How long does it take you to do a Domestic rewire? | Page 4 | on ElectriciansForums

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For arguments sake lets assume it is a 3 bed semi with normal pendant lights and normal socket numbers and the house is lived in by a family of 4 people
JRC, serious question for you.

Why if you are happy with your work and the amount you have done. Are you getting so involved in defending it? You also don't seem to accept criticism which has come you way.

Its not like we are talking to your customers about this or doing anything giving your business a bad name.

Yes I have my doubts that you have done thousands of rewires but that argument has come and gone.

The simple answer is that everything on here is in the public domain. So I would say this has painted my business in a bad light. I have potential customers who could come across this and in my opinion a lot of the previous stuff was defamatory. I asked for a critique of my website not my business model.You don't agree this is potentially damaging for my business ? What if the lady who I just promised Id rewire her house in 3 days stumbles across this witchhunt? Just because some idiot in another country can't grasp that people can rewire houses quicker and better than he can, he immediately makes it known that what I do is impossible or to a **** standard ? Thats why, its damaging to my business and otherwise excellent reputation.
I have rewired houses since the early eighties for SEC, employed on the cards , there was lots of work time limits were tight and more so if you had a lad ,your time would be reduced ,there was always a schedule in place, council surface rewires had to be done in 2 days with 2 men . I was fast , most of the other lads knew it and said so.
I can honestly say the quality of work was not as you would have liked , the pressure was allways there, you did your best , what suffered most of all was customers furniture , carpets and decoration , with more time areas could be cleared better and for work to start and the general finnish off the plastering greatly improved along with the standard of workmanship.
It was a relief to become self employed. I give more time to doing the job and the customer are much happier rather than paying top wack and trying to get out as quick as you can , and damaging their property
I have rewired houses since the early eighties for SEC, employed on the cards , there was lots of work time limits were tight and more so if you had a lad ,your time would be reduced ,there was always a schedule in place, council surface rewires had to be done in 2 days with 2 men . I was fast , most of the other lads knew it and said so.
I can honestly say the quality of work was not as you would have liked , the pressure was allways there, you did your best , what suffered most of all was customers furniture , carpets and decoration , with more time areas could be cleared better and for work to start and the general finnish off the plastering greatly improved along with the standard of workmanship.
It was a relief to become self employed. I give more time to doing the job and the customer are much happier rather than paying top wack and trying to get out as quick as you can , and damaging their property

Agreed, always maintained my council rewires were pretty rough but thats not to say I wasn't capable of a decent job. Our rewires now are of excellent standard. In particular the last one I completed was mint. My labourer is trained carpet fitter too with all the tools. House was properly cleaned top to bottom and you would never know the carpets had been up. Excellent job done in 4 days, that was not an easy job though.
I think its perfectly natural to defend my business, especially when I have people trying at every opportunity to shoot it down, and all in view of the public.

Well address those concerns to those who 'shoot it down'! Not me!

You don't think that if you were doing the same job, lets say kitchen fitting , for around 10 years almost every day, you would get really fast at it while still maintaining quality?

To a point, I agree, but there comes a point when you reach a fine line between good work but fast and faster work and slapdash. Like a racing driver always pushing for that faster lap! Yes he's going to keep on getting better and better and better, but one day he's going to spin off! The rate at which you may be able to knock out a house round your way, 2 days for 3 guys? We're talking either really small houses or substandard work. Round my way there ain't a hope in hell of you being able to keep an average rewire time of 2 days! Like I said, too many variables. I have no doubt you can bash out an ex council two up two down terrace, similar in size and shape to the hundreds you used to do with your previous company in two days with three lads, I probably could too, but you cannot apply those timescales to every house and every job!

How long would your rewire take if I aksed you to do a standard three bedroom semi, only the lighting system throughout was going to be a Lutron Homeworks QS system with say... 80 zones? Add to that a minimum of one data point in each room, HDMI port in 5 rooms, Sky, coax, burglar alarm, garage supply etc.... Oh, and the four external walls were made out of bungaroosh! 2-3 days my backside lol!
The simple answer is that everything on here is in the public domain.

Exactly, so be careful what you wish for!

I asked for a critique of my website not my business model

They are one and the same thing

Thats why, its damaging to my business and otherwise excellent reputation.

What's also damaging to others businesses is the countless false and misrepresenting statements made on your website that paint you out to be better than them.

You seem to want to have your cake and eat it!
Well address those concerns to those who 'shoot it down'! Not me!

To a point, I agree, but there comes a point when you reach a fine line between good work but fast and faster work and slapdash. Like a racing driver always pushing for that faster lap! Yes he's going to keep on getting better and better and better, but one day he's going to spin off! The rate at which you may be able to knock out a house round your way, 2 days for 3 guys? We're talking either really small houses or substandard work. Round my way there ain't a hope in hell of you being able to keep an average rewire time of 2 days! Like I said, too many variables. I have no doubt you can bash out an ex council two up two down terrace, similar in size and shape to the hundreds you used to do with your previous company in two days with three lads, I probably could too, but you cannot apply those timescales to every house and every job!

How long would your rewire take if I aksed you to do a standard three bedroom semi, only the lighting system throughout was going to be a Lutron Homeworks QS system with say... 80 zones? Add to that a minimum of one data point in each room, HDMI port in 5 rooms, Sky, coax, burglar alarm, garage supply etc.... Oh, and the four external walls were made out of bungaroosh! 2-3 days my backside lol!

man you are hardwork, its common sense a house with spec is not going to be done in that time. Thankfully the majority of my work is straightforward, perhaps networking and coaxils at most.
man you are hardwork

No, I'm just pointing out the obvious!

I have not disagreed with you once about your claims of rewire speed, I have only said that with great speed comes the risk of missing more! A true statement that you could address but choose not to.

I haven't said your work is pants, neither have I tried to discredit your business (just thought I'd get that in there before more accusations of libel start filling my screen!), all I have said is that people's work will inevitably be better, how much so is up for debate, when they take their time!
For me it is about the quality of the work carried out and not how fast you can get out of the place, D.Skelton raises some very sensible points. If you rush these things there is more chance for it to go wrong, we have got peoples lives in our hands at the end of the day. I would rather take my time and be able to sleep easy knowing that I have done a safe job, I don't know if the same can be guaranteed if your going at 500mph. Just my opinion.
The simple answer is that everything on here is in the public domain. So I would say this has painted my business in a bad light. I have potential customers who could come across this and in my opinion a lot of the previous stuff was defamatory. I asked for a critique of my website not my business model.You don't agree this is potentially damaging for my business ? What if the lady who I just promised Id rewire her house in 3 days stumbles across this witchhunt? Just because some idiot in another country can't grasp that people can rewire houses quicker and better than he can, he immediately makes it known that what I do is impossible or to a **** standard ? Thats why, its damaging to my business and otherwise excellent reputation.

when i first seen ur thread i thought very clever stick that on here and a couple thousand people will click on your website and it will go to the top of the google search , i would have done the same , but you must have known what the guys on here are like ( not stupid or gullible ) , you cant put on i have done 3000 rewires and i have done 3 a week every week for the last few years, i don't doubt you have done a lot of rewires but to me you are claiming rewires that former companies you have worked for have done and not you personally which is crazy , this forum comes up on google for every electrical question so in trying to get your website noticed , it may have done your company irreversible damage
JRC, I know we spoke about this via email and said I'd keep quiet, which I will, but do you not see a pattern here here everyone on here says what you are claiming is a little iffy and seems suspect, and not only that there's nothing good about bragging about light speed rewires.

I still stand by my comments and say to wire the average house properly to a good standard will take 7 - 10 days.

I do not know you so will not say anything too bad, but maybe in future you should choose to distance your self and remain anonymous as to avoid such issues.

I and the majority of people on here will probably not tell you who they are for this very reason, not that they have got anything to hide, but because they don't want the bad press when tangled up in a pickle like this.

I might well undercharge my work, take ages and do half the number of jobs, but I know I have always done my best and never rushed a job to enhance an already suspect figure on my website. Clearly making claims like this you will be rushing, it is not possible to carry out this amount of work in the said time without rushing, and as others have said, rushing generally means cutting corners and mistakes.

Im not going over this again, but 3000 rewires, I personally do not believe it, I'm not saying its not true, but I don't buy it, and if I was going to get you to do some work, I'd look and say your 29 and you say you have done over 3000 rewires, it would instantly then ring alarm bells about your other information on your website as to it's validity and how good you are.

Just admit you were looking for cheap advertising via the forum. You’ve been exposed as a charlatan by your betters. I was going to say your peers but you don’t warrant that accolade.

I find it amusing you state on your site “member of several sites” if anyone follows that up it could lead them here. You have been your own worse enemy by exaggerating your business. So now you find yourself with detrimental but honest comments.

Trading standards may be interested in your misleading claims.

Mike, I apologize for diverting the thread.

I would also like a question answering JRC, you talk about super sonic rewires and lightening timescales, because they are basic rewires, but what about additional circuits. For me I am with uksparks and the others, 7- 10 days sounds more realistic! is it just me that puts dedicated circuits for smoke and heat alarms, boiler, fridge freezer etc. etc. most modern houses even 2 up 2 down surely deserve the correct amount of circuits, so what I am saying is you have got to be looking at an average of 10-12 circuits for a rewire these days. I also like to put an emergency bulkhead above the cu to make life easier when everything as tripped at 10 o'clock at night.
I would also like a question answering JRC, you talk about super sonic rewires and lightening timescales, because they are basic rewires, but what about additional circuits. For me I am with uksparks and the others, 7- 10 days sounds more realistic! is it just me that puts dedicated circuits for smoke and heat alarms, boiler, fridge freezer etc. etc. most modern houses even 2 up 2 down surely deserve the correct amount of circuits, so what I am saying is you have got to be looking at an average of 10-12 circuits for a rewire these days. I also like to put an emergency bulkhead above the cu to make life easier when everything as tripped at 10 o'clock at night.

You make good points here, I would say 12 circuits is possibly about the minimum you would put in if done with any thought. And as you say the bulkhead light, this is always something I do if not distasteful etc. the bungalow I did last, that had 4 rings, it was just more convenient doing that was as it was lived in and made getting power on quicker.
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Here we go again.....

People are forgetting how Im marketing my business and how Im selling our service. I market as an "rewire specialist" ....when people come to me they are not expecting a regular electrician.

The Maths again for anyone struggling ......365 less weekends = 261 days. I WAS rewiring almost every day for 10 years with a starting at 19, that equals 2610 rewires. Then factor in all the weekends I did over that 10 years and the rewires Ive complete with JRC....thats where I get my figures....Dont believe it ? who cares the people who matter do.

For clarification basic rewire includes Shower/Cooker/2 Rings/2 lights/heating/smokies and bonding. Ive never claimed my basic 2/3 day rewires have emergency bulk heads,individual freezer circuits ,lutron lighting, hdmi ports........Im sorry but when advertising Im under the impression you offer your best case scenario to attract customer. To me thats simple business marketing. "we can rewire your house in 2 days but if you add extras such as hdmi ports we may take 4 days" just doesn't have a nice ring to it.

Ok so JRC have done 3000 rewires may not be strictly true but considering how involved I am with my current rewires , to the extent of still doing all the dirty work, I think its fair to say the key man of JRC and the man who will be in rewiring your home , has experience in 3000 rewires. I don't think my customers would be to concerned with that comment.

Since Im genuinely defending my claims and making no attempt to pull the wool over anyones eyes despite how far fetched you may think they are, I don't think its fair the way my posts are treated. People are not genuinely questioning my claims but offer a blinkered opinion on how its impossible.

Just admit you were looking for cheap advertising via the forum. You’ve been exposed as a charlatan by your betters. I was going to say your peers but you don’t warrant that accolade.

I find it amusing you state on your site “member of several sites” if anyone follows that up it could lead them here. You have been your own worse enemy by exaggerating your business. So now you find yourself with detrimental but honest comments.

Trading standards may be interested in your misleading claims.

Mike, I apologize for diverting the thread.

Its post like this that are damaging and totally irrelevant.

Im still genuinely defending my claims and welcome and questions related to them. Peoples assumptions about my business are purely speculation an you have no proof that Im not doing as I claim. For this reason, Im going to ask does anyone have an objection to the threads being moved to the electricians arms ? Im perfectly happy to continue any debates but as there is no evidence of either sides claims, I don't think its fair its in the public domain.
Its post like this that are damaging and totally irrelevant.

Im still genuinely defending my claims and welcome and questions related to them. Peoples assumptions about my business are purely speculation an you have no proof that Im not doing as I claim. For this reason, Im going to ask does anyone have an objection to the threads being moved to the electricians arms ? Im perfectly happy to continue any debates but as there is no evidence of either sides claims, I don't think its fair its in the public domain.
Oh bloody hell does that mean we are not even safe in there from you now! :bigcry:
It is not for me to make that decision, but on that subject I would like to apologise to MDJ, for his thread being hijacked this way, he started a good thread and it as gone down the pan, so I am going to keep quiet now.
Thought you were keeping quite ?

Four directorships and a recently sold business at 31 ? ...Have you nothing better to do on a sunday morning ? If anyones talking **** its you.

I wish I read your profile sooner are "quite new to the trade, slowly but surely building up experience" and "lesser experienced than some" what gives you the right to question my work ?

Completely ignorant....your new to the trade ...that means you have little experience, so stick at it , maybe you will get your rewires to 6 days in a few years. So tell me how long have you been a UKspark? Ive been in the trade for around 13 years....its it not basic logic that I will be better and faster than you ?

As we both agreed in PM its best we stop, you didn't stick to your promise.Sorry.

Edit - You have done plenty homework on me so Ive done some on you. Im sorry but your posts relevant to mines suggest you are an established experienced electrician. You suggest your opinion is made based on experience in particular how you rewire houses. Im sorry mate but reading some of your other posts throughout the forum suggest the COMPLETE opposite.
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