RCD will trip before the MCB ) if we havea Overload . The 13A fuse will be thingabout - RCD

Regulation(- p/27 – Overcurrent )
Acurrent exceeding the RATED value . For conductors the RATED value is thecurrent-carrying-capacity . ( C.C.C. )

Overload Current (- An Overcurrent occurring in a circuit whichis Electrically Sound )- “ Short Circuit “ Occurring in a Health Circuit(s) “

LowImpedance Fault Path
Aswe can see . The Impedance of the Fault Current plays a CRITIAL & VITAL role in REMOVING Dangerous Voltages .

TheImpedance of the Fault Current part must be Permanent & ElectricallyContinuous .
Capableof Safety carrying the MAXIMUM FAULT likely to be IMPOSED on it . & it musthave SUFFICIETLY Low Impedance to facilitate the Operation of OvercurrentDevices under Fault Conditions .

TheOnly time an Earth is Live is ( UnderFault Conditions )
ContinuityTests – A Continuity test is a Test of circuit Integrityto determine if a circuit is COMPLETE between TWO POINTS . (No Open Circuits ) A to B .

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