View the thread, titled "***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians & Apprentices***" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.



O.S.G.. The use of other methods’ of determining Maximum Demand is Not Precludedwhere Specified by the Installation Designer

FirstlyI make no Apologies for the Way am Writing on any Matters . it can be a first day Apprentice or some one Needing aJog of Memory .
Sowe are all in the Same Boat . “ To Learn “

For the Apprentices . The Day we stop learning is the Day we hang Upour Tool-Bag

CookerDesign Current Calculations

Thefirst thing you have to do is get Your Head around the Calculations !!

(From a Design point of View ) 2392-10

DomesticInstallation Oven(s) & Hob(s) are to be Calculated upon their MAXIMUM LOADING
Startwith a simple Calculation ( An Oven has a rating of 2kW ) 2000

(I = P/V ) Formula … I = 2000 ÷ 230V = 8.70A …. Weare Using the Unit Amps

2392-10/ Domestic Installation Oven(s)

Ovenhas 4 Rings ( 2 x 1kW ) & ( 2 x 1.5kW ) & Grill ( 2kW ) & Oven (3kW )

-Controlled via a CookerSwitch with a Socket outlet .

Asa Designer . we’ll have to Apply Diversity ??

Important )- Diversity allowance to be Applied to the FULL LOAD CURRENT for CookingAppliances .

TheO.S.G. is telling us . Purpose of the Final Circuit fed from theConductors )
O.S.G.Table 1B p/97 – column (3) Cooking Appliances → At the Top of the Page Note : Type ofPremises ( 2392-10 → Household Installations ) Domestic Installation(s)

DomesticInstallation(s) Only O.S.G. - 10A + 30% f.l – Full Load ) of connected Cooking Appliances in the Excess of 10A+ 5A if a socket-outlet is incorporated in the Control Unit . ( C.C.U. ) – 45A + 13A Socket Switched with Neon .

Fromyour point of View ( The First 10A ofthe rated current plus 30% of the reminder ( Plus) 5A if the Control Unit incorporates s Socket.

Calculations)- You bank “ Hold OFF“ the first 10 Amps of the Maximum Load Current )
The10A will be used at the End of the Calculations’

-So your Work out the Total Power Rating & then calculate the Full Load Current

Calculations)- Power = ( 2 x 1 ) + ( 2 x 1.5 ) + ( 2+ 3 ) = 10kW

I= 10000 ÷ 230V = 43.48A … round it up to the first four numbers43.47826087 ( 48 ) 43.48A

UsingDiversity allowance stated ↑↑ ( 43.48A sub 10A = 33.48A )

I= 33.48 x 30 ÷ 100 = 10.04A

Youradding the ( 5A ) for Socket outlet . I = 10A + 10.04 + 5A = 25.04A )- Asa Designer this is your Expected Current Demand .

Remember )- Supply Cables Rated to suit DesignCurrent ( Iz ) :)
Sequenceof Tests : 2392-10
Point to Note )- The Danger is compounded if Tests are NOT carried out in the CorrectSequence .

SomeTests require the Supply to be On . -&-s . will come up on this Matter .

BS-7671.States the Order weshould carry out the Tests .
Approved Document P . Electrical Safety – Dwellings .

Note : Lackof Knowledge of a Regulation is No Defence in Law .

Electricians’ Guide to the Building Regulations
ApprovedDocument P .

p/16)- ( P1 ) Design Installation .
Reasonableprovision shall be made in the Design & Installation of electrical installationin order to protect person operating . maintaining or altering the installationfrom Fire or Injury .

BuildingRegulations - ( BR ) p/7 .
ApprovedDocuments are intended to prove guidance for some of the more common buildingsituations . However there may well be alternative ways of achieving compliancewith the requirements .

Thusthere is No Obligation to adopt any particular solution contained in an ApprovedDocument if you prefer to meetthe relevant requirement in some other way .

Asfor -&-s )- ADwelling is a place of Work when work is Undertaken . p/9
This( ACT ◄◄◄) Empowers the “ SECRETARYof STATE “ ( -&-s) to make Regulations . Etc.
2392-10: Just an Insight . to some Testingmethods :waving:

EarthLoop Impedance ( Zs )

612.11. Prospective Fault Current . ( PFC )
Whendesigning an Installation . 2392-10 – it is theDesigner’s ( You) responsibility to ensure that . Should a Line –to Earth Fault develop .
TheProtective Device will operate safety & withinthe time Specified by BS-7671 .

Itis ” NOT “ until the Installation is complete& “ Live “ that the calculations can be “ Checked “ ( Energized )

What -&-s are looking for)- it is Necessary therefore to “ Determine “the Earth Fault Loop Impedance ( Zs )
Atthe “ Furthest Point “ in each circuit & to “ Compare the Reading “ obtained with calculated valuesTabulated in BS-7671 or the O.S.G.

2392-10)- With an Earth Loop Impedance Tester ◄◄ ( For the purpose of -&-s ) You will beUsing a Megger multifunction tester –MFT 1552 ??
Thevalue of Earth Fault Loop Impedance ( Zs ) may be“ Determined by ?

)- Direct Measurement of ( Zs ) at the furthestpoint in the Circuit .

MaximumPermissible Measured Earth Fault LoopImpedance .

“ Wording“ Note .
O.S.G.– p/103 )- Table 2D gives the Maximum Measured ◄( Zs ) for circuits protected by MCBs to BS-EN 60898 & BS-EN 61009-1 ( At Ambient Temperature ) ◄ ( 0.1 to 5s . disconnectiontimes )
Thetabulated values apply only when the Nominal Voltage to Earth ( Uo ) is 230V . scenario only . PFC – 230 /Uo ÷ 1.16 = 198A . – ( B – 32A – 1.16 )
(PFC ) - Although the Designer can calculate this in theory .
Regulation41.3. p/49 )- Maximum ◄ Earth Fault Impedance( Zs ) Compliance with ( 0.4s – 5s )

)- Direct Measurement of ( Ze ) for-&-s ( At the Origin of the Circuit ) &adding value of ( R1 + R2) measured during ( Continuity Tests )

ElectricitySupplier )- Obtaining the value of ( Ze ) from the DNO. & adding to this value of ( R1 + R2 ) … Zs = Ze + ( R1+ R2 )

(Ze ) this is a Live Test . ( So –Ze is the Loop Impedance value External to the Source of the Circuit(s) Supply)
(Ze ) Live at the Incoming Terminals ) -&-s are looking for ( Safe Isolation ) You are only testing the Top of the MainsTails Live . The bottom has been ( Safe Isolation)

► DirectMeasurement of ( Zs)
Earth Fault Loop Impedance isachieved by use of an Earth Fault Impedance Tester . This Instrument operatesfrom the “ Main Supply “ & therefore canonly be used on a “ Live Installation “ ( Care must beTaken Here )
Testersare connected directly to the “ Furthest Point “ of the Circuit – it must be Noted that Parallel Paths may be present whichwill affect the True Circuits Earth Loop Impedance Reading .

Measurement of ( Ze )
Thevalue of ( Ze ) can be Measured using an Earth Fault Loop Impedance Test at the“ ORIGIN “ of the Installation .

Megger multi function tester – MFT 1552 ??
Theinstrument is connected using approved Leads between the “ Line “ terminal of the Supply & the means ofEarthing . ( with the Main switch closed OFF /Isolated )

2392-10)- -&-s . In order to remove the possibility of Parallel Paths . The meansof Earthing must be Disconnected from the Main Protective Bonding conductors -&-sfor the duration of the TEST.

Measurement of Prospective Fault Current ( PFC &PSCC )
ThisTest is made with an Earth Fault Loop Impedance Tester set to Amps
TheProspective Fault Current . Which is how much current will flow in the event ofa Fault . is divided into two-parts .
ProspectiveEarth Fault Current ( Line to Earth Fault )
The( PFC ) test is measured at the furthest point or can be calculated using the (Zs ) value
The( PFC - Test ) is made at the Origin of the Installation & its value .Obtained in ( kA ) is then compared to the Fault Current ratings of theProtective Devices .

(PFC ) & ( PSCC ) tests are actually both carried out at the relevant point& the Higher of the Two-Values is recorded in particulars of the Origin ofthe Installation .

Insulation Résistance . Tests should be made on a Dead Test .

Competenceof the Inspector .
A finalconsideration when carrying out Inspection & Tests is the competence of theInspector . ( it is the Responsibility of the Inspector to )

132.1– ( i ) • Ensure no Danger occurs to People . Property & Livestock .
• Confirmthat Test & Inspection results comply with the requirements of BS-7671:2008. & the designers requirements .
• Expressan Opinion as to the condition of the Installation & recommend remedialwork(s) .
• Makeimmediate recommendations . in the event of a dangerous situation . to the Client to Isolate the Defective Part(s) -&-s
InspectionRequirements : 2392-10

Requirementsfor both Basic & FaultProtection .

ElectricalSeparation . Which means NO ElectricalConnection between the SELV Circuit & HIGHER VOLTAGE SYSTEMS .
2392-101: The Customer .

FollowingInitial Verification . BS-7671 requires that an Electrical InstallationCertificate .
Togetherwith a Schedule of Test Results & an Inspection Schedule .

Shouldbe given to the person ordering the Work .

Initial Verification 632.1. ..2392-10 Exam ◄◄ . -&-s Should be given to theperson ordering the Work
Unlessthis has be Done “ The Regulations have Not been MET.

Calculation – gives you theFigure that it should be .
Measurement – give you theFigure that it is .
Where an Earth Electrode is to be used considerationmust be given to the Earth Electrode .
Inmost cases . we accept that the Electrode Résistance must be no Greater than ( 200Ω )

Wherean Electrode is used for any RCD with a rating Greater than ( 200mA ) theformula ( Ra ≤ 50 / I∆n ) is applied .

Wherea ( 300mA ) RCD is to be used for FireProtection . ( 50 ÷ 0.3 = 167Ω )

Thiswould be the maximum permitted résistance of the Electrode & the protectiveconductor connecting it to any Exposed Conductive Parts .
Table11A ) Rating Factor(s) for triple harmonic currents in four-core &five-core cables
Balancedthree phase load is to be installed which has adesign current of ( 26A )

Manufacturerhas stated that the equipment being installed has a harmonic distortion of ( 30% )
Therating factor of ( 0.86 ) Table 11A – BS-7671can be applied to calculate the minimum permissible rating for the conductor ( 26A ÷ 0.86 = 30.23A )

Table11A – BS-7671 . p/356 .

Therating factor of ( 0.86 ) can be used only forequipment with Harmonic Distortion of up to ( 33%) p/356
Abovethat the calculation has to include the percentage distortion .
Harmonicdistortion for the equipment ( 45% ) …. 26A x 45% ÷ 100 x ( 3) = 35.14 .
3) it is a three-phase supply .

three-phasecircuit(s) . triple harmonic neutral currents [ 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] . 9[SUP]th[/SUP] . 15[SUP]th[/SUP] . ] etc
causethe largest concern as they add instead of cancelling . since they aremultiples of three times the – Fundamental power frequency & are spacedapart by ( 120 Electricaldegrees )
basedon the fundamental frequency . triple harmonic currents of each phase are inphase with each other & so add in the neutralcircuit . Under the worst case conditions . the neutral current can be ( 1.73 times ) the phase current .

greatdeal of electronic equipment requires what is known as ( Clean Power Earth ) unfortunately .
itis the high-frequency harmonic currents due to the switch mode power supplies whichcause the distortions in the first place .
thesedistortions can also have an adverse effect on ( the Earthingsystem of Installation(s) particular lot of PCs in use . These distortionsare often the cause of noise bars on PCs . monitors. in these cases consideration must be given to providing a copper Earth mat which is connected to a very good Earth& connecting each piece of ( IT equipment separately )
Forall cables over 16.0mm[SUP]2[/SUP]there are Three-values given for Volt –drop [ r . x . & y . ]
Thereis a complex calculation in which these values can be used to calculate areduced voltage drop within a cable depending on the conductor temperature .

Anyoneusing cables greater than 16.0mm[SUP]2[/SUP] would be to use the Value ( r) in the voltage drop calculation as this will always give a value which is onthe right side of SAFE
Apprentices. RCDs

TheTerm “ Additional Protection “ is usedthroughout the “ 17[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition “ The use of RCDsare recognised as a means of providing additional protection in the event ofFailure of the provision for “ Basic Protection

Asan “ Additional Means ” of “ Fault Protection “& to protect againstCarelessness by USERS.

Fromyou point of View ??
Ifan RCD is Used to provide “ Additional Protection“ it then meet the requirements of Regulation 415.1.1.Thatis . The RCD must have a rated Residual Operating Current not Exceeding ( 30mA ) & an operating time NOT Exceeding ( 40mS ) at ( 5 x therated current ) . Yeah

Thisone you will get in 2392-10 Exams . “ AdditionalProtection “ :earmuffs:
Therequirements of Regulation 314.1.. Division of Installation . :6:

Needto be taken into account when designing & installing the circuit protectivearrangements . 314.1. State(s) that Every Installationshall be divided into circuits as necessary:

i)Avoid hazards & minimize inconvenience in the event of a Fault .
iii)Take account of Danger that may arise from the Failure of a Single Circuitsuch as a Lighting Circuit .
iv)Reduce the possibility of Unwanted Tripping of RCDsdue to excessive protective conductor current produced by equipment in Normal Operation .

Apprentices )- This means a Single RCD cannot be Used toProtect the Whole Installation . As in the Event of a Fault . Power will be Lostto all Circuit potentiallycausing Hazards . ( Inconvenience & Danger )

So)- Therefore Multiple Devices should be Installed to protect the Outgoingcircuits & should also be ( SPLITacross the RCD )

Apprentices. RCDs :39:

Scenario)- Shower – PowerCircuit . ( Remember – No Diversity on a Shower . 100% )
(RCBO ) 40A upto 50A
RCBO. Type ( B ) SP / 50A – 30mA – ( 6kA ) ….. 50A . is Breaking Capacity / 30mA . isFault Prospective Current . ( it meets the criteria of the 17[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition – ADS)

IndividualProtection for Designated ( Single ) Circuit . ?
(RCBO ) is a ( MCB / RCD ) Functions ofprotection against ( Overload & / or Short Circuit ) Regulations . Definitions – p/29

( MCB) from same Origin ( Overcurrent )
50A- B . Type – This means it will tripbetween ( 3 & 5) time Full Load Current
B . Type– is Used on Domestic Installation(s)

Asa Designer . the ( RCBO is about £ 50 + Vat )
Asa Designer . the ( MCB is about £ 3 pounds + Vat )
Asa Designer . It all comes down to COST ./ Client

So the Designer may not have the last say on this Matter .
Designing )- Trunking : Calculations.
Trunkingcontains ( 5 – Three-phase & 3 – Single-phase Circuits )
Equivalentnumber of Single Circuits .

5x 1.5 = 7.5.
7.5+ 3 = 10.5 . in this case a rating factor of ( 0.51) could be Used ( 4C1 )

Equivalentnumber of Three-phase circuits .

3x 0.666 = 1.998 – round up ( 2 )
2+ 5 = 7 )- in this case a rating factor of ( 0.54) could be used ( 4C1 )

Whencalculating the cable size use the Three-phase factor for Three-phase circuits. In this case ( 0.54 )

&Single-phase factor for Single-phase circuits . in this case ( 0.51 )
Designing )- Trunking : Calculations. Part ( 5)

Designing )- part ( 4 )
Ambienttemperature factor ( Ca ) = 0.87
Groupingfactor ( Cg ) = 0.7
Tabulatedcurrent rating of the cable is ( 24A )
Asthe circuit is in Conduit at ( 40°C ) &grouped with two-other circuits both rating factors must be Applied .

24 x 0.87x 0.7 = 14.61A

Asyou can see . This now reduces the current-carrying capacity to ( 14.61A ) Thisis due to the likely build up of temperature in the cable from being at agreater Ambient temperature ( 30°C ) & theimported Heat from the OtherCables .
Whereall the rating factors do not affect the cable(s) . at the same time only the Worst case needs to be Applied – in this case ( Cg 0.7 ) in other words .
Ifthe conduit passes through an Environment at ( 40°C ) withonly one cable in & then Enters another roomwhich has a temperature of ( 30°C ) but picksup another two circuits in the room . Only the Worst case needs to be Appliedto your cable . This would be ( Cg0.7 )

Insome installation(s) . Three-&Single-phase circuit(s)will be contained in the same Enclosure .
Table. ( 4C1 ) only provides factors for ( Uniform Groups of Cables) . if all of the cables are Three-phase then each Three-phase circuit iscounted as ( One Circuit )
Thefactors from table can be used just as they can for ( Single-phase-circuit(s)This is not the case where there are ( Single-&Three-phase circuit(s) mixed together . & slightly differentapproach to ( Grouping ) has to be taken .

Toestimate the grouping factors for Three-phase circuit(s) in a containmentsystem having mixed groups we must ( Multiply theNumber ) of Three-phase circuit(s) by ( 1.5) then add this number to the number of ( Singlecircuits ) This will give us a figure to USEwith table ( 4C1 )

Estimatingthe grouping factor for ( Single-phase circuits) in a mixed containment system . We must ( Multiplythe number of Single-phase circuits by 0.666 ) & then add this to the number of ( Three-phase circuit(s)
Designing )- part ( 3 )
2.5mm[SUP]2[/SUP] cable can carry ( 24A )before any ( Correction Factors ) are applied .To calculate the amount of current which the cable can carry before it needs tobe counted as ( A Circuit ) as a circuit in ourgrouping calculation the following formula can be Used

24 x 0.3 x 0.7 = 5.04A )

24 )- is the rating factor ofthe cable from ( column 4 ) table ( 4D1A ) ( 0.3 ) is the multiplier for ( 30%) & ( 0.7) is the grouping factor / Example 2 -
Usingthis calculation shows us that the ( 2.5mm[SUP]2 [/SUP])cable was only carrying ( 5.04A ) we could discount it from our groupingcalculation . for the remaining circuits only a grouping factor for two circuits( 0.8 ) need applied .

Theimportant thing to remember is that for a cable to be discounted for groupingit must only be carrying ( 30% ) of its capacity with the grouping factor forall of the circuits applied . Hence in our example the grouping factor forThree-phase circuits was applied to the ( 2.5mm[SUP]2 [/SUP])cable which has been discounted in the calculation .

Ifwe now look at examples ( 1 & 2 ) again . it is possible that the cable beinstalled in a conduit with two-other-circuits & the Ambient Temperature ofthe Area where the conduit is installed (40°C ) in this case . both correction factorsmust be Applied to the circuit to be installed .
Thiswould result in a further reduction of Current-Carrying Capacity for the circuit .

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